Keep The Faith

Keep The Faith

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Love it! Such an uplifting song and a super message. I used to be on the road when Dangerous was out and I would have the cassette version so I would rewind this song over and over again, and sing along with it in the car all day long- LOL It just kept me going- his vocals- the gospel sound of it- everything - just magical!!:clapping:
LOVE this song. It's in the Top 25 'most played' on my ipod I think. It's helped me through so many dark times. His voice in this song keeps me going. I've always had quotes of this song on my walls and such.
I love it, not my fave though. But I find it very inspiring!
I like it. It's filled with his encouragement and always tears came into my eyes.
Sorry ya'll this is my least favorite off the dangerous album.
Love Keep the Faith, very nice, uplifting track and Michael's vocals are great.
It's the song that carried me through the darkest times of my life. The song that I held on to when I was somewhere near the edge. The song that saved me and still does.
I guess no words can say what Keep The Faith means to me.
I love it. Funny though, it was one of the song which I did not like much at the beginning and then it became one of my favorites.
personally i don't mind it, but for mj's level of music, its one of the weaker ones for me. A little more predictable but still nice