Keep The Faith

Keep The Faith

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It is possible to strengthen when listening to this tune.
There is MJ in my mind for a long time.
Through all eternity.
i LOVE this song! i feel the power and strength when listening to this song.
it's definitely one of my favorites in the Dangerous album!
i love this song!
it makes me feel quite emotional
at times
but when i feel down i usually listen to it and the message
its trying to get across
sorta makes me realize iv gotta believe in myself ect.
when iv listened to it i feel :)
its a song i cant skip lol
I think the Alternative Version is better.
I looooovvve it! I'm in a can't stop listening to it phase at the moment and has helped me through a lot so I am very thankful for that.
It's okay. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel slightly guilty for not loving it though, as I've heard Michael put a lot into the track.
It's okay. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel slightly guilty for not loving it though, as I've heard Michael put a lot into the track.
Keep The Faith is truly a work of art. It has such an inspirational message. I L.O.V.E it! :wub:
This music is very good, the lyrics gives hope to you and get you up! Have a good message!
Beyond I love choir and the black gospel style.
Love love love LOVE it! I was just enjoying it last night on repeat. The rhythm is awesome...gets me in such a good mood. Last night was the first time I really listened to the whole thing. Last year when I was making sure to listen to EVERY one of Michael's songs, I had only listened to like 20 seconds before I was like...naah don't like this one. I shoulda hung in there 'cause it got really good! I ADORE it! :heart:
I LOVE Keep the Faith such a great song. I love the gospel feel to the song.
Love it. Very inspirational. So far no one hates. Let's kill anyone that does. That was a joke btw.
Totally underrated track. I can recall many times people on MJ boards talking about how much they love Dangerous and how it's their favorite MJ album, but they skip Keep The Faith. I'll never understand that.

It's right up there with my other favs Who Is It and Give In To Me and it's truly one of the best songs on the album in my opinion.
I always listen to this song when things aren't going well in my life and it always cheers me up. Very inspirational!
Keep The Faith is amazing! I have such a strong bond with this song. :wub: It always makes me feel better, stronger, ready for anything :)
I really love it, but I must admit I don't listen it a lot.
Keep The Faith? It has to be my number 1 favorite song of all time.. I simply love it.. It makes me feel like top of the world. Think positive. Make you dreams come true, Everything is possible. Let no one take you down. Believe in yourself no matter what. Always !! :wub:
Thank you michael..