Katherine to keep kids, Debbie gets visitation rights

The "spousal maintenance" is still going to be paid isn't it?

What exactly is this for?? does any one know?
$5M? lol mj didn't pay her a dime. not upfront. when she went on et she said she was gonna show them her family. mj's people freaked. she was not allowed to talk aboutmj on tv. so they PREMATURELY stopped her alimony.

once they got to her house, all her pics of the kids were taken down, she replaced them w/ pics of her dogs. aka she punk'd et big time.

so it took the trial ending for her alimony to be re-instated. so that's the '5M' people are talking about. he had paid her 3 up to that point. their agreement was around 8 or 9. so she just got it re-instated.

and smart for mj's people. b/c at that time, she wasn't seeing her kids nor was she being paid by mj so she had no reason to say what she said on the stand if she wasn't being given money and her kids....
today i got the newspaper today it comes to my house everyday :yes: so in arts scren of newspaper there was news about Katherine has the kids and they talk about Debbie :yes:
she lives in a small ass house in PALMDALE. have u ever been? not my kind of town and not the place u live in if u have jackson money.

I didn't ask you what kind of house she lives in. I asked you if you checked her bank account? It is two different things.
I am a mother myself. I can not imagine how this woman could give her kids away? Debbie lost you rights to be a mother period.
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I for one always liked her, or maybe not liked - but she never said a bad word, always stood up for Mike and even at the trial she turned the tables on the prosecution.
It's good that they reached an agreement and a big "In yo' face!" to the reporters who so badly wanted a media circus as always.:tease:
I have a problem with the thought that the kids could one day surf this forum for comfort and feeling not alone and will see how some of you are talking about their mom or even mother.
Young kids want and need their parents to be respected.
They (in contrast to most of us if not all of us) will have a chance to learn about their mother in person and they will make their choices.
Heck if you can't trust Debbie then still trust Michaels education and influence in those wonderful young children.

There's some sense in the saying: 'If you can't talk good about someone then chose to be quiet, for your own good'. (ok I've translated that from german word by word... but I know there's something like this in english native countries existing also!)
she lives in a small ass house in PALMDALE. have u ever been? not my kind of town and not the place u live in if u have jackson money.

I didn't ask you what kind of house she lives in. I asked you if you checked her bank account? It is two different things.
I am a mother myself. I can not imagine how this woman could give her kids away? Debbie lost you rights to be a mother period.
wow...well there's a reason y she works.

would ur animosity towards her be nonexistent if she 'took' the kids from mj and made him play daddy on teh weekends?
I know this was MJ's wish but...I wonder if they would be better off with a sibling? How many of the family lives in that Encino home? I hope Katherine is well enough to take care of the children. Joe said she was taking it very very hard. As long as she is in good physical health....
But why is she being paid this spousal maintenance???

it's called alimony. they agreed to a certain sum and it hasn't been paid up yet.

and i don't see anyone bitching about how much mj paid lmp...the woman he was married to for 15 months and DID NOT have his children :doh: oh yea, that's right, deb was the 'monster' that 'took' mj 'away' from the 'goddess' lmp :smilerolleyes:
I don't think anyone know what goes on behind closed doors when it came to debbie, mj and the kids, well all the best with her being an influence in the kids lives...since mj is gone, i think its fair that they have the right to know their mother, regardless of the settlements and giving up her parental rights.

I do agree with this. Although in saying that -- it must be weird for the children - they never had contact with her and now all the sudden she's in their lives? the kids need to be with the Jacksons. They are Jacksons!
if u all think lmp is a goddess then i guess diane diamond is a world class journalist... child boo...

Debbie was entitled to alimony just like any other married woman. From my understanding Debbie came from a family with money so it's not like she was a gold digger, and like SoSo said Debbie could've gotten much more, but she got 8mil and a house. That is chump change compared to what other women in Cali get, them heffas go for the jugular when getting a divorce. MJ got what he wanted most and that was 2 cute little kids, and Debbie got a horse ranch.
I know this was MJ's wish but...I wonder if they would be better off with a sibling? How many of the family lives in that Encino home? I hope Katherine is well enough to take care of the children. Joe said she was taking it very very hard. As long as she is in good physical health....
rebbie is helping out and so is latoya. a lot of the fam lives in socal so they're around.
I'm torn, I don't really know how I feel. I just want the kids to be happy and well - I just wish Michael was here :( they belong with him. I hate this whole mess!!!
I think this is probably a good arrangement. As some of ye have said, though, I do worry about Blanket. But I'm sure among Katherine, Janet, Rebbie, Debbie and the psychologist, they'll make sure that he's not at a disadvantage.

I agree