Katherine to keep kids, Debbie gets visitation rights

I really hope all goes well for the kids,and as long as the adults in their lives are responsible there's no need it shouldn't be that way.

I have concerns that I'm sure the family itself is taking into consideration, so, again, things will hopefully work out.

Just so I can voice them, my concerns are Blanket being left out. I know someone who was in a similar situation of being the third man out, and spent his life trying to compensate for it.

Also, I wonder what the arrangements are for what the kids will call Debbie. Again, cuz that could git awkward/confusing for Blanket. But I know somone in a situation like this, and things worked out for that kid. So hopefully the same will ring true for Blanket.

Such a delicate situation. I'm glad money was not part of the process.
Yeah, he acknowledged her twice... only to emphasize that he is not providing for her. Intentionally. I think that speaks volumes as well.

I would feel worse for her, but she knew exactly what she was getting into. She said herself that she wanted to give Michael children as a gift, she wanted to do something nice for him, so she had to have known that that was all she was ever going to be. I do believe she had romantic feelings toward him, but she had to have known from the very beginning that those feelings were not reciprocated, and that Michael was using her for exactly what she offered. It's always seemed from the very beginning that they had some sort of mutual agreement regarding the care for these children, and its always seemed like it was just about the children - not about their personal relationship. Therefore while unrequited love definitely bites, you can't tell me she didn't see it all along.

I agree...she must have known but you know also what they say...love is blind. Who am I to fault her for loving someone who was so easy to love?

Exactly. That's why there should not be a mother figure at all. There never was one anyway. To them, there was only daddy. Daddy is gone, but that does not mean they specifically need a mommy. You know? A loving family all around is more than enough. How confusing it will be for Paris and Prince to gain a mommy and Blanket not... it just adds more confusion which is why I don't see how Debbie suddenly in their lives as a parental figure is in their best interests. I'm seriously surprised the courts made such a decision.

^^ Agree.

I thought this would be the case. I found it disturbing that the media wanted a custody battle--as if the Baldwin/Bassinger fight wasn't hard enough to watch.

These are all reasonable people who loved Michael and love his children. He would not have wanted them to fight and they didn't.

^^ The media is a sick set. There can be discussion about what is going on like we do right here without it turning into a death match. Anything for ratings. Those press people can kiss off as far as I'm concerned.

I was worried about any possible problems at his memorial (with the crowds and all)....and all went well.

I was worried about potential custody issues.....and all seems to be going well.

Michael had a very strong spirit and I feel that he is helping a lot of this go smoothly from where ever he is and watching over all of his loved ones best interest.
Paris and Prince will not suddenly "gain a mommy" she will never be a real mother she will simply be more present in their lives. so Blanket is not being left out, the bond the three siblings have is more powerful than any bond either of them will ever have with Debbie and she knows it. and I'm sure she will treat them all in the same manner
Paris and Prince will not suddenly "gain a mommy" she will never be a real mother she will simply be more present in their lives. so Blanket is not being left out, the bond the three siblings have is more powerful than any bond either of them will ever have with Debbie and she knows it. and I'm sure she will treat them all in the same manner

I think if she is looking for visitation rights, then she is indeed looking to play a motherly figure in their lives.
I'm happy but not surprised the deal has worked out between Michael's mother Katherine and Debbie. I never thought Debbie wanted custordy of Prince and Paris. I'm not sure what they will make of her, but in reality we don't know anything about her to judge her.

I think Debbie will act as a subsitute mother to Blanket. But as some of you have pointed out he will at some point question why he hasn't got a mother in his life. I think that issue is something that would have come up in the future even if Michael was still alive. Michael said in LWMJ that Blanket was born using a surrogate mother with his sperm. And said he doesn't know who the mother is, and neither does the mother know who he is. Michael may not have been telling the truth about not knowing who Blanket's mother is, just know keep her out of the media considering Debbie Rowe doesn't really like being in the media. I hope Blanket does find out who is mother is one day. But he has a lot of love from his brother and sister Prince and Paris and his grandmother Katherine, Janet, Jackie, Rebbie, Jermaine, Tito and the whole Jackson family.
vanx, the point of them meeting and agreeing so they can present a united front to the judge on this issue. show the judge they've worked out amongst themselves and they're just looking for the 'official seal' of approval from the courts. so hopefully it all works out.

and if she will 'never' be their mother then what is she then? people have been reunited w/ family after many yrs of being apart. to say that dismisses everything katherine and debbie have been working for tokeep things civil. hell....

also, vanx, u have fans here not happy w/ her presence YET u got fans in the WHY part of the forum talking about y mj and lmp divorced and they blame it on deb...they still defend lmp, who's done a lot of hurtful things to mj and said a lo tof hurtful things to him yet she's golden in their eyes. maybe this is where allthe animosity comes from. sorry but can u imagine a jackson/presley custody battle?

vanx, the point of them meeting and agreeing so they can present a united front to the judge on this issue. show the judge they've worked out amongst themselves and they're just looking for the 'official seal' of approval from the courts. so hopefully it all works out.

and if she will 'never' be their mother then what is she then? people have been reunited w/ family after many yrs of being apart. to say that dismisses everything katherine and debbie have been working for tokeep things civil. hell....

also, vanx, u have fans here not happy w/ her presence YET u got fans in the WHY part of the forum talking about y mj and lmp divorced and they blame it on deb...they still defend lmp, who's done a lot of hurtful things to mj and said a lo tof hurtful things to him yet she's golden in their eyes. maybe this is where allthe animosity comes from. sorry but can u imagine a jackson/presley custody battle?


Agree there. Let's not be so hard on Debbie from now on. Mommy or not, doesn't anyone think the much bigger damage this would create to the children if Debbie had NOT insisted on custody or visitation rights from time to time? The kids would grow up to be adults and still think Mommy did not seek them out. This would be sooo much worse on the children. At least she's trying to make amends now.

And you're right about the LMP custody battle! That would be insane if it had happened. It's as if God had planned for a person like Debbie to be in MJ's life and be the mom of his kids. MJ was very lucky in that aspect of his life.
yep yep yep and peoplekeep asking about blanket and his 'mother' he didn'thave a mother.not someone who was at lest married or in a relationship w/his father and he wasthe product of that love. that's a mother. now deb left but she came back. and she beenback

it'snot her fault mj chose a surrogate. if she could've had more kids for mj, she would've of.she said so.
vanx, the point of them meeting and agreeing so they can present a united front to the judge on this issue. show the judge they've worked out amongst themselves and they're just looking for the 'official seal' of approval from the courts. so hopefully it all works out.

and if she will 'never' be their mother then what is she then? people have been reunited w/ family after many yrs of being apart. to say that dismisses everything katherine and debbie have been working for tokeep things civil. hell....

also, vanx, u have fans here not happy w/ her presence YET u got fans in the WHY part of the forum talking about y mj and lmp divorced and they blame it on deb...they still defend lmp, who's done a lot of hurtful things to mj and said a lo tof hurtful things to him yet she's golden in their eyes. maybe this is where allthe animosity comes from. sorry but can u imagine a jackson/presley custody battle?


Yes, I know what the agreements behind the scenes are all about. Saves A LOT of money, time, and headache if you can reach your own settlement and present that before the court. I thought they had already presented the decision, I didn't know that that step hadn't been taken yet.
I still find it ridiculous that Debbie is looking for a way in. As I said in a previous post, if she didn't care much about her parental rights while Michael was alive, I don't see how that should change now. It's not responsible 'parenting' in my opinion.

Anyhow, I'm also not in Debbie's head, so I can't really have any knowledge of what's been going through her mind the last few years - it's just my personal opinion. You can't agree to give up your children to their father, come back a few years later, and say you made a mistake. When you adopt a child, the biological parent(s) have 30 days to decide whether they will go ahead with the adoption or cancel the whole thing. Would be great if the same thing was applied for surrogacy - unfortunately it's not since surrogacy isn't recognized by law. But really, you can't switch your mind around like Debbie did. That alone should show to the courts that her feelings toward the children are unstable. Personally, if I was out of the kids lives for so long as a mother, I wouldn't really feel comfortable entering their lives at this point. But I think they're young enough that if she's around them long enough, Debbie WILL become a mother to them.

As for blaming Lisa/MJ's divorce on Debbie... no comment. I'm not one of those pointing fingers in that department. It was Michael's decision and his decision alone, to leave Lisa and have children with Debbie. I can't comment on that, really. I have nothing against Debbie personally obviously because I don't know her, but by giving Michael children as a 'gift', she knew very well that she was having JACKSON children and that meant something. She would always know in her heart that she had Michael's children, and so she did it in large part for herself, to have that satisfaction, and not completely selflessly for Michael, in my opinion. She could have chosen to have anyone else's kids. Heck, she could have been a surrogate mother for other couples and made some real money. She had Michael's kids for a reason. I'm not saying it's a monetary reason, but for reasons I stated above.

I still think it's sort of "eh" that she wants in now, though. I'll always feel that way. WHY now? Your children are your children. You don't just decide to be a part of their lives when their father dies.
Paris and Prince will not suddenly "gain a mommy" she will never be a real mother she will simply be more present in their lives. so Blanket is not being left out, the bond the three siblings have is more powerful than any bond either of them will ever have with Debbie and she knows it. and I'm sure she will treat them all in the same manner

Yep, I was thinking this too.
• Debbie Rowe sold her kids for 9.5 million dollars. Is this correct? I do not care if she got her money in full or not. It is not the point. If she loved Michael that much he shouldn’t take ONE SINGLE PENNY from him and had to be a good mother all the time even after they divorced. It is very clear that Debbie was taking advantage of this situation. She signed an agreement with Michael and automatically lost her parental rights. Where were her parental feelings when she signed this document? Is this correct or I do not follow something? The question is when MJ was alive did he want Debbie to visit his kids? Maybe in his mind he was thinking that this woman didn’t deserve it? It is very high pathetical question. This is the question of human morality. Now Debbie Rowe gets her visitation “rights”. The psychiatrist probably will try to brainwash poor kids so then Debbie eventually might get them back together with 40% Michael’s estate? How sweet! I hope Jackson’s family is smart enough not to let her to see Blanket. Why nobody gives a shit about Michael’s will? I believe they have to follow it. Also, I wouldn’t trust Debbie Rowe 100% because she worked in Dr. Kline office. Investigators are still working over MJ files. Who knows what they will find out later and what kind of injections she was giving to Michael during her visitation? Also, if dermatologist is a biological father of 2 kids? Is he going to get his “parental rights” too? Did they do it on purpose to get money from Michael? Who is going to answer questions like that?
PS. Sorry for my English. It is not my first language.
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My concern is, the will still states that if Katherine is not around, then Diana ross gets the kids. Well what if *god forbid* Katherine passed away in the next few years. Then they get uprooted again and go to Diana and then what of this agreement? Debbie is closer to them and so she would have a better chance of getting them at that time!?? This is still a worry IMO.....
I still find it ridiculous that Debbie is looking for a way in. As I said in a previous post, if she didn't care much about her parental rights while Michael was alive, I don't see how that should change now. It's not responsible 'parenting' in my opinion.

um do u remember after teh trial and mj was in bahrain? the stink she made cuz he took the kids out the of the country and she couldn't see them?

then kerry and grace brought them to la so she coul dsee them? the interview she did for take II that supported mj?

she took care of their father on teh stand. which meant taking care of the kids. cuz he couldn't do that if she hadn't told the TRUTH.

this isn't something that just cropped up.she's always been getting pics and info on the kids. visitation is kinda hard to do when ur in a different country than ur kids.

moreover, i believe she did an interview when mj moved to vegas, back from bahrain, where she said it was great and she couldsee her kids cuz they weren't too far(5 hrs)

so i mean, it's all in how u view it. she wants to be there now and it's per a child psych. meaning it'llhappen SLOWLY she wont' come down and wear a shirt w/ their pictures on it and say 'im yo mama!'

it's slow cuz they know her as aunt debbiemj's friend
My concern is, the will still states that if Katherine is not around, then Diana ross gets the kids. Well what if *god forbid* Katherine passed away in the next few years. Then they get uprooted again and go to Diana and then what of this agreement? Debbie is closer to them and so she would have a better chance of getting them at that time!?? This is still a worry IMO.....
diana won't get thekids. it'll be someone in teh family
•  Debbie Rowe sold her kids for 9.5 million dollars. Is this correct? I do not care if she got her money in full or not. It is not the point. If she loved Michael that much he shouldn’t take ONE SINGLE PENNY from him and had to be a good mother all the time even after they divorced. It is very clear that Debbie was taking advantage of this situation. She signed an agreement with Michael and automatically lost her parental rights. Where were her parental feelings when she signed this document? Is this correct or I do not follow something? The question is when MJ was alive did he want Debbie to visit his kids? Maybe in his mind he was thinking that this woman didn’t deserve it? It is very high pathetical question. This is the question of human morality. Now Debbie Rowe gets her visitation “rights”. The psychiatrist probably will try to brainwash poor kids so then Debbie eventually might get them back together with 40% Michael’s estate? I hope Jackson’s family is smart enough not to let her to see Blanket. Why nobody gives a shit about Michael’s will? I believe they have to follow it. Also, I wouldn’t trust Debbie Rowe 100% because she worked in Dr. Kline office. Investigators are still working over MJ files. Who knows what they will find out later and what kind of injections she was giving to Michael during her visitation? Also, if dermatologist is a biological father of 2 kids? Is he going to get his “parental rights” too? Did they do it on purpose to get money from Michael? Who is going to answer questions like that?
PS. Sorry for my English. It is not my first language.

number one, she didn't sell her kids for anything. in a community property state and married to michael jackson $8M ain't crap. and it's in installments. she could've taken well over $40M

anyone wanna talk about how much lmp 'took' from mj....$15M i was told and she didn't even have his kids NOR did she stay married to him that long. burn~!

key word is she worked...she doesn't look nor seem like the type to dope someone up. y not direct the negative energy to klien and not the employees who did what they were told and it seems done in legal settings, at least per debbie.

and FALSE she didn't lose her parental rights. it was never official. it never happened. how quickly we wanna forget how she fought to see the kids in 05. i believe tehre were several bash debbie threads on here that had tobe deleted.

number one, she didn't sell her kids for anything. in a community property state and married to michael jackson $8M ain't crap. and it's in installments. she could've taken well over $40M

How did you know that she didn't sell? Did you check her bank account?
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Im glad this is finally settled. Im so happy that the kids wont have 2 deal with a custody battle going on, they have enough 2 deal with of the lose of their father. I just hope debbie does wanna be a mum to the kids , and is not doing this for any other reason.
um do u remember after teh trial and mj was in bahrain? the stink she made cuz he took the kids out the of the country and she couldn't see them?

then kerry and grace brought them to la so she coul dsee them? the interview she did for take II that supported mj?

she took care of their father on teh stand. which meant taking care of the kids. cuz he couldn't do that if she hadn't told the TRUTH.

this isn't something that just cropped up.she's always been getting pics and info on the kids. visitation is kinda hard to do when ur in a different country than ur kids.

moreover, i believe she did an interview when mj moved to vegas, back from bahrain, where she said it was great and she couldsee her kids cuz they weren't too far(5 hrs)

so i mean, it's all in how u view it. she wants to be there now and it's per a child psych. meaning it'llhappen SLOWLY she wont' come down and wear a shirt w/ their pictures on it and say 'im yo mama!'

it's slow cuz they know her as aunt debbiemj's friend

I haven't forgotten any of that. Anything she ever said to defend Michael was because she loved HIM. I don't think she even wants to take care of the kids for herself, I think she wants to take care of the kids for HIM. Which I guess is nice... in a way.

I do know about the whole Bahrain thing, but she showed interest in them too late, in my opinion. She gave the kids to Michael, said he needed the children more than she did, then she comes back several years later wanting to fight for them. It doesn't work that way. You can't just hand your kids over willingly and then decide years later that you want them back. They're not chess pieces. Michael got used to having the children all to himself, he got used to the idea of them being HIS kids, of course he got pissed when she suddenly changed her mind. But that's surrogacy for ya. In my personal opinion, it's too little too late for Debbie, but obviously others don't think so, and as I said, I think the kids are still young that if she's in their lives enough, they'll grow up thinking of her as their mother. Which to me personally is sad, because she already missed out on so many important moments in their lives - by choice.
number one, she didn't sell her kids for anything. in a community property state and married to michael jackson $8M ain't crap. and it's in installments. she could've taken well over $40M

How did you know that she didn't sell? Did you check her bank account?
she lives in a small ass house in PALMDALE. have u ever been? not my kind of town and not the place u live in if u have jackson money.

and VanX tell me a scenario where these two could've divorced and had to deal w/ custody in a way that would PLEASE the fans.

i want to know. cuz if she took him, damn her for taking the one thing mj wanted. she left them, oh she's a bitch cuz she abandoned her children.

some people act like she threw them in a garbage can. THEY WERE WITH THEIR FATHER!
and VanX tell me a scenario where these two could've divorced and had to deal w/ custody in a way that would PLEASE the fans.
Well if you're talking about the overprotective, unhealthily obsessive, eternally unsatisfied fans, then you and I both know the answer to that one... there would have been no way to please everyone. Personally, it would have made no difference to me. All I can say is, it would have looked better now if they both received custody and Debbie was in the kids lives since they were young. Debbie made a choice. A choice not for the fans, but a choice she made on her own free will. She can't keep changing her mind. You either down, or you ain't down. Personally, and this is just from what I've observed... Debbie doesn't seem like the motherly type to nurture the children. MOST mothers would have a bloody difficult time leaving their kids and not having them call them mommy etc, but Debbie didn't even flinch when she gave them to their father. Most mothers are absolutely thrilled when they give birth and find it EXTREMELY hard to separate themselves from their child/children. But the fact that she gave them away without hesitation and the fact that it was confirmed by both her and Michael that the kids were basically a friendly gesture of love, further proves that she had no interest in the children apart from having them to please Michael.

Look, I don't know the woman, and I won't try and understand her. I can only draw my own conclusions from what I've personally observed over the years, and from a legal standpoint for what I think is in the best interest of the children. Essentially, my opinion means nothing!
oh cozzie i was just saying! Loland they have the unredacted birth cert on file. so if he wants to find her, he can but note that she was a surrogate. meaning no emotion was put into this. it was a business transaction. prolly a student or someone who needed money, already has a family etc...but im sure he'll be brought up w/ love just like his older siblingsand yes, we're all entitled to our own opinions. it's just when deb discussions happen, fans act so odd. hate on her, make fun of her appearance but fail to remember she's themother of his first two so if she's not too good looking...um? c'monjust keep it respectful and no attacks

I know and even I've said some harsh things about her in the past. You have to admit though that some of her behaviour has been questionable. I don't mean giving up the kids, I mean asking to see them again and then not caring about them when a cheque was handed to her.

BUT.. the past is the past. She seem like she has the best interest of the children in mind now. I like the idea of having a psychologist there, great move on her part. I just hope that the children embrace her..
the checks have alwaysbeen coming.

what u say andwhat u do are two different things. ask sneddon. man i wish they had a camera in the courtroom when she told them off and told the truth.

she said and did things to have people question her loyalty to mj. thinking she would flip. but she always remained loyal to mijac.

not to mention she's gonnahelp pay for half of the psych
Well this was after the trial. Asking to see them and then walking away with 5 million. You could say that it was all part of her plan, but these are kids' emotions they're playing with. You either want to have a relationship with them or you don't. Don't be wishy washy with them.

But it seems that she decided that she does want to have a relationship with them, so lets just hope for the best.
she didn't want a relationship with them when they had Michael, but now that all the original plans have turned into disaster she wants to make up for it...somehow...and give the kids some comfort
the reason why I said she will never be a real mother is because she doesn't live with them, she doesn't educate them, she doesn't control their lives and their future...that was Michael's role and now that role goes to his family, so yeah Debbie will be a motherly figure but she won't be a parent the way Michael was...god I get depressed thinking about how close MJ was to the kids, he really was everything to them, but at least they have each other the 3 siblings they are a family unit
Debbie gave birth to these kids.
I think it is fair enough to allow her and the kids to have the opportunity to establish their own relationship on their own terms..this is what is happening
the kids dont have to go and live with Debbie, they can meet or not meet her based on their preference

Finally good news this month
I've already said it and i'll say it again: I believe Debbie is a beautiful, honest person who loved Michael enormously, that's why she gave him the children and agreed not to enter in their life as long as they have their father.
I believe it's natural -Iwould do the same- to start my role as a mother , not entirely but you know, build a nice, trusting relantionship now, that their father is gone. I believe she sees it as her normal right, that when the father is gone, the mother take charge even if it's just a little bit, but at the same time, to let the children know that they still have a natural mother and they can count on her if sth happens.
And no matter what, she loves the children, one can see that she thinks of their welfare first, that's why she didn't go on trial, I think she never meant to. I also think she would have if she knew Michael's father, Joe would wanna raise them, because she spent time with Michael and she knew Michael's feelings about Joe.

Done, my 2 cents...
VanX you are on POINT! About this and I completely agree with you.

children are NOT gifts. PERIOD! There is no way in the world I would just have children and then up and give them away, for some man. I'm sorry but they're not toys to just hand over. And if Ms. Rowe wanted to be apart of their lives but michael didn't want that, then don't put your name on the dotted line and agree to the terms. Why would I have my children thinking im a friend of michaels? Come on now! You mean to tell me that I'ma love a man so much put my LOVE for this man first over their need of a mother. Um no! She KNEW the terms before she got married and she went along with them. You can't just come in and out of a childs life all willy nilly. I don't understand what she feels she is gonna give them now that michael is gone that she shouldn't have already been giving them while he was her.

I was never looking for a Custody battle from her and was wondering why the media was pushing it (but I know the REAL reason why the media was carring on). She wasn't in there lives before so why should she just up and jump in now. Popping out children don't make you a parent. You know how many ppl have sex and make babies without caring for them. And she blantantly knowly did this. It not like she tripped up and had a one nighter or her birth control pills didn't work and she got pregnant and didn't mean to have them. This woman conscienously made a decision, a choice, to have children and then give them away as "gifts". Now excuse me if I don't find respect in that!

Glad katherine/jacksons, their real family has them but visitations and her trying to play mommy and esp. right now ain't gonna do nothing but confuse thier little minds up all the more. And play mommy to prince too. Come on now. You didn't even play mommy to your own. oh please!

And in conclusion...michael spoke LOUD and CLEAR as to who he wanted to raise his children. Period! The END!
I don't think anyone know what goes on behind closed doors when it came to debbie, mj and the kids, well all the best with her being an influence in the kids lives...since mj is gone, i think its fair that they have the right to know their mother, regardless of the settlements and giving up her parental rights.