Katherine Jackson Wants An Extensive Audit Of Michael's Estate

Hasn't this always been the case... just sad at this point, let your mother live out her golden years in peace.

don't worry about her she is more greedy than them.
don't worry about her she is more greedy than them.

I agree.... Katherine is right up there with the rest of them.. I still can't figure out why a 82 year old senior citizen needs as much money as she does..
In other words Randy & Co don't have any evidence to support their claims and hope to find it this way.

I think I must be very confused how probate works, I thought the Judge oversees income and spending to insure the debts are paid.

And yes I agree with others here that Katherine should also be audited to list exactly where she spends 70k a month.
I agree.... Katherine is right up there with the rest of them.. I still can't figure out why a 82 year old senior citizen needs as much money as she does..

Can't forgot how Mother asked Michael's accountant to give her the ENTIRE One Million Dollars that he left for her when he left the country. Michael's instructions were to take care of her needs, but of course Mother requested the entire sum at one time, which the accountant declined as per Michael's specific wishes.

So it would appear that Mother ain't too shy when it comes to asking for money, and Michael obviously knew that.
Thank you, that has been my thought for a while, am not going to be spending my hard earned money so that it will be given to some grown ass men.

What for? So she can ask for more loans, an increment perhaps to funnel more money to her broke-ass cubs? I'm disgusted at their never-ending, ever-growing greed.

If they are going to resort to underhanded ways to get at the money, and they succeed, I will stop purchasing Estate products because I do NOT want my money to go to those not named in the will.

I hope the judge turns down this request. If they want to know details of the Estate's income and expenditure they can go through the recent accounting document.
loakim45 @loakim45@jenheger Do u know if Katherine is speaking to the trio ? and if the audit is orchestrated by the same trio ?jen hutton heger @jenheger@loakim45 trio had absolutely NOTHING to do w/audit request. I don't believe she is speaking to them, but not definitive on that. Hide conversation
I hope the judge will make the right decision and protect Michael's interests. Some things it said above they are sealed to protect the estate. They go to the courts to get things approved. They are doing a great job. I think it's sad how Katherine is never satisfied with what she is getting. More than a lot of people get to see.
I hope the judge will make the right decision and protect Michael's interests. Some things it said above they are sealed to protect the estate. They go to the courts to get things approved. They are doing a great job. I think it's sad how Katherine is never satisfied with what she is getting. More than a lot of people get to see.

i agree with everything you said, including the part about Katherine Jackson.
And yes I agree with others here that Katherine should also be audited to list exactly where she spends 70k a month.

Personally, I think she should be audited also. It seems to me like Katherine is always asking for more money. What does she really need all that extra money for? Michael allowed her to recieve a certain amount of money for the rest of her life. And I think the Estate have been very generous to her considering all that they've done to try and make her happy, giving her money beyond Michael's wishes. But I also think that she's going overboard by saying that they should be audited when they haven't complained even once, that I know of, about her constant need for more cash. At some point, somebody involved in overseeing the Estate's legal affairs with the court is going to have to ask Katherine where all the money she's getting is going, in my opinion.
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A fishing expedition pure and simple to see if they can find some ammunition to discharge the executors. Not going to happen, the estate have been very transparant on everything making sure to cross the t's and dot the i's. Very much doubt that this was Katherine's idea alone.

Exactly. I do believe they have the right to request the documents. And they should be viewed with the confidentiality stipulations the executors are demanding. But a part of me wishes Branca & co. would tell them all f-you and turn everything over to them. Their in fighting, ineptitude, and inexperience would destroy all the acheivements made in the last three years. In another three years, there wouldn't be much left for MJ's kids. That's the only reason I do hope Branca & co. hangs in. As always, for MJ's children. But they have to be getting tired of dealing with all this nonsense, considering how hard they've worked and the massive accomplishments they've achieved. I'm tired for them.

At this point, Katherine should be thanking them. There's nothing wrong with her being a little wary of them because when it comes to MJ, I'll always be wary. MJ was betrayed too often and by too many for there not to be a residue of caution about anyone overseeing his interests. But when you consider what Branca has accomplished, Katherine should be at least acknowledging those accomplishments and showing some appreciation. Instead, she makes a request like this after all of last month's allegations which by virtue of it coming now, casts major suspicion on them.

As much as she DOES have every right to make the request, it's coming from a negative place. She's not wanting to review things for review sake, but for her unproductive children who are looking for any little thing to latch on to to bark deception and malice. I really am beginning to believe what other posters have said. Katherine is 82 and they want to get a foothold in now before it's too late.

She better hope Branca doesn't get so fed up that he does quit. Soon she'd have nothing left to audit.

ETA: Just noticed this was filed just as she was being kidnapped versus after. Interesting how everything ties into it. Or rather just obvious.
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Exactly. I do believe they have the right to request the documents. And they should be viewed with the confidentiality stipulations the executors are demanding. But a part of me wishes Branca & co. would tell them all f-you and turn everything over to them. Their in fighting, ineptitude, and inexperience would destroy all the acheivements made in the last three years. In another three years, there wouldn't be much left for MJ's kids. That's the only reason I do hope Branca & co. hangs in. As always, for MJ's children. But they have to be getting tired of dealing with all this nonsense, considering how hard they've worked and the massive accomplishments they've achieved. I'm tired for them.

At this point, Katherine should be thanking them. There's nothing wrong with her being a little wary of them because when it comes to MJ, I'll always be wary. MJ was betrayed too often and by too many for there not to be a residue of caution about anyone overseeing his interests. But when you consider what Branca has accomplished, Katherine should be at least acknowledging those accomplishments and showing some appreciation. Instead, she makes a request like this after all of last month's allegations which by virtue of it coming now, casts major suspicion on them.

As much as she DOES have every right to make the request, it's coming from a negative place. She's not wanting to review things for review sake, but for her unproductive children who are looking for any little thing to latch on to to bark deception and malice. I really am beginning to believe what other posters have said. Katherine is 82 and they want to get a foothold in now before it's too late.

She better hope Branca doesn't get so fed up that he does quit. Soon she'd have nothing left to audit.

ETA: Just noticed this was filed around the kidnapping time. Interesting how everything ties into it. Or rather just obvious.
O.T. i love your signature. Dick Clark said that. I'm not surprised. And now, Clark is gone. He was THE man, when it came to knowing about entertainers. There wasn't anybody in entertainment that Dick didn't work with. From every era of rock. EVERY LAST ONE. from chuck berry to elvis to the beatles to james brown to stevie wonder, all of motown's artists, the beach boys, earth wind and fire, the original singer of 'when a man loves a woman...etc. everybody in rock..known or unknown..big or legendary...nobody was left out when it came to Dick Clark. Get what i'm saying? get my drift? This is why Michael Jackson fans are the most eclectic music fan collection on earth. They all share that they love what is the best in music on an objective basis..opinions aside. so, Dick Clark is composite proof that if you are a fan of MJ, you are a fan of the greatest thing, music has ever produced. If you've heard it from Dick, you know it is true. I LOVE THIS! Keeps me from feeling so guilty about my swolled up feelings about Michael's musical ability.
She better hope Branca doesn't get so fed up that he does quit. Soon she'd have nothing left to audit.

I dont think branca will give up that easy, he wont let their mess get to him.
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Agree with everyone's comments. This fishing expedition is just like their case against aeg. all incredibly time-consuming and expensive, but i suppose who cares, all the money is coming out of mj's estate. Mrs j's expenses for staff, lawyers and accountants etc are like those of a mini-company.

That's what i don't understand. The estate is doing an excellent job in keeping Michael's estate growing, but why do they give K so much money?

What they call loans are gifts because K is never going to pay a penny of it. The attorneys who are representing her in the AEG suit are going to be paid by the estate. In other words, Michael will be in trial again, in a court room & in the media, and he has to paid the bill?

I don't understand it. Probably I'm missing something because this doesn't make sense to me.
"My audit is being done to see the details of where the money is coming from and where it is going," Sanders told Radar. "The beneficiaries should be entitled to all detailed documentation so they can see what THEIR money is paying for."

This capslock is just annoying. I mean, of course Michael left the money to them, but with all due respect, it's not Katherine who's earning them. If I were her, instead of boasting, I'd humbly accept and be grateful that me and my grandchildren will be inheriting a bunch of highly successful ventures instead of a half a billion debt.
Why do I feel like this fishing expedition is kind of sinister? I feel like they want to know certain aspects of the estate's business dealings in order to sabotage them.
Is it just me, or does it appear that SOMEBODY ELSE in the family is making this request through Mother.

I'm going out on a limb here, BUT could this be an attempt by Randy Jackson to find some problem within the handling of The Estate in order to bolster his claim about the "fake" will, because we all know he has no real evidence that the will is fake. This, in my opinion, sounds like a fishing expedition, and once again Mother is being bamboozled by one of her cubs.

This request sounds odd.

Here we go again, and didn't Katherine's attorney say that she was not influenced by any one? Now we are to believe that out of the clear blue sky, Katherine came up this request on her own? I am sure she would find that much of the money went to her for loans to help her children.

This is just another tactic for her and children to get their hands on some more money and cause more conflict with the estate. Also, it seems that some of the children want to look at confidential documents that under normal circumstances would not be available to third parties; so, they use the heir to get that information, and her attorney is part of that crocked team. I wonder if they cc the children's lawyer and what the lawyer would say about this?

Notice, how the attorney ran to the media with this information. This behavior reminds me of Randy, et. al. who always call the media to show their latest plot/plan against the estate, and makes me feel that Katherine, her children and attorneys are together in this scheme. Again, they are implying that something shady is going on with the estate by running to the media with this information.

At this point, the executors have earned all the money they have been paid, because they have endured all the trouble and expense that Katherine has caused with her crooked partners, the constant interference from her children, and now this!!!!
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Sanders said he did not think the estate had done anything wrong, but Katherine Jackson's team should be provided with detailed records of the estate's finances.
"I think it's part of appropriate due diligence," he said of the audit.

I would like to know who are these KJ team members that would like to see detailed records of the estate's finances? Randy, Mann.....?
marc_vivien posted that old article about K's earlier request
"Last week Katherine Jackson fought to gain access to her late son Michael Jackson's existing contracts with AEG Live, Bravado and Columbia Pictures, and was granted the right to view them as long as she kept them confidential from the press."

Didn't that AEG contract end up in L Rowe's book even K was supposed to keep confidential?
"the executors objects to the Request to the extent that it seeks highly confidential business and financial information"
I hope, as long as Katherine has any business dealings or the estate has any open court cases with crooks e.g. Mann and fake HTWF etc the audit should be denied.
"My audit is being done to see the details of where the money is coming from and where it is going," Sanders told Radar. "The beneficiaries should be entitled to all detailed documentation so they can see what THEIR money is paying for."

I feel like puke after reading text above:puke:
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Bubs i am with you on this one^^. Someone or group of people went to Katherine to make this request. She did so via her lawyer. If that information is given, a number of people will have privy to it including Mann and her children.

If I recall correctly, after the letter from the signers came out, didn't the lawyer request a routine audit, or was that another lawyer?
If I recall correctly, after the letter from the signers came out, didn't the lawyer request a routine audit, or was that another lawyer?

It was before. And it was Sanders.
What they call loans are gifts because K is never going to pay a penny of it. The attorneys who are representing her in the AEG suit are going to be paid by the estate. In other words, Michael will be in trial again, in a court room & in the media, and he has to paid the bill?

I don't understand it. Probably I'm missing something because this doesn't make sense to me.

I hope the bolded part is not true as it doesn't qualify as "care, support, maintenance, comfort and well-being of Katherine" as Michael stated in his will. If that is the case, I buy nothing from estate as long as K gets money from it.
She has lawyers for AEG, then she has Sanders and Ribera possibly other lawyers for something else.
If she could just sit back and stop spending money for these lawyers. Lots of money would have been paid towards ATV and Mijac loan, instead of making lawyers rich:doh:
I think The beneficiaries should be entitled to see what's going on when the estate does it's quarterly report or whatever intervals those documents are created for the normal business purposes and/or for the court. Only at those times, Katherine and her accountant should be able to VIEW the records and have them explained to her and questions answered.
It was before. And it was Sanders.

Yes it was before:
On July 19, Katherine's lawyers submitted legal docs asking for "production of supporting documents for account current," and the docs state, "Ms. Katherine Jackson...hereby requests that representatives John Branca, John McClain and counsel for the Estate of Michael Jackson produce for inspection and audit all supporting documents for the Second Account Current and Report of Status of Administration and Petition.."

and the estate's reply is spot on

"Responding Party (the executors) objects to the Request to the extent that it seeks highly confidential business and financial information...it will not produce such documents absent the entry of a stipulation and protective order governing, among other things, the access to and use highly confidential documents." Most of the contracts that the estate has entered into are sealed because they contain trade secrets and other privileged information, and this is routinely done to protect the best interests of the estate."

It is highly unlikely that those trade secrets stays secret, or privileged info stays privileged after certain Jackson's gets too see that information. We would be able to read them from X17 or similar tabloid.
^ Actually that article that marc vivien posted which first mentioned this audit had a quote from sanders saying he had made this request for a routine audit, as he called it, 3 weeks previously. He seemed real anxious that it not be associated with the siblings declaring war on the estate via celebuzz. I'll just assume radaronline article made a mistake in saying 19 july, this was right in the middle of the letter drama when mrs j was incommunicado with her lawyers.

I mean, of course Michael left the money to them, but with all due respect, it's not Katherine who's earning them. If I were her, instead of boasting, I'd humbly accept and be grateful that me and my grandchildren will be inheriting a bunch of highly successful ventures instead of a half a billion debt.

Yes, but hell would freeze over before the jacksons be grateful and humble. The ownership and entitlement over mj and all things mj since his death is really total - it's kind of useful for us as it gives us some idea what mj had for every day of his life, this constant pressure from his family. It explains so much about his later life, his estrangement, the family having to make appointments to see him, his search for a family life that didn't involve being used as an atm machine. Some fans always point to the time of the trial when the family rallied round mj, but behind the scenes, it seems to have been chaos. The proof was that mj immediately left the usa after the trial without telling anyone in the family he was going and remained virtually estranged from all siblings until his death.
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The estate is too soft with Katherine and she knows that they'll never deny her anything she wants. I believe she's just as money hungry as the rest of them, ex-Jackson wives have confirmed that also. I think they need to stop giving her everything she wants and she might stop acting like a brat who deserves everything. I respect her only because she's Michael's Mum, but it's getting a little lower all the time.
^^"The estate is too soft with Katherine and she knows that they'll never deny her anything she wants"

So true. Michael didn't pay the judgment the Moonies had against K, but the estate did. Why?