Katherine Jackson Wants An Extensive Audit Of Michael's Estate


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
Katherine Jackson's legal team wants to do an extensive audit of late son's Michael Jackson's estate the matriarch's attorney, Perry Sanders, told RadarOnline.com exclusively.

"My audit is being done to see the details of where the money is coming from and where it is going," Sanders told Radar. "The beneficiaries should be entitled to all detailed documentation so they can see what THEIR money is paying for."

On July 19, Katherine's lawyers submitted legal docs asking for "production of supporting documents for account current," and the docs state, "Ms. Katherine Jackson...hereby requests that representatives John Branca, John McClain and counsel for the Estate of Michael Jackson produce for inspection and audit all supporting documents for the Second Account Current and Report of Status of Administration and Petition.."

However, lawyers for Michael Jackson's Estate have several issues with Katherine Jackson's request, and said in their response, "John Branca and John McClain object to the Request to the extent that it is vague and ambiguous as to the phrase 'all supporting documents for the Second Account Current' in that the Request encompasses thousands of pages of documents which potentially support the Second Account Current...Responding Party (the executors) objects to the Request to the extent that it seeks highly confidential business and financial information...it will not produce such documents absent the entry of a stipulation and protective order governing, among other things, the access to and use highly confidential documents." Most of the contracts that the estate has entered into are sealed because they contain trade secrets and other privileged information, and this is routinely done to protect the best interests of the estate.

As previously reported, Judge Mitchell Beckloff awarded co-guardianship of Michael's three children to Katherine and TJ Jackson on Wednesday after a string of bizarre incidents involving the 82-year-old grandmother/guardian, who was whisked away to an Arizona resort by her children and out of contact with the grandkids for 11 days.

Almost all of the major contracts, business deals and other transactions have all been presented to Judge Beckloff by the executors, in order to be transparent with Michael Jackson's estate. The executors have requested that Michael Jackson's estate be handled in probate court for another year.

In the three years since Michael's tragic death, the executors have wiped almost $475 million dollar in debt off the books that the pop singer had when he passed away. The estate has entered into lucrative business agreements with Pepsi, Cirque du Soleil and were instrumental in the wildly successful theatrical release of Michael Jackson's rehearsal footage, This Is It.

Judge Mithcell Beckloff will weigh in on what documents if any, the estate will turn over to Katherine Jackson.

Is it just me, or does it appear that SOMEBODY ELSE in the family is making this request through Mother.

I'm going out on a limb here, BUT could this be an attempt by Randy Jackson to find some problem within the handling of The Estate in order to bolster his claim about the "fake" will, because we all know he has no real evidence that the will is fake. This, in my opinion, sounds like a fishing expedition, and once again Mother is being bamboozled by one of her cubs.

This request sounds odd.
really now?
I rather think the Estate should demand detailed documentation on how Katherine has spent all those millions, loans and what not she has gotten from the Estate since 09.
really now?
I rather think the Estate should demand detailed documentation on how Katherine has spent all those millions, loans and what not she has gotten from the Estate since 09.

absolutely, although I doubt they ever would. I think The Children, deserve to know which of their greedy aunts and uncles got ehat out of the 'loans' which frankly I don't see ever being paid back.
The request was done before the "kidnapping" by Sanders on July 19th. Don't forget that RJ accused Sanders & others also.
Is it just me, or does it appear that SOMEBODY ELSE in the family is making this request through Mother.

I'm going out on a limb here, BUT could this be an attempt by Randy Jackson to find some problem within the handling of The Estate in order to bolster his claim about the "fake" will, because we all know he has no real evidence that the will is fake. This, in my opinion, sounds like a fishing expedition, and once again Mother is being bamboozled by one of her cubs.

This request sounds odd.

I believe they have the right to request the documents. And I don't think Randy will use any information to continue the fake will mantra. What I think is they want the documents to object to some dealings for which the estate has to put some hard cash. They might want, through K, to object to that with the excuse that K needs more money & the estate is not meeting her demands.

Katherine is receiving more from one dead child than from all her children & husband.
Article posted on July 20, 2012 :

Jackson's estate recently filed court records indicating it had generated gross earnings of $475 million and successfully handled hundreds of millions of dollars in debts the singer had accrued.

Sanders filed a request to audit the estate's financial records and said Friday he made the routine request three weeks ago and it was not prompted by the Jackson siblings' letter.

Sanders said he did not think the estate had done anything wrong, but Katherine Jackson's team should be provided with detailed records of the estate's finances.

"I think it's part of appropriate due diligence," he said of the audit.

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And I don't think Randy will use any information to continue the fake will mantra.

Sorry, I don't trust Randy Jackson, he's a DESPERATE man and a lose cannon, in my opinion.

I remember when he and Leonard Rowe said they would testify in a case earlier on, but they wanted to see a copy of the AEG contract first. Well they got to see the contract in question but NEVER testified. If I'm not mistaken, some of that contract appeared in Rowe's book.
^^ My reason to believe he will stop with the fake will melody is because he probably realized that is a lost cause. But I do believe he, through Katherine, will request a huge increase allowance. If the estate gives them what they want, they'll be quiet & happy. All they ever wanted & want is money. They want to enjoy the luxury that money can buy at the expense of their dead brother.

And btw, I don't trust any of the Jackson. There might be some good ones, but i haven't heard from them. Do you know any?
^^ My reason to believe he will stop with the fake will melody is because he probably realized that is a lost cause.

I hear you, but Randy's desperation still makes me look at him with the side-eye. LOL!

He's both desperate and a little crazy, in my opinion. Lethal combination.
A fishing expedition pure and simple to see if they can find some ammunition to discharge the executors. Not going to happen, the estate have been very transparant on everything making sure to cross the t's and dot the i's. Very much doubt that this was Katherine's idea alone.
I wonder who's going to pick up the tab for this audit. There's nothing wrong in wanting transparency in how the money is being spent but creating unnecessary legal fees is counter productive.
A fishing expedition pure and simple to see if they can find some ammunition to discharge the executors. Not going to happen, the estate have been very transparant on everything making sure to cross the t's and dot the i's. Very much doubt that this was Katherine's idea alone.

Couldn't agree with you more!

In my opinion, all they would really need is a copy of The Estate's recent court filing, wherein they updated the court with all financial matters to date. And possibly the court filing before this one.

I STILL believe that Mother can be persuaded to do the bidding of her cubs.
I don't know because Sanders & RJJR are not friends ; they accused him also. And he filed this request before the kidnapping
I don't know because Sanders & RJJR are not friends ; they accused him also. And he filed this request before the kidnapping

They don't have to be friends per say.

Mother is Sanders' boss, and if Mother gives Sanders a directive, he will certainly follow said directive and be paid handsomely for doing so.

That request "could" have been made by Randy, through Mother weeks ago. I don't think that matters in the scheme of things. It could have been part of their plot, only thing is The Estate wasn't forth coming.

After the whole kidnapping thing and going so far as to say their OWN mother suffered a mini-stroke. Well at this point, I don't put anything past the Mommy Nappers.
Sanders filed this request before the kidnapping episode when they were accusing him

Article posted on July 20, 2012 :

Jackson's estate recently filed court records indicating it had generated gross earnings of $475 million and successfully handled hundreds of millions of dollars in debts the singer had accrued.

Sanders filed a request to audit the estate's financial records and said Friday he made the routine request three weeks ago and it was not prompted by the Jackson siblings' letter.

Sanders said he did not think the estate had done anything wrong, but Katherine Jackson's team should be provided with detailed records of the estate's finances.

"I think it's part of appropriate due diligence," he said of the audit.

Sanders filed a request to audit the estate's financial records and said Friday he made the routine request three weeks ago and it was not prompted by the Jackson siblings' letter.

Yeah, Right!

Why bother mentioning the "siblings' letter." Did Sanders ALREADY know that "some" folks would think that. LOL!
What for? So she can ask for more loans, an increment perhaps to funnel more money to her broke-ass cubs? I'm disgusted at their never-ending, ever-growing greed.

If they are going to resort to underhanded ways to get at the money, and they succeed, I will stop purchasing Estate products because I do NOT want my money to go to those not named in the will.

I hope the judge turns down this request. If they want to know details of the Estate's income and expenditure they can go through the recent accounting document.
KJ, kids' attorney or AG can audit the estate's finances.

an old article :

Last week Katherine Jackson fought to gain access to her late son Michael Jackson's existing contracts with AEG Live, Bravado and Columbia Pictures, and was granted the right to view them as long as she kept them confidential from the press. Today Katherine was back in Los Angeles Superior Court requesting that she be able to share information with "regulators or the LAPD."
Katherine's lawyers want the confidentiality agreement to be lifted, saying,"If she wants to have a free conversation with law enforcement agency or a regulator, then those people would also be required to sign a confidentiality agreement. That way, the information can be shared but protected."
However AEG's lawyer fought back, stating,"Katherine Jackson can't pick and choose who she wants to share this sensitive information to... We have an open door to any police, regulator or governmental agency. They need to only knock on our door, your honor, so that we can keep information protected."
Judge Beckloff agreed with AEG, saying Katherine is only an "interested third party," and the deals are between the estate's administrators and AEG. Katherine can view the deals, but not share with police or anyone else without a court order.
"I don't get the burdensome nature of complying with the confidentiality," Judge Beckloff said. "She is a third party who has access to documents. If she wants more than that to notify law enforcement, she can file and ex-parte request for a hearing."
AEG and others want all the documents regarding financial deals with MJ to be sealed -- which means that Katherine and the press cannot see the details unless the court allows it. This includes the orginal agreement between Michael and AEG Live, which would detail how much he would've received for the "This Is It" tour. Only co-executors of his estate and their lawyers can see those deals.
"The exposure of the facts in these documents could provide a negative outcome to the artist and make it difficult for negotiations to occur. Harm would occur if this information was disseminated publicly," argued AEG's lawyers.

For Katherine to be 82 she sure is really involved in this estate/will stuff.. she is very interested in contracts and what the estate is doing yet she couldn't help MJ who was dealing with financial and emotional issues?
Doesn't Katherine have access to the probate account the estate files with the court? I don't understand why she needs this.

Will we be able to see the audit documents?
the ESTATE is doing a good job, so this audit would be pointless! and also a judge is verifing periodically the financial situation...so no worries there...
Katherine Jackson fought to gain access to her late son Michael Jackson's existing contracts with AEG Live, Bravado and Columbia Pictures, and was granted the right to view them as long as she kept them confidential from the press. Today Katherine was back in Los Angeles Superior Court requesting that she be able to share information with "regulators or the LAPD."

I remember that request, I believe I mentioned it above.

Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe were supposed to testify, but said they needed to review the AEG contract first.

Although they did get to review the AEG contract, neither of them testified.

And once again we see the THREAT of "notifying law enforcement." Sound familiar?
I remember that request, I believe I mentioned it above.

Randy Jackson and Leonard Rowe were supposed to testify, but said they needed to review the AEG contract first.

Although they did get to review the AEG contract, neither of them testified.

And once again we see the THREAT of "notifying law enforcement." Sound familiar?

Randy is always threatening somebody with law enforcement or the 'proper authorities' and nothing is ever done.. He's all talk.
So let's see...Michael borrowed heavily against his 50% catalog publishing rites with Sony, the ATV catalog. Like $300 million.

Michael borrowed against his own publishing catalog---$75 million

Michael borrowed against Neveland

Michael borrowed against Hayvenhurst

Michael borrowed against Lyndley condo

Michael was sued by his Concert Promoter Marcel Avrams for cancelled concerts in 1999

Michael was sued by Dieter Wiesner and his partner

Michael was sued by Marc Shaffel

Michael was sued by Randy Jackson's Business Partner's to take over ownership of Sony/ATV catalog. This one isn't going away! (as in Randy Jackson is bound and determined to get his hands on Michael's hard earned cash, as brought out in LAWSUIT)
Randy is always threatening somebody with law enforcement or the 'proper authorities' and nothing is ever done.. He's all talk.

So predictable!

First it was "notify law enforcement" regarding AEG. I guess they figured if they made that threat AEG would just write them a huge check. Case closed.

Next it was "criminal charges" against the Executors. I guess they figured that would be enough for the Executors to resign.

EPIC FAIL on both counts.
KJ, kids' attorney or AG can audit the estate's finances.

just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
The Estate is paying a very, very, VERY high monthly amount of $$ to KJ, on top of that they're paying rent and other bills for the Calabasas home, they're paying for the renovation of Hayvenhurst, they've helped KJ pay off old debt, they've handed out loans to her, and even helped her help a cub with child support.
IMO demanding an audit, regardless of whether or not you're allowed to, can leave people with the wrong impression - especially when you get that much money, have that many expenses paid for you, get that many loans (which you'll never be able to pay back). I just dont see why she'd be needing to know what expenses the estate has? IMO it would be another story if you didnt get the money you're entitled to as per. the will, or if they're late on paying, or have trouble paying. That's not the case here. In fact, the estate has done a mavelous job turning debt into profit and thus ending up securing PPB's future.
I wonder who's going to pick up the tab for this audit. There's nothing wrong in wanting transparency in how the money is being spent but creating unnecessary legal fees is counter productive.

Agree with everyone's comments. This fishing expedition is just like their case against aeg. all incredibly time-consuming and expensive, but i suppose who cares, all the money is coming out of mj's estate. Mrs j's expenses for staff, lawyers and accountants etc are like those of a mini-company.