Katherine Jackson Removed As Administrator Of MJ's Estate

If Michael specifically included a residuary clause in his trust, then whoever he designated should get it. If not, it will probably fall to California's intestacy laws. Spouses and children are usually first in line in intestacy, and since he was not currently married I'm guessing his kids would get it. I'm no expert, though...

I don't know CA probate law specifically, but that sounds about right (it is for FL).
Who is Howard Wietzman? He is representing Branca an the other guy. He just can't wait for the judge to officially rule in his clients favor on August 3rd. This whole thing is fishy. Can someone explain to me why Katherine can't be an executor?
Michael specified who he wanted as the executors in his will.
If Michael specifically included a residuary clause in his trust, then whoever he designated should get it. If not, it will probably fall to California's intestacy laws. Spouses and children are usually first in line in intestacy, and since he was not currently married I'm guessing his kids would get it. I'm no expert, though...
I thought I heard this being explained on one of the news shows the other day that in the event that Katherine passes away, her 40% goes to the children. But don't quote me on that because I'm not exactly sure where I heard that. Maybe someone else can clarify or dispute this.
I think everyone who has concerns should just pray.
Speaking negative things will result in negative things happening
I pray John Branca does what is best for mj's legacy and his children and if he doesn't may he be found out and punished.
Strange that the will found was from 2002. Wasn't Wietzman one of the lawyers that suggested to MJ to settle the first law suit in 2003? During the 2005 trial didn't somebody testify that it was discovered that Branca had worked out some kind of side deal with Sony,whereby he was getting monies from Sony to wrestle the Beatles catalog from MJ and return it back to SONY? OMG OMG OMG---We are so worried now.Can someone verify? Rasta Pasta may we have your inight, please?? Strange how a letter is written 8 days defore his death?
Oh my God, this is just crazy. Every morning when I log on here there is a new thread with so much going on that it's just impossible to keep up. I don't even know what to think!