Katherine Jackson Removed As Administrator Of MJ's Estate

The court has to approve any agreements on behalf of the trust. Mrs. Jackson's attorney's can be present in the court to make any objections if needed.

I think this makes them feel a little better.


Now you got me thinking.

Normally I wouldn't find that highly suspicious because when an artist takes on a major undertaking like a world tour, they usually update their will and codicils. But in the world of MJ, lord knows ....

The only reason I find it strange is because the only will there is a a few years old, yet this document is very recent. Why wasn't there just new will drawn up, I wonder. I'm sure there are ton of explanations for it, but it's odd.
I do wonder how Michael got past suspicions that were alleged during the trial pertaining to his relationship to with Mr. Branca. For some reason, he must have decided to trust him again.
Next hearing is August 3. So, I have a feeling that the Branca and McClain will have to tread carefully so as to not show any problems that can be used as challenges.

Just praying Branca does right by MJ

and praying for Ms. Katherine to keep the kids

I will co-sign on that prayer.
I don't know if John Branca is the right person (the while thing with him being re-instated 8 days before MJ"s death is suspect, + didn't they have a falling out?) or not but I pray that he is, and his decisions are based on what's right for MJ"s leagcy and MJ's children.
I definetly think a lawyer should be appointed for the children to be represented.
And I'm glad the judge said Katherine's lawyers have to be kept in the loop for all decisions.
Perhaps the judge will do the right thing in August and organize the executor role in three (3) parts with Mrs. Katherine Jackson, and the other two (2) executors.

What do you think about this idea?
These people will never do right by Michael

This is just terrible.

I forsee a future where Michael's true legacy will be covered up by OVER commercialized BULLISH that will be put out by money hungry parasites who will suck every drop of blood from his tomb.

Michael did not have the best judgement when it came to picking people. It is a shame he chose who he chose before his murder -- YES, I said it, he was murdered IMO.

This is simply tragic.

Mark my words, this should have never happened.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? :unsure:

I don't think it's a bad thing, Michael wanted them in charge of the bisiness affairs after all they did make some verry smart moves on Michael's behalf during his carear and they are also the ones who helped him get the "Beatles" cataloge. This won't effect what Michael promised his Mother and children in the will, Katherine's lawers are working to keep her in the loop on any decisions made by them as well.
This stinks from London to New York.

A letter from 8 days before June 25th?! What a happy coincidence....why do I smell a rat?

God, now I'm really worried. It all sounds too suspicious! I do hope the kids are left with Katherine and NO ONE else!!! :no:
the timing is suspicious thats all i can say. branca comes back in 3 weeks b4 and the first thing mj thinks of is to sign everything back over to him.surely theres another will after 2002 cause if mj wrote that he wanted branca to take control again surely at some stage after 02 he wrote branca out. idunno i just dont trust anyone exept londell theres to much $ involved
The news is reporting that the courts did not ruled that the Will was valid or invalid. A ruling will be made later on the validity of Michael's will with in a month. Also the Jackson family isn't contesting the ruling.
yes it's highly suspicious - only 8 days before his death?
the timing is suspicious thats all i can say. branca comes back in 3 weeks b4 and the first thing mj thinks of is to sign everything back over to him.surely theres another will after 2002 cause if mj wrote that he wanted branca to take control again surely at some stage after 02 he wrote branca out. idunno i just dont trust anyone exept londell theres to much $ involved

What I read is that Branca and McClain are the executors and they can make the decisions, but if Katherine Jackson has questions, her attoneys could object. It doesn't mean that she will have a say so, but she could take it to court if she feels that their decisions isn't in the best interest of Michael's estate.
These people will never do right by Michael

This is just terrible.

I forsee a future where Michael's true legacy will be covered up by OVER commercialized BULLISH that will be put out by money hungry parasites who will suck every drop of blood from his tomb.

Michael did not have the best judgement when it came to picking people. It is a shame he chose who he chose before his murder -- YES, I said it, he was murdered IMO.

This is simply tragic.

Mark my words, this should have never happened.

Sadly I agree street :cry:
From what I've read in the past Branca did a fine job for MJ in the 80s and he was just fired in one of Michael's 'clearing out' sessions, which he seemed to have every so often. I didn't think there was a falling out other than I think he was fired via fax.
I don't know if I should be happy or not.

Well all I know is that if any part of Michael Jackson's portion of The Beatles music catalog gets sold any time soon, then I don't trust none of them. I hope if there is a smoking gun that will point to any of these people being shisters, I hope we will them for what they all are worth.
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Considering that Branca was also in the only 2 other wills that have surfaced, and now this one, it doesn't immediately pop out at me as being sketchy, per se. Now I'm just musing, like most others, but just maybe there was another will that named someone from Michael's recent past that involved advisors/whomever that he ousted or no longer trusted. Re-affirming in a new will may have been a way to totally block anything else lurking out there, no surprises.

The judge granted the ability for Katherine and Londell(sp) to be involved in future rulings about the business end of the estate, with the judge being able to make the ultimate decision if need be in a conflict, and in dealings r/t this latest will. Michael did not name Katherine as conservator for his estate, perhaps with reason. Could be there was a concern of too many people "whispering" in her ear, including Joe and maybe other family members/hangers-on with not always the wisest ideas regarding Michael's business dealings and plans.

Just my opinion, not set in stone, but makes the most sense to me at this point.
I agree _ Its all good
they didnt take anything from Katherine
this is how MJ had it all laid out .. in his will

There will be saftey measures put in place
these men dont have full power to do anything
they want - that is not how this works

also the new letter instating Branca and Mclain
as overseeing for his business and estate was for
his upcoming undertaking of the TII venue in London
and future performances he was planning >> he trusted
them to run his Business and estate _ he had to set up
something for this great undertaking - he also trusted
then enough to be execuitive of his estate in the will
and he NEVER changed that .. as far as we know

and ad Jermaine stated to Larry king abou the will
NO one should contest Michaels wishes .. his mother
is just concerned and probale advised to voice that
concern so the judge sets it all up so ther will not be
any waste or frivilous actiosn taken to harm his estate

they do not have FULL power nor can they sell
any part of Mjs estate -

Katherine and the Children will still get provisons
from the profits of the estate as Michael laid out ..
this doesnt effect that at all ..

40% to Katherine
40% to the children
20% to charity

that doesnt change

No one knew of his death
MJ was ready to take on the world
NOT die _ please dont put that on him
its soooo WRONG ..

I respect Michael wishes ..
this is very normal procedure

the family just wants to make sure
the estate will be well taken care of
Im sure it will all be settled satisfactory

dont JUDGE what you do not know
some are attcking and dont even understand
what the will is stating _ its ridiculas

Myself I will stand by Michaels will
and what he wanted .. for his estate
his mother and his children ..
Its all good
they didnt take anything from Katherine
this is how Mj had it all laid out .. in his will

also the new letter instating Braka and Mclain
as overseeing for his business and estate was for
his upcoming undertaking of the TII venue in London
and future performances he was planning >> he trusted
them to run his Business and estate _ he had to set up
something for this great undertaking - he also trusted
then enough to be execuitive of his estate in the will
and he NEVER changed that .. as far as we know

and ad Jermaine stated to Larry king abou the will
NO one should contest Michaels wishes .. his mother
is just concerned and probale advised to voice that
concern so the judge sets it all up so ther will not be
any waste or frivilous actiosn taken to harm his estate

they do not have FULL power nor can they sell
any part of Mjs estate -

Katherine in the Children will still get provisons
from the profits of the estate as Michael laid out ..

40% to Katherine
40% to the children
20% to charity

that doesnt change

No one knew of his death
MJ was ready to take on the world
NOT die _ please dont put that on him
its soooo WRONG ..

I respect Michael wishes ..
this is very normal procedure

the family just wants to make sure
the estate will be well taken care of
Im sure it will all be settled satisfactory

dont JUDGE what you do not know
some are attcking and dont even understand
what the will is stating _ its ridiculas

MJ doesnt even need tabloids anymore
he has his fans to carry on with all the creepy
rumors and conspiracies that I have seen all over
this forum .. They fuel is _ They feed it ..

Myself I will stand by Michaels will
and what he wanted .. for his estate
his mother and his children ..

I agree with you. I just hope they do right by Michael. That is my only concern.
Michael did not name Katherine as conservator for his estate, perhaps with reason. Could be there was a concern of too many people "whispering" in her ear, including Joe and maybe other family members/hangers-on with not always the wisest ideas regarding Michael's business dealings and plans.
That's my thought too.
I agree _ Its all good
they didnt take anything from Katherine
this is how MJ had it all laid out .. in his will

There will be saftey measures put in place
these men dont have full power to do anything
they want - that is not how this works

also the new letter instating Branca and Mclain
as overseeing for his business and estate was for
his upcoming undertaking of the TII venue in London
and future performances he was planning >> he trusted
them to run his Business and estate _ he had to set up
something for this great undertaking - he also trusted
then enough to be execuitive of his estate in the will
and he NEVER changed that .. as far as we know

and ad Jermaine stated to Larry king abou the will
NO one should contest Michaels wishes .. his mother
is just concerned and probale advised to voice that
concern so the judge sets it all up so ther will not be
any waste or frivilous actiosn taken to harm his estate

they do not have FULL power nor can they sell
any part of Mjs estate -

Katherine and the Children will still get provisons
from the profits of the estate as Michael laid out ..
this doesnt effect that at all ..

40% to Katherine
40% to the children
20% to charity

that doesnt change

No one knew of his death
MJ was ready to take on the world
NOT die _ please dont put that on him
its soooo WRONG ..

I respect Michael wishes ..
this is very normal procedure

the family just wants to make sure
the estate will be well taken care of
Im sure it will all be settled satisfactory

dont JUDGE what you do not know
some are attcking and dont even understand
what the will is stating _ its ridiculas

Myself I will stand by Michaels will
and what he wanted .. for his estate
his mother and his children ..

Agree with you. Too much insinuating.
I will give the benefit of the doubt. They can still object, if they don't agree.
Guys, relax...

the 'will' clearly states MJ left his estate to his mother & kids, and 20% to (charity none specified). Branca and the other dude are only TEMPORARILY in charge of the MJ estate. THEY can NOT sell anything, or do anything with the stuff, they are basically like a bank, holding it, until a judge officially hands it over to MJ's mother and to a trustee who will look after or represent the kids.

The press is trying to make it seem like it's the jacksons versus the old mj lawyer it NOT. Brance was left in charge by MJ until all the details of sharing MJ's stuff amoung his mother and kids can be sorted.

Nothing bad is gonna happen, this stuff happens all over the world with other large estates all the time.
it's understandable a mother in shock would want her sons stuff, but MJ clearly left his will with Branca. Branca is there to stop others trying to grab everything. remember the kids will need a trustee to protect their 40%. so u can't have MJ's mother in charge, because as the law sees it, who will protect the kids 40%!

So basically all of MJ's stuff is on hold, and Branca is just holding it until the jugde over sees MJ's wishes!

So, this will be sorted out soon :- )
Guys, relax...

the 'will' clearly states MJ left his estate to his mother & kids, and 20% to (charity none specified). Branca and the other dude are only TEMPORARILY in charge of the MJ estate. THEY can NOT sell anything, or do anything with the stuff, they are basically like a bank, holding it, until a judge officially hands it over to MJ's mother and to a trustee who will look after or represent the kids.

Thanks for saying this because now I can take a breath of air!!

What you said here, is what my HOPES were, when I was first reading this thread. Like Michael trusted them, but to an extent. It would make sense to me. Phew!
I do. Simply put, it means that the lawyers control all of MJ's shyt. I read about this elsewhere and now I have some questions. Katherine's attorney stated that she was concerned about the relationship between John Bianca and MJ in that Bianca just recently came back into MJ's life and indeed, Bianca's lawyer had a document signed by MJ giving Bianca administrative powers....

8 days before he died.

I'm sry folks. I was trying not to go there before the man can be laid to peace, but this shyt stinks to high heaven.[/QUOTE]

I know. For me too. I don't want Michael's death to have been for money. I don't like the timing of any of this. I have been trying to ignore it all until we know more but someone better be paying attention.

I see some calmer posts from other posters. Thank you Mark, BGZ, etc. What you have said makes sense. I am trying to have faith. I am trying to not let this stuff get to me.
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I'm happy that the judge has locked them in when it comes to legal/attorney fees, selling assets, new business ventures and all that stuff

Branca knows how to do backhand deals behind Michael's back, he won't be able to do that much at the risk of getting into trouble with the court.

Accountants who scam Michael and pay people anyhow cannot do so.

Branca cannot do deals with Sony to sell assets because Katherine can object and the judge has the final say, so he will be checked on that.

He cannot embark on new ventures using Michael's name if Katherine objects, and the judge has the final say.

I would very much love the judge to appoint an independent attorney for the kids so that Branca knows 2 attorneys may object if he makes moves that do not serve the interests of the Michael Jackson family estate.

That way, any deal he thinks of, he will have to present it nicely to them, rather than bully them.

Katherine should be kept in the loop as it's terrible for someone to have the Jackson name in their control without any say so of a Jackson member. I was concerned about things like album release and use of his brand.

Debbie may also want to rethink custody of kids because if she thinks she will get kids to get money, this will not be like those child custody cases when the father of the kids pays the mother so much without accountability.
The court would require her to produce accounting of how the kids money gets spent - every penny, and the court will appoint an accountant to scrutinize, since this is an estate of a deceased person, so if she wants the hassle of looking after two kids and keeping a catalogue of receipts and reporting to court regularly, with no money she can misuse in posh shops or on her pets, let her carry ahead with a custody fight.
Also, the longer lawyers can drag these things out, the more money they can make. No disrespect to these two, because I know SOMEone's gotta do it, it's just something I thought of. xx
i'm afraid all the wonderful attention FINALLY focused on Michael's music and talent will be replaced by legal :censored: , money :censored: , drug :censored: and all the :censored: coming out of the woodwork :aggressive: