Katherine Jackson: No Evidence Estate Killed MJ

Just a gentle reminder to everyone whilst everyone has the right to criticise let's just remember to not overstep the line into nastiness. Thanks everyone.
What Katherine is doing in public has little to do with how she raised the children.
i would think they are totally connected. what she does publically is what goes on privatly. ie getting in with mann and htwf etc. frankly if u can do such obviously wrong and misguided things publically id be seriously concerend about what goes on behind closed doors
Thank the heavens PPB interviews, photos and body language show they are so above the petty hatred, and flat out nonsense.
Looks can be deceiving! Just because one "appears" happy doesn't mean they ARE! That was the case with Michael, and he admitted it. So, just because these kids are smiling, etc. in public, doesn't mean the situation in that house and family isn't a nightmare from HELL!! What can they do, they're just KIDS...Debbie Rowe is no better option...as I heard some fans claiming she should come get them as she's their mother and they "know" her! Bullish-she may share DNA, but she's done NOTHING that would make me call her a MOTHER, hell, even a dog can give birth, but that doesn't make it a MOTHER. And I would hardly claim these children "know" someone they've only met maybe 3 times, good luck with that! In my opinion, these children have been brainwashed! Paris didn't even believe fans when they told her Alejandra had sold a story about them to Radar, and the STAR, when she damn sure did!! Paris wouldn't believe she did, and that just goes to show you what they have programmed into these children, to use them like they did MJ, and they will only begin to realize the TRUTH when they are adults, and in the company of others, who are not shy about telling the TRUTH about the JACKSON'S to these children. The other sad thing is, is that the family is trying to tie Jermaine's children to MJ's children so they can emotionally guilt trip them in the future, like they did MJ. I'm sorry, but just because one family member is wealthy and has money, does not mean he or she is obligated to provide that lifestyle for the whole CLAN!! You have to live within your means like everyone else. IMO, Katherine Jackson is not, and was not a good mother, or else she wouldn't have allowed her husband to in essence emotionally, verbally, and physically abuse her children, and did nothing, hence why they're all screwed up NOW! So, let's not pull this "Katherine is great for the children mess", cause if she was so great, she wouldn't constantly and blatantly disregard her son's wishes for his children, much less sell them like prostitutes to a porn producer and the highest bidder, and sign them to what basically amounts to a life of servitude like they are slaves! Now, that's TRUTH!

What make you think the children are brainwashed?

Have you met and talked to Prince, Paris and Blanket before? How much do you know about the children?

Have you met and talked to Mrs. Katherine before? How much do you know about Katherine Jackson?

Let's say you have a chance to meet the children. Will you tell them in front of their faces that you think they've been brainwashed?

Now, I'm not going to pretend I know Paris. I don't know her. I've followed her Twitter. So, what I'm saying now is based on my observations. The way this 13 year-old teenager reacts to hateful and ridiculous tweets is impressive. She always handles herself with grace. She displays a maturity level that is beyond her age. She never engages in twitter rants. She never ever lost it and apologized. I dare to say her internet behavior exhibits more class than most of us here. She's witty sometimes. One can tell she's a teenager who is learning and experiencing.

I think Michael did an awesome job in bringing his children up. The children's confidence is a result of his love and guidence. But, the children do not live in a vacuum now. They have lived with Katherine since 2009. Katherine is the one who supports and guides the children since 2009.

When you see the recent pictures of the children, do you think these children live in a disstressed environment? Prince and Paris are going to regular school, taking acting classes, making homemade movies, having fun with their cousins and making new friends. Katherine is doing a good job in raising them.

Of course I don't like the fact that they are on the Oprah interview and the GMA interview. But, I cannot take away all the credits from Katherine.

Making bad business decisions do not make one a bad guardian. Our parents may make bad decisions too. We don't call our parents bad parents if they trust the wrong people. Michael himself trusted many wrong people in his life as a matter of fact.

And, do we really want the children grow up hating their grandmother and their one and only family? I'd rather they grow up thinking they are beloved by their father's mother.
Looks can be deceiving! Just because one "appears" happy doesn't mean they ARE! That was the case with Michael, and he admitted it. So, just because these kids are smiling, etc. in public, doesn't mean the situation in that house and family isn't a nightmare from HELL!! What can they do, they're just KIDS...Debbie Rowe is no better option...as I heard some fans claiming she should come get them as she's their mother and they "know" her! Bullish-she may share DNA, but she's done NOTHING that would make me call her a MOTHER, hell, even a dog can give birth, but that doesn't make it a MOTHER. And I would hardly claim these children "know" someone they've only met maybe 3 times, good luck with that! In my opinion, these children have been brainwashed! Paris didn't even believe fans when they told her Alejandra had sold a story about them to Radar, and the STAR, when she damn sure did!! Paris wouldn't believe she did, and that just goes to show you what they have programmed into these children, to use them like they did MJ, and they will only begin to realize the TRUTH when they are adults, and in the company of others, who are not shy about telling the TRUTH about the JACKSON'S to these children. The other sad thing is, is that the family is trying to tie Jermaine's children to MJ's children so they can emotionally guilt trip them in the future, like they did MJ. I'm sorry, but just because one family member is wealthy and has money, does not mean he or she is obligated to provide that lifestyle for the whole CLAN!! You have to live within your means like everyone else. IMO, Katherine Jackson is not, and was not a good mother, or else she wouldn't have allowed her husband to in essence emotionally, verbally, and physically abuse her children, and did nothing, hence why they're all screwed up NOW! So, let's not pull this "Katherine is great for the children mess", cause if she was so great, she wouldn't constantly and blatantly disregard her son's wishes for his children, much less sell them like prostitutes to a porn producer and the highest bidder, and sign them to what basically amounts to a life of servitude like they are slaves! Now, that's TRUTH!

All seeing, all knowning CARNAC THE MAGNIFICENT, i beseech you to give me the winning numbers for tommorow's NY lottery.
Oh please...try a NEW line! I'm stating my opinion just like you are yours. Now, if you can't accept a differing one than your own, then that's totally your problem, I could care less, oh max, the "knowing" one. Last waste of energy on you, but I don't claim to know it all, but what I DO know, is that looks can be decieving and all that glitters, and in this case, smiles, takes acting classes, etc. isn't gold.
I often wonder how old some are, and when if ever did the bell toll!

All seeing, all knowning CARNAC THE MAGNIFICENT, i beseech you to give me the winning numbers for tommorow's NY lottery.
I think Katherine is just trying to save her butt here by giving this statement. Those who know the Jackson family background of abuse, manipulation and backstabbing aren’t going to support this family. Not even Katherine Jackson’s ‘motherly image’ will fool anyone anymore. She too was also part of the abuse of her kids growing up. Most women would walk away from a monster like Joseph. She stood there watching as Joe beat the s**t out of all of her kids.

Is Paris happy? Of course not. Has anyone read between the lines she writes in her twitter? She hangs out with her cousin's and stuff, but is she happy? I don't think so. The fact that that family put in her head that the vocals in Hollywood Tonight were not of her dad's says a lot. Poor children were ripped away from The Cascios, a family Michael loved dearly.

She lost her father - the only one who genuinely loved her and her brothers. Now they are just cash cows for that family. Right now she is brainwashed, but as years go by and she gets older, she will see the truth and the horror her father had to go through growing up with those people.
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Katherine was talking smack about the executors since the begining! And now she refuses to point the fingers at them. WHY?! How freakin weird all of a sudden she don't want to blame a soul? What gives?

Who can understand this family?! o_O I say whatever! Like I said I trust no one...safer that way! lol

Well, the family of Michael drives me crazy, always. Anything that is said/done for them makes me confused, so I never really know what to say, much less what to think. Unfortunately, this family is a mess. (Sorry Michael! :()