Katherine Jackson: No Evidence Estate Killed MJ


Proud Member
Aug 22, 2007
Michigan USA
WOW I wasnt expecting this _ Finally ..


A number of people, including LaToya Jackson, have suggested there was a conspiracy
to kill Michael, and LaToya has said she believes Estate honchos were involved.

Katherine tells TMZ ...

"It is only natural for people who loved Michael, including family members, to be suspicious
about the circumstances surrounding Michael’s untimely death. So far I have not seen one
shred of evidence that anyone associated with Michael’s estate conspired to kill him. "

She continues,

"If such evidence ever comes to my attention I will be the first to bring those
facts to light. No one loved Michael more than I loved him, but no one should
be falsely accused, as Michael was, of a crime they did not commit."

Source TMZ
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well we will see if toya keeps going on with her ramblings or not
I can't help thinking LaToya would do and say anything to get attention.
Indeed, wow. I'm impressed at how dignified this statement is. And KJ defending the Estate, that's unusual.

What will Toy do now?

And, why a statement to TMZ? They dont have real media anymore in the US?
I hope she is sincere with her statement.
If this statement is released TODAY to avoid embarrassing questions at the press conference...Or for damage control with industry people...I say FAIL.
Latoya has been saying thus crap for months now...why today? And most importantly why TMZ?

I hope the estate doesn't allow them to use MJ written songs. Enough of this circus.

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Memefan;3443665 said:

Yes there is...

I have not seen one shred of evidence that anyone associated with Michael’s estate conspired to kill him.

No one loved Michael more than I loved him, but no one should be falsely accused, as Michael was, of a crime they did not commit.
It is well worded. Which doesnt mean it's not released to day on purpose, or that she doesnt have hidden intentions.
Too little too late.
Suggest them & Toy to zip up & sit down somewhere
before there's a serious falling out and hurt the legacy.
La Toya says the Estate murdered Michael, people complain.

Katherine says the Estate didn't murder Michael, the same people complain.

Yes there is...

Then you & I have a different definition of DIGNIFY

1) nothing coming from TMZ could ever be dignified, no matter who releases it;
2) nothing done with ulterior motive is dignified
3) too little too late.
La Toya says the Estate murdered Michael, people complain.

Katherine says the Estate didn't murder Michael, the same people complain.


Has it been released over a month ago when Latoya first started her book tour...through legitimate press maybe I'd feel differently. Not only Katherine, but many other Jacksons are on Twitter EVERYDAY ...and not once have any of them stepped up and said "No, you cant falsely accuse someone the same way our brother was falsely accused".

Jackie & Tito will appear at the press conference...but they are on Twitter almost every day reading fans' tweets on this. So tell me this isn't damage control...
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Yes, suspiscious timing. The Jacksons now sound like a house divided.
Sorry, but I would have way more FAITH in this "statement" if it had been made months ago.

LaToya's book tour is dang near over, why release a statement now. And releasing it to TMZ, well that's a whole OTHER story.

The timing of this statement definitely causes me to raise an eyebrow!
Too little too late.
Suggest them & Toy to zip up & sit down somewhere
before there's a serious falling out and hurt the legacy.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Funny though i know this may sound harsh but kj says no one loved him nore than she.....but yet shes hanging out with howard mann , a man that made that disgusting rap bout mj?! Her actions of late sometimes makes me wonder her feeling for michael and please guys im only stating what i have been thinking bout the whole thing
^Can someone link me to this rap please? I still haven't heard it.
:clap: :clap: :clap:

Funny though i know this may sound harsh but kj says no one loved him nore than she.....but yet shes hanging out with howard mann , a man that made that disgusting rap bout mj?! Her actions of late sometimes makes me wonder her feeling for michael and please guys im only stating what i have been thinking bout the whole thing

dont worry alo of fans feelings have changed about k since she sold mjs kids out and said those things about mj to oprah.love is a strange thing in that family
^Can someone link me to this rap please? I still haven't heard it.

I cant remember who or where it was i got the link from, but im sure someone here at mjjc has it, or knows where to listen to it.
i have just one comment and one comment only...when Katherine says...that no one love Michael more than she,,,as much as i want to contest that statement.....she is his mother...she gave birth to him..she carried him for nine months,,and unless you are a parent you cannot ever know the feeling of seeing that child for the first time..feeling it grow and move inside you.....so imo...yes ...she does love him the most. (kills me to say that,,but it is true).
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dont worry alo of fans feelings have changed about k since she sold mjs kids out and said those things about mj to oprah.love is a strange thing in that family

Yes alot of fans have changed their feelings bout kj since that happened.....sometimes i just feel like :banghead: bout it all
No evidence to say anyone who was around mj murder him (now you say what) no one should be accuse like MJ was of a false crime, no katherine no one should do that. But your children are doing it to others ihope you have strong words with them.
kj is making sure when toya is sued for slander she is not drag into the mess.
I watch LJ on the view she look into the camara and lie, "has your mon get any money from the estate" (lie) "as of last week no" look at toya face she is lying throug her teeth.

Just remember mj saying in the "glands tapes" how they were though to lie from an early age he was very hurt about lying, him having to say he 9 when he was ten and Diana discover them when it was not true.
I am so sick of the lies and them trying to fool fan when we know what is happening.
Mj is dead it time for them to stop this crap and start behaving like responsible adult take account for there action and change there path.
Make me wonder what principle they are teaching MJ kids.
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It's nice to see that Katherine is showing common sense and courtesy.

However I too am skeptical about the timing. It seems like this is to make good with the executors so they would either approve the tribute concert or not sue La Toya for slander.
It's nice to see that Katherine is showing common sense and courtesy.

However I too am skeptical about the timing. It seems like this is to make good with the executors so they would either approve the tribute concert or not sue La Toya for slander.

Well this family so we discover never do anything without a hidden motive.
So if it's not one its two or both.
Nothing surprise me about them.