Katherine Jackson Can Challenge Administrators

I am afraid Diana Ross won't get Michael's three children either because what LaToya was says that her mother and Diana had a talk on the phone she didn't say wants get in detail. I wish Michael should have left his children to his baby sister Janet.

I am sure that the reason Michael appointed Diana as backup guardian is to protect his children's inheritance from his dad and brothers once Ms Katie is gone. Diana is younger than Liz Taylor and Michael and her have a long history. She has always defended him and called him her friend. I believe that he chose her because he knew that if something happened to his mother, Diana would not squander their estate but would make sure their estate is properly maintained and turned over to the kids when they reach the right age. Also, Diana is a legend who knows the business and we have never heard of any financial problems with Diana.

And from what I see Ms Katie doing now, I can clearly see why Michael didn't want her or anyone else in his family as executors of his estate.
Today TMZ did a live question - answer session. And this question was asked.

Harvey Levin told that saying MJ appointed the executors with undue influence (or coerced into appointing them) will be really far fetched. He said most likely - if they ever do such a claim- it would not pan out given the facts (2 will, 12 years etc) and that Branca is the most prominent music lawyer. So basically he said it would be almost impossible to support a claim that Branca forced MJ or that Branca is unfit for the job.

They also asked if Branca will be coming to an agreement with the Jackson after this ruling. Levin said that Branca is not at a deal making mode, does not think the same way as the Jackson's and will not be willing to give power to Katherine. He said overall the estate will continue to have its debates and difference of opinions.

On a semi related stuff
- they said that the movie is not being edited to look polished - rather showing struggles of preparing the show. Levin said that this makes the movie more interesting as it will cause the debate about whether MJ was ready and could do the shows or not.
- In terms of criminal investigation and/or arrests Levin said that their sources tell them that the arrests will occur in the second week of October.
- He also said if the family ever opens a wrongful death suit they would most probably not only list AEG or Murray but anyone and everyone included.
Last edited:
They also asked if Branca will be coming to an agreement with the Jackson after this ruling. Levin said that Branca is not at a deal making mode, does not think the same way as the Jackson's and will not be willing to give power to Katherine. He said overall the estate will continue to have its debates and difference of opinions.

Branca did not even object , the man is gonna eat them alive .
the jacksons are talking about reaching a settlement with the executors , Londel is very stupid to make the statement about "victory" when in fact Branca did not even object so what victory did they have ?

they think the executors are gonna ask katie to appoint randy as third executor and keep them , how laughable , let the jacksons prove their case : good luck in proving that mj was out of this world for the last 12 years of his life , they will look even more pathetic by the end of this fight .
You just reminded me of something with this post. In Diana Ross' autobio she mentions that she started making sure she was more personally involved with keeping track of her finances toward the end of her book. Maybe this is one of the reasons Michael chose her.

I am sure that the reason Michael appointed Diana as backup guardian is to protect his children's inheritance from his dad and brothers once Ms Katie is gone. Diana is younger than Liz Taylor and Michael and her have a long history. She has always defended him and called him her friend. I believe that he chose her because he knew that if something happened to his mother, Diana would not squander their estate but would make sure their estate is properly maintained and turned over to the kids when they reach the right age. Also, Diana is a legend who knows the business and we have never heard of any financial problems with Diana.

And from what I see Ms Katie doing now, I can clearly see why Michael didn't want her or anyone else in his family as executors of his estate.
the one you are talking about is dieter lawsuit, the one i'm talking about is the lawsuit brought by the company randy made a deal with to refinance mj's loan . totally different thing .

rowe is part of the lawsuit, he was fired , he was claiming he did not see the paper mj sent to him where he told him he was not representing him , he did not say he was not fired , he said he did not receive the papers . michael did say that he did not sign any papers with that company , he even said he had never heard about the deal, he went and said randy and his associate wanted him to sell his share in the catalogue and that the billionaire ron burkle was warning him not to sign any paper under any circumstances .

allgood entertainment maybe trying to sue rowe and dileo and michael estate, about the promise reunion concert that dileo agreed to deliver, about lenoard rowe he said michael wanted his help, he said michael wanted to due 10 shows I sort of believe rowe on that one, and that the people around michael were keeping hm away, the papers that rowe said he never recieved, when he herd about the papers rowe said he dont believe michael wrote the papers he believe someone elese did.
we saw the original contract , mj agreed to 31 concerts first not 10 as Rowe has been claiming . he is a liar .
tehre's no proof branca was bad. remember, it was konizer (sp) who hired legrande who never actually proved that branca was bad....and he never showed information or proof that branca did anything wrong. it was ron k. who wanted to be mj's financial guy so it's so random that HIS guy finds soemthign wrong w/ branca
While doing a search for something, I came across this article that I missed before. By reading this article, I am in full belief that the estate should be handled only by PROFESSIONALS.


Michael Jackson's legacy endures through music, videos
By Marco R. della Cava, USA TODAY


At Michael Jackson's revival of a memorial service, Smokey Robinson slapped the lectern and smiled.

Michael "will never really be gone," he said emphatically. "He is going to live forever and ever and ever and ever."

Robinson's conviction was a balm to the tearful Staples Center crowd that gathered July 7 to remember the King of Pop. No doubt such sentiments will surface again today among family and fans as the singer is finally laid to rest in a private burial at Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale, Calif.

But as years go by, will Robinson's declaration prove true? Plenty of celebrities have stolen the spotlight in death, only to see their memories fade with the passage of time.

Princess Diana's funeral shut down London and riveted viewers from Kalamazoo to Karachi. A decade later, her role — as a fashionable mother of two with a passion for global causes — has been filled by Michelle Obama.

Frank Sinatra once seemed so synonymous with devil-may-care cool that setting a movie in Las Vegas (cue Swingers) practically required referencing that Rat Pack reign. But lately, his chain-smoking men's club seems more a vestige of a less-enlightened age.

Even Elvis Presley, arguably the most enduring of our cultural comets, is burning less brightly 32 years after his death. Many of his once-revolutionary hits would strike a quaint note on a contemporary playlist, and his pop-culture presence seems largely confined to cartoon soundtracks and ubiquitous impersonators.

Jackson's quest for immortality will have its obstacles. Though Elvis' bloated capes-and-collars period was a brief kicker to a storied career, Jackson's last 20 years were light on hits but heavy on high drama, from the hyperbaric chamber and pet chimp to child molestation allegations and disfiguring plastic surgeries.

It remains to be seen whether the memories — and the music — of Jackson's golden era are potent enough to offset not only those oddities but also the controversies that continue to swirl around him, from his abuse of hospital-grade painkillers to his death by homicide.

Challenges to Jackson legacy

Jackson biographer J. Randy Taraborrelli yearns for a day "when we'll all get back to the music." But taking into account his friend's now controversial passing, he concedes "it may take some time for that to happen."

And that's as long as no new revelations surface, says Brian Hiatt, associate editor at Rolling Stone. "If there are more scandals uncovered, that could irreparably damage the legacy," he says.

Another potential problem: legal wrangling between the estate's executors and anyone vying for a piece of the gold mine.

"Managing a deceased artist is often harder than managing a live one, because sometimes the right answer is 'no, don't release that song' or 'don't agree to the sale of that image,' " says Jerry Schilling, a longtime confidant of Presley's and one-time creative affairs director of Elvis Presley Enterprises, the benchmark of iron-fisted estate management. "You have to be in agreement."

Without a unified stance, intellectual property "can often end up in the public domain, so you have to have all interests aligned or you can destroy the asset," says lawyer Robert Alpert, who specializes in intellectual property issues in the New York offices of the firm Bryan Cave.

"For all of Jackson's bad press, there's an amazing amount of goodwill toward him, which makes his a great property to build on," Alpert says. "But you have to be clear and consistent about the image you want to project through time for it to last. It can be cheapened very easily. And then it'll be forgotten."

At the moment, Jackson couldn't be more top of mind. He has sold 5 million albums in 2009, up from sales of 297,000 year to date before his death, and his Number Ones is 2009's best-selling album, overtaking Taylor Swift's Fearless, according to Nielsen SoundScan. There's also a $60 million deal with Sony Pictures for a movie drawn from Jackson's rehearsals for the 50 London concerts that would have started in July.

"A legacy like his has to be rooted in the musical catalog, which is a staggering 40 years of making records," says Hilary Rosen, former CEO of the Recording Industry Association of America. "But a lasting brand always needs both steak and sizzle. Sizzle is part of his legacy, that of the tragic hero figure. There's no need to erase or embellish it."

It also helps that the steak is Grade A. Rosen recalls attending the 1988 Grammy Awards and seeing an "absolutely jaded industry audience leap to their feet when Michael's silhouette appeared behind the scrim. His was not cheap celebrity."

Music 'will keep him alive'

Jackson's shocking death at age 50 — on the eve of what some say was sure to be a concert-driven comeback — has in essence given former fans turned off by the singer's peccadilloes the green light to revel in that musical genius.

"I've always said Michael was amazing, but I do sense that now it's OK for others to appreciate his magic," says Raquel Choyce, president of the Las Vegas-based Michael Jackson's United Nation International Fan Club. Among the club's 900 members are fans as young as 10. "What will keep him alive are the wonderful messages in his music."

And messages sent in a digital bottle have a good chance of sailing through time. Jackson had the good fortune of being a child of the television age, whose intricacies he later mastered. His Thriller-era videos both broke him onto MTV and destroyed the band-filmed-while-lip-syncing approach to the genre. Those music videos, and their influence on the stars of today, also play a crucial role in perpetuating Jackson's iconic status.

"Let's face it, Billie Jeanis never really going to sound bad," says Rolling Stone's Hiatt. "That song is 26 years old, but it sounds way more current than (Elvis' first recording) would have sounded at the time of his death in 1977. With Michael, you've got everyone from Usher to Justin Timberlake drawing from his stuff. That's what will help keep him alive for 10 or 20 years, or more."

Decades hence, it won't matter that few remember seeing Jackson's dance moves firsthand or recall waiting for his electric videos to make their debut, Hiatt says. Jackson's music is already so intertwined with today's sounds that his influence isn't likely to be forgotten.

In fact, Gail Mitchell, senior editor at Billboard magazine, uses a different metric to set Jackson apart from other music stars: his lack of recent success.

"Michael Jackson sold out 50 concerts in a matter of hours, this despite not having a recent hit song or record and, truth be told, being an artist who really only had four big albums a long time ago," from Off the Wall(1979)to Dangerous(1991), Mitchell says. "How many artists could do that? I may be idealistic, but I think his legacy will trump all others."

Schilling, too, says Jackson has what it takes to endure: "If you are loved by the world, have an impressive body of work, and there's a huge and organized machine running your estate, the sky's the limit.

"Both Elvis and Michael had their personal issues in life, maybe like most big stars do. But they also were both fundamentally about making the world happy. That's a powerful thing."

The Jackson team should take stock of what the singer has in the vaults "and plan a very strategic release of that material," says Peter Sealey, former marketing chief at Coca-Cola and Columbia Pictures, who teaches entertainment marketing at Claremont (Calif.) Graduate University.

"It's sad but true that those who die before their time have the ability to endure through the ages because they didn't live long enough to make bad movies or late-night infomercials, all of which dilute your brand," Sealey says. "Managed correctly, Jackson, with his body of work, should be a star toward the end of this century."

Graceland, Neverland

An invaluable tool in stoking the memories of a dead pop icon is a place to celebrate his or her life. Elvis has Graceland, but in Jackson's case the destination could be anywhere from a proposed traveling exhibit of his personal effects to a Las Vegas reinterpretation of Neverland. Some have mentioned Jackson's boyhood home in Gary, Ind., as a fitting shrine for fans, but at 24-by-28 feet, it couldn't accommodate the inevitable stampede.

A permanent location is crucial, says Harriette Cole, acting editor in chief and creative director of Ebony magazine, which has chronicled all the Jacksons' lives from their late-'60s blossoming. "Practically speaking, ticket sales (to a Jackson version of Graceland) would help pay off a lot of debt. But it would also prove important in preserving Michael's legacy, as a place to remember what he was all about."

Meanwhile, Gary isn't wasting any time. The town is planning a Jackson family museum, says Mayor Rudy Clay. "We're working on it," he says. "Twenty years from now, you won't find anyone who doesn't know Michael, unless they're Rip van Winkle. History often shows us that with the great stars, they become bigger in death than they were in life."

Biographer Taraborrelli says that one advantage of time is that it can erase life's scars.

"Michael's iconic status will grow stronger because it will no longer be clouded with these personal issues," says Taraborrelli, who met the singer when he was a 10-year-old sensation.

"I'd like to think that he'd have had a peaceful future had he lived, but you can never be sure of that. Instead, now all we're left with is the music, which is the way he would have wanted it."

Our 'death anxiety'

But there's another possibility: that this isn't really about Michael's legacy but our fears.

This perception of cultural heroes as immortal "serves to alleviate death anxiety," says Pelin Kesebir, post-doctoral research associate at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

Two years ago, while at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Kesebir asked two groups. One group said 60 years, but the other group, which first had to write a lengthy essay about their own mortality, predicted 104 years.

For fans, Jackson's death will be perceived "as the annihilation of something they inwardly deemed to be imperishable. But in time, they will derive a sense of stamina from his symbolic immortality."

Amish Gandhi says he's intrigued by that theory. "I never thought of it that way," says Gandhi, who created the Michael Jackson R.I.P. page on Facebook moments after Jackson's death was confirmed.

But ultimately for Gandhi — and likely countless other die-hard fans — the endurance of Jackson's legacy comes down to nothing more complicated than great music.

"I grew up in Africa and India, and he was just a part of everyday life for us," says Gandhi, now a new-media product manager in New York. "That music will go on and on and on."
i think the Jackson family is great but when it comes to running business.. especially Michael's business..they need to let Branca and McCain do their jobs..

with the endless interviews of LaToya, Joe and Jermaine.. I've come to realize they have no proof or names of most things they claim.........................they speak on emotion which doesn't really help Michael's cause
mjmystery enough said . MJ's estate is gonna end in his kids hands HIS KIDS HIS KIDS even though the jackson and you believe otherwise . HIS KIDS whether you like it or not are gonna get EVERYTHING .
yes michael kids will get there percent and charity will get theres and what i understand katherine can will her share to who she want's to, if anything happens to her. unless in the present will there is a clause concerning that matter.
once she passes, her fourty percent goes back to the kids. and they will have eighty and charity wil lhave twenty

Thats not the understanding i have recieved, if she do not have a will at that time the kids wil get the 40 percent, if there is no clause in the will about her percent she can will it to who she wants to, cause the 40 percent is left to katherine, if she chose to give her kids some money out of her 40 percent she can do that, because it belongs to her, if she bought a house invest in stocks, cds, open a business etc with some of her money she can will it to who she wants, because it would belong to katherine jackson.
I think this is a HUGE win for MJ's estate and a huge loss to Sony in terms of getting their filthy hands on that ATV catalogue. Katherine will have Michael's, his childrens, and her own best interests at heart and that would be to keep that catalogue as it is a major source of revenue!

Thank You

This is great news. A family member needs to be a co-administrator. I hope they get together and work this out amicably. John Branca previsously said that he didn't have a problem with some member of the family being a third executor. Plus the document said the co-administrators took no position on the petition. This is a good sign. I would hate to see it be a long drawn out issue.

If Priscilla Presley, Elvis' EX-WIFE could finagle her way into being an executor of Elvis's estate when she was not named in the will, Katherine as Micheal's mother deserves this role.

Thank You

Branca must be removed as executer. He is a crook and a liar. He is working for SONY and will leave the Jackson's penniless. He was also probably behind the non-stop lawsuits against MJ. I have learned what and who John Branca is; it is not a pretty picture.

Katherine has the same right Prysilla Presley had or is there some better or "superior" about the Presley's compared to the Jackson's?

What could be the difference ☺☻I think I know.
Lie for it
Spy for it
Kill for it
Die for it
So you call it trust
But I say it's just
In the devil's game
Of greed and lust
They don't care
They'd do me for the money
They don't care
They use me for the money
So you go to church
Read the Holy word
In the scheme of life
It's all absurd
They don't care
They'd kill for the money
Do or dare
The thrill for the money
You're saluting the flag
Your country trusts you
Now you're wearing a badge
You're called the "Just Few"
And you're fighting the wars
A soldier must do
I'll never betray or deceive you my friend but...
If you show me the cash
Then I will take it
If you tell me to cry
Then I will fake it
If you give me a hand
Then I will shake it
You'll do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Where do your loyalties lie?
Is that your alibi?
I don't think so
You don't care
You'd do her for the money
Say it's fair
You sue her for the money
Want your pot of gold
Need the Midas touch
Bet you sell your soul
Cuz your God is such
You don't careYou kill for the money
Do or dareThe thrill for the money
Are you infected with the same disease
Of lust, gluttoney and greed?
Then watch the ones
With the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...Cuz they're the backstabbers
If you know it's a lie
Then you will swear it
If you give it with guilt
Then you will bear it
If it's taking a chance
Then you will dare it
You'll do anything for money...
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
You say you wouldn't do it
For all the money in the world
I don't think soIf you show me the man
Then I will sell him
If you ask me to lie
Then I will tell him
If you're dealing with God
Then you will hell him
You'll do anything for money
Anything for money
Would lie for you
Would die for you
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Even sell my soul to the devil
Thats not the understanding i have recieved, if she do not have a will at that time the kids wil get the 40 percent, if there is no clause in the will about her percent she can will it to who she wants to, cause the 40 percent is left to katherine, if she chose to give her kids some money out of her 40 percent she can do that, because it belongs to her, if she bought a house invest in stocks, cds, open a business etc with some of her money she can will it to who she wants, because it would belong to katherine jackson.

Not true at all , Katie only enjoys 40% of the estate profits as long as she is alive, once she is dead her share goes back to mj's kids . she can't rewill her share at all .It is not hers to will it, she is a beneficiary , she did not inherit anything , yes the money she is getting as profits she can rewill it to her children but the assets belong to the estate not to katie .there were other jacksons mentioned who would have the estate only and only if mj's kids "god forbid" all died while the jackson members were still alive and non of them were even his siblings . mj was determined not to give them anything .
Maybe Mrs.Jackson isn't looking to put Randy in that seat, maybe she wld puts a person just as business savvy as Branca and the other guy.. *just a thought*

Does anyone know how much the executors are receiving as far as salaries are concerned?? Hell the kids income has been put out there....
that's why they want more cash distributed to beneficiaries because katie can't rewill the assets but she can rewill the profits she gets from the estate, the best strategy is to pay debts , taxes as soon as possible to avoid paying the interest on them ,and expand the assets , that is the best strategy for mj's kids and for the charities but katie and her children want the cash not the assets .

that's the conflict of interest . they want to liquidate the estate to the maximum to get the maximum profits possible , that's could only happen if the executors agree to sell all the assets or at least mj's share in the sony/atv catalogue which according to tmz worth as much as 1.5 BILLION in 2007 and it worth much more now .
Oceangirl, can you answer me this? Since the money belong to the estate rather then the children and Katherine, I been wondering...
MJ´s kids will hopefully grow up and hopefully have children of their own. One day Prince, Paris and Blanket will be gone and MJ´s grandkids and greatgrandkids will (hopefully) still be around. When that day come will the grandkids be beneficiary to the estate?
well, as with Lisa marie presley , the kids will inherit the estate when they are of certain age , i don't know for sure but this is what happens eventually ,lisa marie got a small portion of her father's estate at 28 , she got another small portion at 29 and full control at 30 .
i just wanna know how is the whole Jackson familiy's financial situation. i can't believe all of them except Janet are broke.
all of them are indeed broke except janet . since mj's death the situation is getting better since they are selling stories now more often than before and the tabs are quoting them directly no "sources told us" any more .
Maybe Mrs.Jackson isn't looking to put Randy in that seat, maybe she wld puts a person just as business savvy as Branca and the other guy.. *just a thought*

Does anyone know how much the executors are receiving as far as salaries are concerned?? Hell the kids income has been put out there....
a few wks ago i would've agreed w/ u but once she said that randy was the one handling her day to day finances and she wanted to use him and rowe as witnesses...i fell out my chair and slapped my forehead at the same time....
Not true at all , Katie only enjoys 40% of the estate profits as long as she is alive, once she is dead her share goes back to mj's kids . she can't rewill her share at all .It is not hers to will it, she is a beneficiary , she did not inherit anything , yes the money she is getting as profits she can rewill it to her children but the assets belong to the estate not to katie .there were other jacksons mentioned who would have the estate only and only if mj's kids "god forbid" all died while the jackson members were still alive and non of them were even his siblings . mj was determined not to give them anything .
I dont know were you get your understandg from, my understanding if someone leave something to you in there will, that says that person left that to you, weather its a house, car, boat, or money it is given to that person, since katherin jackson was given 40 percent, and it is documented that proves she owns 40 percent of the estate, left to her by michael jackson her son they do not have any legal right to take want he gave to his mother katherine, she has the legal right to leave whats her to who she choose to. Thats what i believe. I had an older cousin that passed and he choose to leave his money to his grandson and not his daugther, even though she was his daugther she had no legal rights to the money so she could not get it, the money went to her son when he became 18, because the will stated who the money should go to.
MJ did not give her 40% of his estate, she is beneficiary of 40% of the PROFITS of his estate , he did not leave any assets to katie . did you heard about the judge's response to katie lawyer about mj's memorabilia he told him "STOP ACTING LIKE SHE OWNS IT SHE DOES NOT OWN ANYTHING" not word for word but that's what he said . she will not inherit any assets , her share of the PROFITS goes back to mj's kids once she die and at some time in the future when they reach a certain age they will inherit their father's estate . or 80% of it .