Katherine Has Requested a Second Private Autopsy

However...I don't think it's true. There will be no third autopsy. He will be buried soon
I can tell you right now, not trying to be an ass, but:

A good defense attorney will say that three autopsies were over the top and want to know why the police couldn't find anything.They will also ask if Mrs. Jackson planed to keep getting autopsies until she got the answer she wanted.
We all know that's not true, but that's how a good lawyer works.
to that hopefully a good lawyer for Katherine would point out all the things that don't add up which would explain why foul play was suspected(hopefully) I don't trust the LAPD one bit, I hope they can prove me wrong and give Michael justice.
I'm sure Michael's own mother cares more about that than we do.
You think she's doing this because she's bored?
For Michael to rest in peace, the damn truth has to come out first.
Poor Katherine. Whether this 3rd autopsy thing is true or not, I'm with her all the way.

I totally agree with you. It's not like they're are just giving away free autopsies...how ever much all of us love michael please know that no-one loves michael this earth more than his mother the woman who gave birth to him. The only people who are level with her are Michael's children but apart from that nobody else's love for michael even compares.

Also for all you saying "no more autosies let michael rest in peace" don't you know that the body is just that...a body. Michael is resting, his spirit is resting whatever anybody does to his body it doesn't touch michael because his spirit is no longer there. Katherine is a religious woman and she understands this i'm sure.

All i know is that the truth needs to come out. The REAL truth i'm tired of the speculation and these theories...it doesn't help and it distracts from the ruth which is what everyone is looking for. IF this is even true katherine obviously was not happy with the outcome o f the 1st 2 autopsies. Maybe Diprivan didn't show up as it has a VERY short life in the body, who knows...that would bbe odd though as murray already admitted he administered it to michael and the chef said she saw murray coming down the stairs every morning with oxygen takes (all evidence) who knows really but what i know for sure is that NOBODY should be questionings a mothers action's in trying to find out why her seemingly healthy son died a 50 years old. RESPECT her decision as it hers and so was michael
I just got a text message from E! News saying "Jackson family sources deny a third autopsy will be performed on Michael; coroner calls it "pointless" "
I don't think there is any truth to this, what will a second private autopsy relieve that the first did'nt?
If I'm not mistaken, an autopsy can be taken and they don't have to touch Michael's body again. I think the autopsy can be done on tissue samples that have been taken from Michael's body. So there is no reason for Michael not to be laid to rest.
Does anyone know what happens to the autopsy photos. Are they given to the family, burned, what? I hope the never surface to the internet.
Sadly I can understand where she's coming from, she wants answers about what happened to her baby and NO ONE is giving any. As a mother she is doing what she can and what she has to do to find peace for herself and justice for her son. She's on a quest for answers and I hope she gets them. *Prayers to Katie, kids, and fam*

I agree
It has been denied. It is just a rumor colported by a tabloid.
Why are we still discussing about that.
PLease mods, could you close this thread?

I didn't say the story was true, I was agreeing that Katherine wants answers.