Katherine Has Requested a Second Private Autopsy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Another Jackson Autopsy?
Posted by ExtraTV Staff on August 5, 2009 2:15 PM

Katherine Jackson has reportedly demanded yet another private autopsy be conducted on Michael Jackson.
This would be the third autopsy performed. Earlier this week, Mrs. Jackson told Geraldo Rivera she suspected

foul play, saying, "All I know is my son is dead and I don't think he just died of natural causes or whatever."

The Los Angeles Coroner is expected to release the official autopsy results this week, after a delay reportedly caused by the vacationing and now outgoing Police Chief William Bratton, who today announced his departure as Chief.

TV judge Jeanine Pirro tells "Extra" the subsequent autopsies won't reveal anything new. "At the end of the day, the most we're gonna get is a manslaughter charge for the criminal negligence, allegedly, on the part of the doctor."
Okay! I just hope when they go to come public with it, it's not delayed again.
I believe Dr. Murray was a hired assassin.
I also think the police are unsure what chemical or drug he used to kill Michael Jackson. To quote Dick Gregory "doctors make the best assassins."

Click on the link below, and you will see a video of what the murder conspirators look like:
I believe Dr. Murray was a hired assassin.
I also think the police are unsure what chemical or drug he used to kill Michael Jackson. To quote Dick Gregory "doctors make the best assassins."

Click on the link below, and you will see a video of what the murder conspirators look like:

I quite agree. Anything for money. . .
Either they haven't found something or they're hiding something. It jsut doesn't seem to be measuring up. I'm afraid that what ever was administered to him has dissolved in his body. It's harder to find the resideu if that's the case.

Bless Katherine, she's gone through so much and still hasn't gotten the answers she so desperately needs. I hope they respect her wishes.
:( why cant they just bury poor michael hasnt he already been tortured enough in death as he has been in life???? let him rest in peace at last!!!!
*sigh* this is ridiculous.


I hope they come out with at least something...
:( why cant they just bury poor michael hasnt he already been tortured enough in death as he has been in life???? let him rest in peace at last!!!!

I sooooo agree with you!!

And I think there has been at least 2 autopsies now. If she has one done, I think that will make 3. Someone feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
Why can't this "doctor" go to jail already :( I don't get it. What's taking so damn long. Will he even go to jail?? He needs to!
Oh my Gosh, poor lady! She goes through hell! The second private autopsy could take a place in case if family wants to compare both results which is very smart to do. If results are the same it means that it was done accurate. If they are different it could mean that somebody was doing something wrong, maybe on purpose. You never know.... Katherine just cannot trust anybody... .
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Now, I am not a trained mortician...but don't things start to break down and decompose, even after someone has been embalmed? Is there really anything left to find on/in poor Michael, that they couldn't have possibly found in the first two autopsies that have already been performed!? Could you imagine what his poor body looks like now, with all of those horrible incisions and such. Ugh, sorry for that.

I am just upset at the thought of him being cut open again...

Maybe the family has heard something that is disturbing to them, and they are in denial, so they are praying that a third autopsy will tell them something different??

How can three different people come out with three different (if they are different at all) autopsy reports. Aren't they all looking at the same man with the same insides ?? :(
Sadly I can understand where she's coming from, she wants answers about what happened to her baby and NO ONE is giving any. As a mother she is doing what she can and what she has to do to find peace for herself and justice for her son. She's on a quest for answers and I hope she gets them. *Prayers to Katie, kids, and fam*
He will never get buried

I think that eventually someone in the family will come to their senses and realize it is just time. It was time several weeks ago. A body can only be above ground in a mortuary for so long before it is just 'time'. :(
we just want the truth

but where is the truth???
I think that eventually someone in the family will come to their senses and realize it is just time. It was time several weeks ago. A body can only be above ground in a mortuary for so long before it is just 'time'. :(

So true... I mean I don't blame Mrs. Jackson for wanting answers, cuz it seems like the coroner is taking his time, and they keep doing raids and getting stuff from doctors, but yet I wonder if they are informing the family of what's going on, or do they have to wait like we do, and get it from TMZ
Well for Katherine to ask for a 3rd autopsy might mean that the autopsy that were requested by the family and the coroners autopsy are showing the same results. It probably is showing that Michael had drugs in his system and it's hard to decipher what killed him as far as the Diprivan or a combination of other drugs and the Diprivan. Yes it's important to get the truth out, but the Jackson family can't keep asking for autopsy to be taken so that they can get the results that they want.
Now, I am not a trained mortician...but don't things start to break down and decompose, even after someone has been embalmed? Is there really anything left to find on/in poor Michael, that they couldn't have possibly found in the first two autopsies that have already been performed!? Could you imagine what his poor body looks like now, with all of those horrible incisions and such. Ugh, sorry for that.

I am just upset at the thought of him being cut open again...

Maybe the family has heard something that is disturbing to them, and they are in denial, so they are praying that a third autopsy will tell them something different??

How can three different people come out with three different (if they are different at all) autopsy reports. Aren't they all looking at the same man with the same insides ?? :(

Well, my grandfather knew someone in the funeral business. Embalming only gets one through the funeral phase after one has died. He should be buried by now. I think a third autopsy is obsurd. (My opinion) Let him be at peace already.
Well for Katherine to ask for a 3rd autopsy might mean that the autopsy that were requested by the family and the coroners autopsy are showing the same results. It probably is showing that Michael had drugs in his system and it's hard to decipher what killed him as far as the Diprivan or a combination of other drugs and the Diprivan. Yes it's important to get the truth out, but the Jackson family can't keep asking for autopsy to be taken so that they can get the results that they want.

Pamerella, I wanted to say all you said, but was sort of afraid to do so, so I will say that I agree with you 100%!! I think they don't like what they are finding out. (Drug use) and they think if another doctor after another looks him over, one may say no, but like you said, they are not going to keep getting this granted. They need to let poor MJ be in peace!! It's long overdue!!
Wht a mess!! First the toxicology results are taking forever, and now a third autopsy??? Something is fishy.....
Wht a mess!! First the toxicology results are taking forever, and now a third autopsy??? Something is fishy.....

Sure is, or they don't want the truth to be told. I'll still love MJ no matter what!!
Well, my grandfather knew someone in the funeral business. Embalming only gets one through the funeral phase after one has died. He should be buried by now. I think a third autopsy is obsurd. (My opinion) Let him be at peace already.

I actually did a lot of research because at one point in time I was planning on going to school to study Embalming/Mortuary Sciences. If someone has done an excellent job at embalming the body, it will remain in an almost 'perfect' state of being for quite some time. But usually nobody cares to do a 'perfect' job at embalming because the body will only be seen for a few hours at its wake, and then it is going to be shut inside a casket and put inside a vault for the rest of time ( :'( ) It is true though, that the body will start to develop an odor though, which would be quite upsetting to whoever has to do the autopsy, but I'm sure that they have probably smelled worse.

Sorry for all of the graphic content :(