Karen Faye Interview w/ Artisan Magazine- 'Three Decades with Michael Jackson'

I totally agree with the part about him being like a magnet to children.
I remember seeing him first time on TV when I was about 5 or 6 years old. The "History" concert was shown and I think I fell in love with him that evening. He looked too magical to be a simple everyday man, so the first impresion I got, was of him being an elf. :)
I totally agree with the part about him being like a magnet to children.
I remember seeing him first time on TV when I was about 5 or 6 years old. The "History" concert was shown and I think I fell in love with him that evening. He looked too magical to be a simple everyday man, so the first impresion I got, was of him being an elf. :)

Oh..I agree...that's so true. I started liking Michael all on my own when I was 5...No family members introduced me to him, or played his music. I was drawn to him, and discovered him all on my own
Wow - I feel old.

My fascination of MJ also came at 5 - but that was in 1976!


I totally agree with the part about him being like a magnet to children.
I remember seeing him first time on TV when I was about 5 or 6 years old. The "History" concert was shown and I think I fell in love with him that evening. He looked too magical to be a simple everyday man, so the first impresion I got, was of him being an elf. :)
Thanks for typing it up so it can be read easier! :)

I totally agree with the part about him being like a magnet to children.
I remember seeing him first time on TV when I was about 5 or 6 years old. The "History" concert was shown and I think I fell in love with him that evening. He looked too magical to be a simple everyday man, so the first impresion I got, was of him being an elf. :)
I was a bit older, right before my 12th birthday, but I still understand. Yeah, it was like he was magical, a being from a another world that was much more wonderful. I was transfixed (and a bit bemused/confused, lol). To say I was drawn to him is an understatement :wub:

what's that about? i can't watch it, it's not available in my country -_-
For me too.
Hi Shimar and Redridinghood - you ole foogies! LOL. It happened to be me in 1976 too!
Hi Shimar and Redridinghood - you ole foogies! LOL. It happened to be me in 1976 too!

My earliest memory was at a family party and my older cousins were playing the song "Body language" and she was doing electric boogie - she was amazing doing it, then I started imitating her & then we did the "bump" and the "robot" & "the hustle" - LOL! We were then baptized as the resident disco dancers.

I ADORED MJ, my older cousin & I spent afternoons singing J5 songs, then the Jacksons had their variety show & I would have a massive fit if I missed it.

Then a couple of years later when I heard that MJ was coming out with a solo album, my cousin bought me the Off the Wall album as a present.

Then the rest is HERstory!
haha I also remember looking at his photo as a child and thinking he looks friendly, cool and sort of magical...this was in the mid 90's! I had no idea people thought of him as a freak.
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I was around 5 or 6 when I know MJ, so it was round 1990. My dad used to have his Bad tour video and told me stories about him since his videos was always on the TV.
I never knew anything much about what the tabloids report about him. The only thing I know is his great songs, his moonwalk and the amount of people fainting in his concert! In fact I never knew anything bad written about him until the 2003 trail starts!
Wow - I feel old.

My fascination of MJ also came at 5 - but that was in 1976!

Nah, you shouldn't feel old. I feel a bit jealous for you as you at least had a chance to see him performing live. :smilerolleyes:
Jeez, how much I was waiting for his "This Is It"!!
why the negativity towards Karen? I have always found her to be a very nice honest lady.
Wow, it's cool to hear so many of you were drawn to him as a child, I was too! He seemed magical and fascinating to me. I'm not sure why, he just did! :wub:
Thank you elmari, Naad and RainbowAngel for scanning, typing out and enlarging the article! :)
Wow, it's cool to hear so many of you were drawn to him as a child, I was too! He seemed magical and fascinating to me. I'm not sure why, he just did! :wub:

It is cool and i'm one of those ppl, I saw the Bucharest Dangerous concert when I was 10 and i was hooked, after that i was looking for all of his albums and listening non stop, I loved it. So for me it's been first about the way he danced and looked I guess, and then i got to really know his music.:wub:
Wow, it's cool to hear so many of you were drawn to him as a child, I was too! He seemed magical and fascinating to me. I'm not sure why, he just did! :wub:


Michael Jackson IS my childhood.

Michael is a part of my psyche, my soul, my essence as a person. His music & art shaped me as a human being.

And that's why I'll miss & mourn him for the rest of my life.
Nah, you shouldn't feel old. I feel a bit jealous for you as you at least had a chance to see him performing live. :smilerolleyes:
Jeez, how much I was waiting for his "This Is It"!!

Well, I never had the chance to see him live in person, too poor to pay for tickets & they would sell out in 10 minutes anyways. And then when I did have money, he was always touring outside the US.

But yeah, I did see him every chance I got to see MJ on TV during live performances ever since I can remember.

The Motown 25 performance was like witnessing a galactic event. I don't think I've ever felt that excited in my life. I remember trying to call all my school friends after that performance and the operator came on saying "all circuits are busy" - LOL!

God, I miss MIchael so friggin much.

Michael Jackson IS my childhood.

Michael is a part of my psyche, my soul, my essence as a person. His music & art shaped me as a human being.

And that's why I'll miss & mourn him for the rest of my life.

Same here:wub:...As bad as Bashir's interview was...that's what got me hooked on Michael...The way he answered questions from such a different but beautiful perspective fascinated me. It fascinated me that he didn't dress like everyone else, talk like everyone else and think like everyone else. To me , he was the perfect example of someone uncorrupted by the reality of the cruel world due in part by being isolated from the evil world.

Another thing is that I was always self concious about my race as being black is always viewed with a negative connotation but here came the most talented,famous and loveliest person in the world who's black like myself ...and my
religious upbringing as a Jehovahs Witness b/c it seemed as if no one else in the world was a JW , but here's MJ the biggest star on the planet who was similar in faith as I ! I felt proud. but MJ made me proud of myself somehow because I.:wub: I always thought I was alone until I learned of the real Michael Jackson, not the MJ that was always the center of jokes at school and on TV.
As for music... I never listened to music, I hated it, until I heard the Billie Jean Medley on the Bashir Interview...since that day music has never failed to be a part of my life....

I just cant explain what MJ's done for me..its too much for words

I know, I sound like a gushy retard but w/e IDC...MJ was just tooooooo awesome for the world! I love him sooo much! There is no Other
Wow I first became an MJ fan when I was 5 too! (This was 1995) Earth Song was on the radio all the time and I would always tell my parents how much I loved the song and I finally asked them to buy it for me so I could play it on our CD player at home.

I remember watching the video over and over again aswell. I've always been fasinated by him. This will probably sound weird but he's always seemed other worldy to me. Does that make sense?
Same here:wub:...As bad as Bashir's interview was...that's what got me hooked on Michael...The way he answered questions from such a different but beautiful perspective fascinated me. It fascinated me that he didn't dress like everyone else, talk like everyone else and think like everyone else. To me , he was the perfect example of someone uncorrupted by the reality of the cruel world due in part by being isolated from the evil world.

That is EXACTLY how I feel about him. No one has ever put it into words as well as you have.

The fact that he could see the world from such an innocent perspective has always been beautiful to me.
It is cool and i'm one of those ppl, I saw the Bucharest Dangerous concert when I was 10 and i was hooked, after that i was looking for all of his albums and listening non stop, I loved it. So for me it's been first about the way he danced and looked I guess, and then i got to really know his music.:wub:

Hi, I know we're off topic here but I watch the Bucharest dvd all the time and I always think this must've been a life changing experience to be there.

How far away from the stage were you? Whatever happen to the very lucky girl that went on stage to dance, hug and kiss Michael and had to be taken away kicking and screaming?

I wonder how much her life was changed after that.

Michael Jackson IS my childhood.

yep, I feel the same. I played that Thriller tape on my walkman until it was chewed beyond recognition. I have absolutely no idea how to vote on the Thriller elimination thread once we get down to about 6 songs, they are the soundtrack of my youth.
yep, I feel the same. I played that Thriller tape on my walkman until it was chewed beyond recognition. I have absolutely no idea how to vote on the Thriller elimination thread once we get down to about 6 songs, they are the soundtrack of my youth.

lol. my thriller tape got chewed up too. i cried. my father bought the vinyl and just kept making copies for me on tape after that. all these people talking about their childhoods in the NINETIES makes me feel waaaaaaaaaaaaay old.
sorry for the ot, back to karen faye....
Really great convo going on in here. :)

But going back to the interview with what Karen had said... she said she was introduced to Michael by Dick Zimmerman because she did Michael's hair and make-up for the Thriller photoshoot.

Well, there was video on ET that was aired recently of Michael getting made up for his Thriller cover photoshoot and I think the woman in this video who is fixing his hair is Karen. She is a blonde woman. I think it's kinda cool to see video of when they worked together for the first time. It was the beginning of a long history together.


I think Michael really trusted Karen. 30 years is a long time with the same make-up artist and she must have helped him when he got vitiligo. He looks like an adorable baby in this video. . . LOL! There is no other way that I want to describe it.
Thank you elmari, Naad and RainbowAngel for scanning, typing out and enlarging the article! :)

Thanks for taking the time to make the article easy to read.Was a nice positive article about Michael.I have also Loved MJ since I was about 6 years old and I am now 48.I Love his Music Michael has a Beautiful Kind Soul he loves and cares for Everyone.Especially the Children of the World.There will never be any one else like him.He was one of a Kind that's for Sure.Miss you Michael.

Susannah xx
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Thank you typing that up, Naad. I really do appreciate that. What a great interview. And btw, my apologies to Karen Faye for a post I just made a few minutes ago. I was responding to an obscure post from Arty about MJ's lips being weird in later years (and I responded by saying that other than Karen Faye's application of too much red lipstick his lips were alright.)

But yeah that was a great interview. It's always awesome to read first hand accounts from those who actually KNEW him (like our own SoSo Deaf). It's always inspirational.

God bless him. He lives forever with Jesus. I really believe that. And we will get to meet him one of these days if we believe in Jesus as the one and only Son of God. It's gonna happen. I'm telling you right now....It's gonna happen. We will all praise Jehovah through Jesus, His only Son.
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