Karen Faye Interview w/ Artisan Magazine- 'Three Decades with Michael Jackson'


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Just randomly found this tonight while doing some research. I apologize if it has already been posted, but I haven't seen it posted on the forum.

It's dated September 10, 2009 on the website.

There is a very lovely photo of Karen and Michael together and it looks like Michael writes a message to her on it and autographs it.





Can someone blow up the photos so we can read the interview more clearly. I'm not that technically savvy, lol! :)
the text is too small, i can't read it :no: but thanks for posting.
the text is too small, i can't read it :no: but thanks for posting.

I know! I'm like squinting my eyes so much. I was able to read the actual interview part fine because it has a white background and not in cursive. But the quotes by others is giving me a headache! LOL!
I know! I'm like squinting my eyes so much. I was able to read the actual interview part fine because it has a white background and not in cursive. But the quotes by others is giving me a headache! LOL!

lol hahaha :cheeky:
so annoying I can read the questions but I cant read the answers the text is too small,the color is too light and the background is white
I really want to know what she has to say :(
Edit: but thank you very much for posting
at least we know about it :)
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His favourite makeup products are lancome that's cool lol. Wow, this woman has been working for him for such a long time! He must have really trusted her.
His favourite makeup products are lancome that's cool lol. Wow, this woman has been working for him for such a long time! He must have really trusted her.

If I had $100 for everytime that was said about someone who worked for Michael over many years... :fear:

Tick tock tick tock

Thanks for posting, elmari.
Because i have nothing better to do and i actually do have good eye sight (just couldn't be bothered squinting)...i thought i'd write the whole article out for people who are struggling...

Three Decades with Michael Jackson - A interview with Karen Faye by Carme Tenuta

How did you meet Michael Jackson?
I began working with Dick Zimmerman who was a very popular celebrity photographer back then. He booked me on a shoot for a album cover with Michael Jackson. The album was Thriller. Michael and I got along really great! Michael requested me for next photo session with E.T....and his next assignment, Beat It...and everything after that...the rest is history.
Michael was embarking on The Victory Tour with his brothers. Michael required my complete attention, so i brought in Carmae (i think thats what it says) to help me. I met Carmae earlier while working at the Barbizon School where we both had been teaching. We had become good friends. This began Carmae's 10-year working friendship with the brothers.

Michael could trust you
Yes, he could. The media started hounding me after the Thriller album was released. I remember being called by a tabloid reporter offering me $75,000 for any information about Michael or the video shoot we were working on for the song 'Thriller'. I said no. They said 'how much then?'. It just wasn't something that tempted me. The offers got more outrageous from there. They all finally got to realise i was a dead end for information and it tapered off abit. But during major controversies, they still were very persistant.

Was Michael spiritual?
Anyone who is creative is naturally connected to the universe. Michael always attributed his talent to God. He said God was channeling through him and it had nothing to do with him.

I know how much Michael loved all children of the world.
That's right but what i find more interesting is how children are drawn to him, like a magnet. I think they recognised a kindered spirit. They recognised his unconditional love and related to him because he was a child at heart. Children look at the world through fresh unjaded eyes. Michael had the ability to see the wonderment of the world like they did.

What was his favourite food?
Michael wasn't a big eater. He thought it was a waste of time, like a child having to sit at the dinner table while hearing all the other kids calling him to come out and play. He chooses organic and healthy food but sure can enjoy a bucket of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Akasha was his chef many years ago and now has a restaurant in Culvar City, Calfornia. She would find the perfect compromise. She would make him organic cheese enchiladas that he covered with hot sauce. He would want to eat them every day. She also made him a killer banana cream pie, that was a favourite. I will never forget the wonderful cookies she made that he nicknamed ''ookies''.

Michael is known in the Guiness Book of World Records as holding the record for the celebrities giving to charities. Can you share about that?
It it difficult to share too much about that because its not something Michael would talk about. He would just do it. He just did. When we were touring the world, while everyone was going out to restaurants and clubs, Michael's joy came from visiting orphanges and hospitals. I used to go with him. He would have his team contact them before he visit and find out what they needed. He would fill up his vehicles with toys and treats and we would go. He arranged for playgrounds to be built, bought busses and vehicles, paid for expensive operations for children.

Can you share with us when and where the photo was taken?
The photo was taken high on a hill at Neverland by Johnaton Exley before the trial began.

What were Michael's favourite make-up products?
Easy, hands down, Lancome Dual Finish Powder! Lancome would provide it by the case for me. Shout out to Lancome...thank you for so many years of generosity. Michael would have it and leave it everywhere. He has it in every pocket. Everyone around him knew if they found a compact, to return it to me so i could recycle it back to him.

I know Michael's nickname for you was ''Turkle''. How did you get that name?
I'll never tell.
The pic says "dearest Karen, you are one of the loyal family. love always Brother Michael Jackson"
Because i have nothing better to do and i actually do have good eye sight (just couldn't be bothered squinting)...i thought i'd write the whole article out for people who are struggling...

Three Decades with Michael Jackson - A interview with Karen Faye by Carme Tenuta

How did you meet Michael Jackson?
I began working with Dick Zimmerman who was a very popular celebrity photographer back then. He booked me on a shoot for a album cover with Michael Jackson. The album was Thriller. Michael and I got along really great! Michael requested me for next photo session with E.T....and his next assignment, Beat It...and everything after that...the rest is history.
Michael was embarking on The Victory Tour with his brothers. Michael required my complete attention, so i brought in Carmae (i think thats what it says) to help me. I met Carmae earlier while working at the Barbizon School where we both had been teaching. We had become good friends. This began Carmae's 10-year working friendship with the brothers.

Michael could trust you
Yes, he could. The media started hounding me after the Thriller album was released. I remember being called by a tabloid reporter offering me $75,000 for any information about Michael or the video shoot we were working on for the song 'Thriller'. I said no. They said 'how much then?'. It just wasn't something that tempted me. The offers got more outrageous from there. They all finally got to realise i was a dead end for information and it tapered off abit. But during major controversies, they still were very persistant.

Was Michael spiritual?
Anyone who is creative is naturally connected to the universe. Michael always attributed his talent to God. He said God was channeling through him and it had nothing to do with him.

I know how much Michael loved all children of the world.
That's right but what i find more interesting is how children are drawn to him, like a magnet. I think they recognised a kindered spirit. They recognised his unconditional love and related to him because he was a child at heart. Children look at the world through fresh unjaded eyes. Michael had the ability to see the wonderment of the world like they did.

What was his favourite food?
Michael wasn't a big eater. He thought it was a waste of time, like a child having to sit at the dinner table while hearing all the other kids calling him to come out and play. He chooses organic and healthy food but sure can enjoy a bucket of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken). Akasha was his chef many years ago and now has a restaurant in Culvar City, Calfornia. She would find the perfect compromise. She would make him organic cheese enchiladas that he covered with hot sauce. He would want to eat them every day. She also made him a killer banana cream pie, that was a favourite. I will never forget the wonderful cookies she made that he nicknamed ''ookies''.

Michael is known in the Guiness Book of World Records as holding the record for the celebrities giving to charities. Can you share about that?
It it difficult to share too much about that because its not something Michael would talk about. He would just do it. He just did. When we were touring the world, while everyone was going out to restaurants and clubs, Michael's joy came from visiting orphanges and hospitals. I used to go with him. He would have his team contact them before he visit and find out what they needed. He would fill up his vehicles with toys and treats and we would go. He arranged for playgrounds to be built, bought busses and vehicles, paid for expensive operations for children.

Can you share with us when and where the photo was taken?
The photo was taken high on a hill at Neverland by Johnaton Exley before the trial began.

What were Michael's favourite make-up products?
Easy, hands down, Lancome Dual Finish Powder! Lancome would provide it by the case for me. Shout out to Lancome...thank you for so many years of generosity. Michael would have it and leave it everywhere. He has it in every pocket. Everyone around him knew if they found a compact, to return it to me so i could recycle it back to him.

I know Michael's nickname for you was ''Turkle''. How did you get that name?
I'll never tell.

Thanks for taking the time to do this Naad!
Thanks for the article! I thought I'd try to enlarger the image and adjust it's brighnest and contrast so it can be read easier. I hope it helps!


