Kanye West Wearing a Pin of MJ's Mugshot

Thats abit to far. I dont think its meant as like a diss or anythin like that. Hes just (kind of) been involved on Thriller 25 so Kanye would not be stabbing MJ in the back.

MJ is like one of his idols to.
i stand by my comments. kayne is a hired hand by the record companys nothing more nothing less. he is a tacky hack IMO. he looks up to MJ as a Artist and his success but beyond that is anyone's guess. i don't like the button at all and I find it tacky and wrong.
na i think maxxxiboy's just pissed cos these cats ain't wearing this instead

tackyness on your part is what you wear daily. interesting thing you didn't get the message Not Guilty. Kayne is a fraud and that mess is what the media likes and wants. Kayne is Ignorant and that gesture was dumb.
How can you say such stupidities? What are you, 7 ?!

Get yourself together man!

And as for Kanye, I think that it is nice for him paying tribute,but honestly, with all his media talk, ways of exposing etc. I'd come to the conclusion that he is not very bright. My opinion at least.
do i know you? i expressed my opinion and I find the picture tacky, wrong and MJ was found Not guilty so why remind people of a painful time in the Man's life?

Kayne only will make tom sneddon smile with that button.

Kayne needed to show love and support in a different way.
But it's not the same to compare it with his mother's death!

It's so cruel and SICK even to think of that!
I think everyone is missing the point Kanye is attempting to get across. Majority of the posts I read want this thing to go away but I think that is the wrong idea. Kanye, I believe is trying to convey that a great miscarriage of justice occurred in November 2003 and was carried out by people who should have known and done better. For example, a DA who taught he was a private investigator and only he knew the truth even though all the evidence said something wasn't right, a hack who has no press credentials but had inside info to get her cameras in position when a sheriff department who forgo all other crimes going on that day sent one hundred (100) officers to Neverland for show and nothing else, another cable tv media hog/junkie who taught because she said MJ was guilty based solely on hatred and innuendos would make it so... These are just some of the reasons why Kanye is wearing that button..FOR OUTRAGE PURPOSES AGAINST A MEDIA THAT IS GONE OUT OF CONTROL...
But if that were true why wouldn't he wear a pin with Tom Sneddon's face, or a shirt that has the mugshot and says "misscarriage of justice". or any of the other numerous positive things you could wear. or hell, do some andy warhol pop-art out of it - at least that would make it a little more clear that it's an actual statement. but he's done none of this.

i think its just kanye looking for more attention (he's got it) and perhaps to say "michael's a fallen idol. i'm here to pick up the pieces. and if he's not ready to do so, I'm more then happy to take his place".

he's got a lot of nerve... most artists wouldn't DARE try this. and you could argue that's either a good thing or a bad thing.
Kanye is not going to create anything, and why should he create a button of the DA?..He uses what was already in or is happening in the media. Remember when Katrina occurred and it took five (5) days to get water and food to the people, Kanye made the statement that "the President doesn't like black/poor people. " He is shaking things up and attempting to rattle some cages..

We all know that he loves MJ and would do nothing to purposely harm him. That picture is everywhere, so I wouldn't hold that against him.
But it's not the same to compare it with his mother's death!

It's so cruel and SICK even to think of that!
i said a picture on the surgery table and I think Kayne is a shameless self Promoter hack who does anything for a camera. that button has no place. ask yourself a common sense question, how many Michael jackson fans do you see wearing that button out in public?

if you wear that button around folks who think MJ is guilty they will say something to the effect that is where he is belongs or worse. that kind of button and whatnot is not a good look and I don't care how you dress it up.
I get what you are saying and I agree that the pic is too much. But mentioning his mother's death is REALLY uncalled for. It's really really way over the line!
I would have chosen any other MJ picture :lol: but YEAH - it's good that Kayne is supporting MJ! :D
i donnu but as a fan of MJ i don't like the way he reminds ppl with that time ,honestly everybody wants to forget it .......even the media wants to start a new era .
Here is a recent article on Kanye and his fashion line

Kanye West offers a fashion show within a show

ADAM TSCHORN, Los Angeles Times

In the front row, in a hoodie from his collection.

Another day, another outfit along the runways, and many of the pieces are from his own collection called Pastelle

By Adam Tschorn, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer July 6, 2008
ON DAY 1 of Paris Fashion Week, Grammy-winning rapper Kanye West was kicking it in the front row at Louis Vuitton, kitted out in a teal T-shirt, khakis and a denim jacket accessorized with a Michael Jackson button and a chunky red Lego heart. What appeared to be a silk LV scarf billowed from his back pocket.

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I think maybe he's saying, ''Look. Here's Mike, he's had some hard times, and I'm with him even at the worst of them.'' The mugshot being taken during the worst. He's kinda saying he doesn't care about if its an ugly pic or the circumstances that it was taken in. He's making a statement, is all.
Hmm i dont like it..
I wonder why he takes that picture? To get attention to the case? and the victory?
He could have got a better picture that says victory on it or something?...
everybody in this thread that's jumpin up and down about this all made siggys with court pictures as the theme during the trial

i ask you all what the difference is????

Showing his love for MJ and at the same time instead of being ashamed/embarrased of the pic, showing those who wanted to humiliate MJ, he does not give a damn.

Actually now I kinda want to make a tshirt with MJ's mugshot and put something like "MJ Fan since '89" below it :D
its not ment to be a 'bad' thing.. I have seen MJ fans with that pic up on there myspae, youtube page etc...

I would not use it, I know why and where they took that pic and I would not want to promote it.. But that's just me..

Many others see it as just another pic of MJ.
i don't think dats a bad thing at all Kanye alwayz have mike in sumthin like his video goodlife almost everything wuz micahel

He is taking something used for a Negative about MJ
and turning it into a postive _ He is showing he loves MJ
no matter what by using MJ's GANGSTA (mugshot) Picture

AWe ... look he even put a little Heart next to it :wub:
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In that music video with Kanye why does he say ''And i'm feeling like Mike at his baddest'' when the camera flashes a shot of the mug shot?

I don't think that's positive atall
Well if he was talking about the song Bad why didn't use a picture of MJ from the Bad video instead of the mug shot?