Kanye West Wearing a Pin of MJ's Mugshot

In the Estelle video why did Kanye say ''And i'm feeling like Mike at his baddest'' when it goes to a close up of the mug shot? I didn't like that
If Kanye West actually likes and appreciates Michael, then he should choose another pic of Mike for his pin and not that darn mugshot!:doh:

I swear, everytime I see that pic I just cringe! To this day I still can't get pass the fact that Michael Jackson has a mugshot!:(
True. But when I look at it it makes me think that those bastar..ds deliberately did something to MJ when no one else was looking, as MJ said. They did it deliberately to get that reaction from MJ and snapped at that moment. I wonder how much they chharged for it too. I hope the fools do not have one moment of peace.
^^^yeah, but some fans become supersensitive when they see that picture. For many is it too painful to remember and they want just to forget about it. But it IS part of Michaels life.
I don't think Kanye's intention is bad. But it could be that he wants to create some controversy.
"Both the badge and the watch are made by the very famous artist Duggie Fields. I met him a few weeks ago and obviously asked him why did he chose the mug shot and he said that he thought it to be one of the most emotional pictures ever."

Thanks for this ^
Well Kanye chose this picture to show how they painted him (Michael) a criminal, and how he's in support of Mike even when he's at his worst (hence the MUG SHOT). Everything he does has some kind of political statement. He may be cocky but he's not stupid. He chose that particular picture for a reason.
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ugh that is the worst pic of Mike EVER. he could at least wear a nice one.
So you're sure that Kanye isn't mad at Michael about something..?
I understand people's sensitivity to that particular picture. It is hard to look at...but maybe that's the point. Given what those :devil: did. I remember fans creating their own mugshots during the trial in a show of support for Michael. I think those artists who are choosing to wear that specific pic are wearing it in "protest" of those who took it, as if to say, "He is innocent, you knew it, and he should not have been charged, handcuffed, and dragged into court on bogus ish."
i don't like this picture at all. what if Michael Jackson wore a picture of Kayne's mother on the surgery table after she passed or something? I wonder what he would say then? how in the Hell can you justify having a Picture of somebody dealing with One of there Lowest moments ever on display in a pin on your chest? Kayne is a fraud and only cares about himself. shameless self promoter.
PREACH Baby PREACH!:clapping:

I never have and still do not like this character called kanye. ugh!

I saw him wear it in Estelle's video and now he's wearing it to different events.

I don't even know whether this is positive or negative... or even the message Kanye's trying to send.
It means, "Love the King Of Pop the way he is!"
At least I think so =)
If you watch the music video American Boy you can actually see his also wearing it there..
And when he sings: "And I feel like Miké in his baddest..." they zoom in at the mugshot. :)

But I think its in a positive way, I really hope that :p
I think it isn´t a negativ move from Kanye because i think he likes Michael a lot and Respect him for all what he have done!
It means, "Love the King Of Pop the way he is!"
At least I think so =)

Yeah that might be it.

He wants to point out that he is still black, despite his skin being white now!

I really don't believe Kanye would talk sh!t about Mike. But sometimes, he expresses himself a bit strange so...
i think its pretty disrespectful. Im sure michael doesnt want to be reminded about that.
kanye wasn't the only that have that pin..if i'm not wrong it has been designed by a company that created the same thing with pics of madonna and other artists of the 80s
I'm sorry, but I cannot help but think its Kanye's ego getting in the way... I wear my Michael Jackson Beat It pin from the 80s everywhere... but I would NEVER wear a mugshot photo ofhim - its just disrespeectful.

but maybe it's just cause i don't like kanye and his massive ego.
I can see the point he's trying to make but come on... a mugshot doesn't belong in the fashion-industry nor on his jacket. Kanye is just not my kind of guy he seems to be too bigheaded and I dislike those kind of people *sighs* Just wanted to get it off my chest :)
I agree I think he is up his own, and I dont like him either, I stopped liking him from the day I released who the person was in the lyric of his song 'through the wire'
"And just imagine how my girl feel
On the plane scared as hell that her guy look like Emitt Till"

That is the worse thing he could have referenced to his car crash or whatever accident he had. When I found out the story of this boy it depressed me for ages and left me crying.......
His accident is nothing in comparision to what happened to the boy. but anyway going way off topic here
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I do not approve. :( It is disrepectful. I could never wear that picture and call myself a fan. No no. :no: Why remind people of such sad times.
what's the heart sign next to it?? I too dont like to see that pic cause it reminds me of the sad unfair times...
I know Kanye is a big Mj fan and that he didn't want to be desrespectful with this bottom, but I still thing it was a bad way to pay a tribute.
I don't think it's negative, after all he and Michael worked together on Thriller 25. Kanye is also known for his sense of fashion, maybe he choose the mugshot because it stands out. It's pretty obvious that the mugshot will gain more attention, instead of a normal thriller era button, it's more original.
Another reason could be to show that he supports Michael and to make clear that he's on Michael side. That's why he choose the mugshot, to let people know he's on Michaels side and that he thinks the whole trial was one big publicity stunt about money.
said it and will say it again.

the man has some good points but he is not very bright to express them properly...