Kanye West Wearing a Pin of MJ's Mugshot


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

I saw him wear it in Estelle's video and now he's wearing it to different events.

I don't even know whether this is positive or negative... or even the message Kanye's trying to send.
:wild: Kanye West likes Michael, so I think it's positive... He believes Michael's comeback and wants to show that the King is still here ;)
It isn't negative. Kanye likes Michael & totally respects him.
I don't like the badge of Michael that Kanye West is wearing, but I'm sure he's wearing it to make a positive statement about Michael. He's kind of turning a negative photo of Michael in to a positive one. It's kind of like when Janet wore her Pervert 2 t-shirt at the MTV Music Video Awards in 2005, which was also a positive statement.
It's a show of defiance and support. Defying the haters and supporting MJ all in one statement.
A few months ago someone posted some pics of Lily Allen wearing a watch with MJ's mug shot and then I replied and said that the watch was by fashion designer Zandra Rhodes. Turns out I was wrong...
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maybe a positive statememt but is still hate the fact someone has taken that picture and used it for anything at all.
He may well be making some sort of statement with that, but that's not in great taste I dont think.
maybe or someone just decided to use that pic in badges/watches cause they knew it would get them attention. frankly i want that pic to disapear off the face of the earth and certianly dont want celebs going around parading badges with it on whatever there reason is.why any fan would want to wear such a pic is beyond me
Yeah, obviously it's positive. But the picture is not complimentary :&
i don't like this picture at all. what if Michael Jackson wore a picture of Kayne's mother on the surgery table after she passed or something? I wonder what he would say then? how in the Hell can you justify having a Picture of somebody dealing with One of there Lowest moments ever on display in a pin on your chest? Kayne is a fraud and only cares about himself. shameless self promoter.
If Kanye West actually likes and appreciates Michael, then he should choose another pic of Mike for his pin and not that darn mugshot!:doh:

I swear, everytime I see that pic I just cringe! To this day I still can't get pass the fact that Michael Jackson has a mugshot!:(
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what if Michael Jackson wore a picture of Kayne's mother on the surgery table after she passed or something? I wonder what he would say then?

Thats abit to far. I dont think its meant as like a diss or anythin like that. Hes just (kind of) been involved on Thriller 25 so Kanye would not be stabbing MJ in the back.

MJ is like one of his idols to.
If Kanye West actually likes and appreciates Michael, then he should choose another pic of Mike for his pin and not that darn mugshot!:doh:

I swear, everytime I see that pic I just cringe! To this day I still can't get pass the fact that Michael Jackson has a mugshot!:(

I Agree With You
maybe or someone just decided to use that pic in badges/watches cause they knew it would get them attention. frankly i want that pic to disapear off the face of the earth and certianly dont want celebs going around parading badges with it on whatever there reason is.why any fan would want to wear such a pic is beyond me

Thanks Elusive. Right on the money.:clapping: You just said everything I planned to say and saved me the effort of typing it. I absolutely despise that picture.
i don't like this picture at all. what if Michael Jackson wore a picture of Kayne's mother on the surgery table after she passed or something? I wonder what he would say then? how in the Hell can you justify having a Picture of somebody dealing with One of there Lowest moments ever on display in a pin on your chest? Kayne is a fraud and only cares about himself. shameless self promoter.

Stop being so damn sensitive.

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^ oh yea? where you seen this? maybe Mike bitchslapped them with a lawsuit lol
i don't like this picture at all. what if Michael Jackson wore a picture of Kayne's mother on the surgery table after she passed or something? I wonder what he would say then?

How can you say such stupidities? What are you, 7 ?!

Get yourself together man!

And as for Kanye, I think that it is nice for him paying tribute,but honestly, with all his media talk, ways of exposing etc. I'd come to the conclusion that he is not very bright. My opinion at least.
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The fact of the matter is, I don't think Kanye realises the gravity of the negative connotations associated with the picture..especially to us fans and MJ supporters. The mugshot for us highlight a very low and cringeworthy period/circumstance. For Kanye it probably is more of a public shot which he believes depicts victory after struggle.

At times like these we can only really make any judgement about Kanye's intentions ...and we are all pretty sure he isn't daft as to mean any insult to the man himself.

I understand why fans would be sensitive, I personally would love that picture to disappear into oblivion alas it won't.
yeah, well why doesn't he wear any recent picture of Mike's then, as to point out to the period after the trial...?