Kanye West set to break the record for the longest music video :(

uh.. As many people already know, MJ was the KING of visual entertainment. That's why he was able to pull of Ghosts. Kanye can give it a shot but yeah... Nothing really important here.
same old thing with dude fire in the background walking holding a woman dark in the background as well wearing red or a black outfit blah blah blah running the the grass sitting on top of a mountain or becaming a cartoon character and a big bear pops up>>then taylor swift comes in and have her moment in the video
Michael Jackson comparison number 888. maybe. but it's worth it. and besides..they started it.

if this article were on Michael, they would say..
W****** J****** about to bore the hell out of all of us, with an excruciatingly long video that is extraordinarily expensive, way overbudget, and another example of frivolous spending in an era where his music has lost it's appeal and strength, and is the mark of a hasbeen.

instead, there is a positive spin on West.

now, my take is this. since when does somebody, ahead of time, endeavor to count how many minutes will be spent on a video. Michael didn't come across as someone who looked at a clock. he said the song or video will come to him complete..and is inspired. money or time of running is not an issue. he didn't come across as someone who wanted to outdo somebody in some mundane stunt. he just put out his stuff..and it broke and invented new records, that none of us saw coming. so the media didn't have time to predict the parameters of what MJ was going to do. the media just waited till the project came out and broke records. then the media took the piss.

now...everybody in the media is picking mundane parameters, and seeing which ones can, they say, break an MJ record, that MJ never came across as thinking about. smh.

MJ didn't come across as someone who said...'hey...let's see how much money we can spend. let's spend seven mill, this time.' he said himself, his mind is just on creating the art. the only time he thought about business, was when he was looking out for his future childrens' best interests.

the difference in the media approach is like night and day.