Kanye West set to break the record for the longest music video :(

The reason many people feel such strong feelings against Kanya "Ego" West is because he thinks hes bigger and Badder then the man who paved the way for him and other artists. i never liked kanya west, after last years VMA award attention seeking show i like him even less. He only does what he does because he is an Attention Whore. This video he is making may break a record but i doubt it will be any good.
40 FREAKIN MINS? Who's gonna watch that?

I'm mad that he didn't respect Michael enough to let the man keep the record. Urgh.

I think those who are comparing it is because Kayne said it's time for a new king of pop or something like after MJ died! So I get it! It is annoying and wrong!

It's almost seems as if he is doing this on purpose!? But, I don't know? 40mins it's a lot and to much Kayne for me! Although I do like his crazy ass! lol Plus since MTV don't play vids really now what is the point? They will cut his shit up anyways! LMAO!
Naaah, who cares about these "who's got the longest" competitions. It's about what joy you personally derive from it, on a case-by-case-basis- that's all that matters.

I was waiting for someone to make this a penis size thread.

I think those who are comparing it is because Kayne said it's time for a new king of pop or something like after MJ died! So I get it! It is annoying and wrong!

Wrong. That was a fake quote that surfaced on the Internet that Kanye shortly thereafter denied ever saying. Congratulations you are now the same as every person who reads false things about Michael Jackson and believes them just because it's in print.

The reason many people feel such strong feelings against Kanya "Ego" West is because he thinks hes bigger and Badder then the man who paved the way for him and other artists.

Are you aware of how big of an MJ fan Kanye actually is? Regardless, he's stated before that he doesn't even consider himself the greatest rapper of all-time (he called Eminem the best ever), so I would be shocked if he thinks he's "bigger and badder" than Michael Jackson.

Also, Kanye West has a history of making good creative music videos, so I'm not sure why some of you are acting like it's a foregone conclusion that Runaway is going to be a steaming pile of shit. Well actually I do know why, but whatever.
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I think those who are comparing it is because Kayne said it's time for a new king of pop or something like after MJ died! So I get it! It is annoying and wrong!
It's almost seems as if he is doing this on purpose!? But, I don't know? 40mins it's a lot and to much Kayne for me! Although I do like his crazy ass! lol Plus since MTV don't play vids really now what is the point? They will cut his shit up anyways! LMAO!

Kanye never said that. It was made up. As far as I have seen, Kanye has been nothing but respectful to MJ. Even if he was not, I am sure he was not saying, "How long is the longest video on record? Well, I can beat that". For all intents and purposes he probably feels this video will be an artistic milestone. We have not even seen it yet. It IS possible for other people besides MJ to have good work.

I can understand if you never liked him before. No one is obligated to like him. But to spew hatred at him JUST because he broke MJ's record is really kind of silly.
Kanye never said that. It was made up. As far as I have seen, Kanye has been nothing but respectful to MJ. Even if he was not, I am sure he was not saying, "How long is the longest video on record? Well, I can beat that". For all intents and purposes he probably feels this video will be an artistic milestone. We have not even seen it yet. It IS possible for other people besides MJ to have good work.

I can understand if you never liked him before. No one is obligated to like him. But to spew hatred at him JUST because he broke MJ's record is really kind of silly.


They're both musicians. MJ doesn't have his own rules, "once MJ sets a record that's that". How narrow-minded.
I know it wont be anywhere near as good as "Ghosts", but good for Kanye I guess. I'm not mad. Michael holds the most important record in the music business which is the record for "The Biggest Selling Album of ALL TIME".

What can be better than that?
So he wants to have the "longest" (sorry, couldn't resist :cheeky: ). Fair one. This doesn't bother me at all. Anyone could make a long video clip. I don't really care about Mr West, but if it makes him feel greater, good for him. At the end of the day it's all about quality, not quantity. Ghosts isn't just a long music video, it's a masterpiece, pure magic. We'll see how Mr West's clip will compare.
uhm, but who cares how long a video is?:D I really don't think it's gonna be better than Thriller for example. So, I don't see any reason to be sad or whatever:D
So he wants to have the "longest" (sorry, couldn't resist :cheeky: ). Fair one. This doesn't bother me at all. Anyone could make a long video clip. I don't really care about Mr West, but if it makes him feel greater, good for him. At the end of the day it's all about quality, not quantity. Ghosts isn't just a long music video, it's a masterpiece, pure magic. We'll see how Mr West's clip will compare.

Haha... it wont compare. Michael is the King of Video for a reason. Kanya just wants his spotlight and will do whatever it takes to get it. Hes a sad person and his actions make me dislike him. Hes using his star power for himself not to help others. That is why Michael Jackson is King he used his star power for the people for the kids... I have yet to see Kanya West donate anything.
Haha... it wont compare. Michael is the King of Video for a reason. Kanya just wants his spotlight and will do whatever it takes to get it. Hes a sad person and his actions make me dislike him. Hes using his star power for himself not to help others. That is why Michael Jackson is King he used his star power for the people for the kids... I have yet to see Kanya West donate anything.

Maybe he does it and doesn't brag about it? I'm just saying, it's possible. Most of what MJ did we never heard about it.
Maybe he does it and doesn't brag about it? I'm just saying, it's possible. Most of what MJ did we never heard about it.

Still i dont see his heart being as big as michaels. It takes more then Record sales and videos to be the king, Michael had that something Kanya doesn't.
How many of you watched Gaga's long music vid to 'telephone'? I watched about 3 and a half minutes and got bored. MJ's music vids were long, but fun to watch; they didn't take themselves too seriously. I can't imagine Kanye's being that entertaining, and even if it's really good it won't be shown in full for long; as others have said they'll cut it for the music channels.
Meh... Any artist today can make "the longest music video" just like any artist can make "the shortest music video". This "record" will be broke over and over and over and over, as long there is music video's being made, but none of them will be as Entertaining and Magical as Michael's.
Meh... Any artist today can make "the longest music video" just like any artist can make "the shortest music video". This "record" will be broke over and over and over and over, as long there is music video's being made.

thats the thing lol what channel plays Music Videos? Thats what MTV was for MUSIC TELEVISION now when you go to VH1,mtv,vh1 classic you get random "reality" tv shows. There is no such thing as a Music Video anymore.
Meh... Any artist today can make "the longest music video" just like any artist can make "the shortest music video". This "record" will be broke over and over and over and over, as long there is music video's being made, but none of them will be as Entertaining and Magical as Michael's.

Exactly. Michael's just have 'the x factor' (sorry that's become so cliche now, but it's the best way to describe it!) I don't feel the same way about any other artist, past or present. Maybe it's just us fans, but I don't think so - I know many non-fans who say the same.
Why would he do that? That's extremely silly. Other artists don't run their career based on how it reflects on Michael Jackson, not that it even reflects on MJ at all 'cause it's a meaningless record. Hypothetically, though, if an artist today had an album that was threatening to sell more than Thriller (this will NEVER happen in our lifetimes so it is 100% hypothetical), should he/she want to put a halt on future sales of said album so that Thriller still holds the record, "out of respect for Michael"? Lol. Come on.

If the Runaway short movie is sufficiently entertaining, then cool. If it's long just for the sake of being long, then lame.

Kanye as an artist often gets underrated because he can be such a prick, but he's damn good at what he does.

First, I do like Kanye and I think that he is extremely talented. However, I don't really think that it's a coincidence that his new video is 29 seconds longer than Ghosts. I think that he was aware of what he was doing.

This really isn't a big deal, and I doubt that anyone here really cares about this world record very much. It's just something to talk and complain about on a message board. :)
I cannot even imagine sitting there watching a 40 minute Kanye video....just because it is long does not make it good. Now I could sit there and watch Michael in a video all day..:love:
Oh please kanye be dreamin that he could outdo mj! :rolleyes:
I'm not gonna watch the video because I'll never get those 40 minutes of my life back.
It's pretty easy to break a record when you know the record to beat. Plus it doesn't matter much anymore. Charles Lindenburgh was the first person to fly across the Atlantic. Can anyone name the guy who flew further the second time? Didn't think so.


Or how Chaplin was the first actor to earn a million dollars with a movie and Elizabeth Taylor was the first woman. Who was the second actor who earned even more?
40 minutes of Kanye? Man, I love his songs but 40 mins of him is too much of my time to spend on watching one of his video's. :ninja: That's the difference for me between him and Michael...40 mins isn't enough lol. I'm pretty sure he went out of his way to break this record, thats exactly the kind of thing he does if we're going to be honest about this. Good luck to him, hope it's long for quality and not just for the sake of it.
Kanye can break that record all he wants, but it would be in his best interest to produce 40 minutes of good entertainment, instead of 40 minutes of crap entertainment, 'cause otherwise whats the point?
But seriously, what does it matter who has the longest video. And it's not like you will see it on TV. They may show it one time. After that, it will be shortened to 4 min. It won't even matter. And a record such as this which does not involve artistry or quality is hardly relevant. MJ's legacy has more important issues at hand than whether or not he keeps the record for the longest video.

Very well said!
Will it even be good? Anybody can make a long, 40 minute music video. But not everybody can make it good. I highly doubt Kanye's crappy videos will be a quarter as great as Michael's. It's about quality not quantity in this situation. Nobody wants to waste their time on a bad 40 minute video and I doubt Kanye's video will be worth it. They shouldn't even be comparing it to Ghosts or him to Michael.

The music video will be longer by 29 seconds.

When they put it that way, this is how I'm seeing it, "ha ha, my video beats yours for the longest by 29 seconds." However, I don't care. There are far more important things Michael has done in his career that will hold his legacy as the greatest. Kanye West will be irrelevant in the next 10-15 years and he won't even have a legacy.

Well I'm out. I'm going to start planning to break the record for the longest music video. Only mine is going to be 40 minutes and 29 seconds.
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I agree with the others that have said that anyone can make a long video.
It should be about quality not quantity. We'll have to wait and see what he has chosen.
Kind of sucks he felt the need to make it exactly 29 seconds longer but what can you do. It's one of the easiest records of Michael to break so it was bound to happen at some point.
I'm personaly not really interested in a 40 min video of his.
how Kanyes gonna keep people entertained for 40 minutes is beyond me, but ok.

I think I'll tune in to see it, but I'm sure I will be gone by the end of it.

All I know is, it ain't gonna be nothing on Ghosts, Thriller or any of MJ's work.