Justin Bieber dethrones Lady Gaga, becomes KING of YouTube

well..it depends on the situation. i listened to 'Earth Song' on youtube, then i bought it as a single..and that was after i had already purchased the HIStory album, years ago.

Yes I completely understand what you are saying..............but that doesn't always happen..............

To say in a easier way............

..........Has Justin Bieber sold 200million records?????????................

..........Or has Lady Gaga sold 1billion records yet????????????

YouTube views don't reflect sales.....................

.......YouTube does reflect popularity..........

.......But only Sales reflect quality and talent!!!!!!!!!!!!
But only Sales reflect quality and talent!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you're saying Lil Wayne, Rihanna, & Taylor Swift is better quality and has more talent than B.B. King, Swing Out Sister, Sting, Dolly Parton, & Hilary Hahn. The 1st three outsells the albums the others release today. Sales only reflect a marketing department. If talent is what drives sales, why aren't jazz & classical acts more popular. Why don't they get Top 40 airplay or get millions of views on Youtube?
So you're saying Lil Wayne, Rihanna, & Taylor Swift is better quality and has more talent than B.B. King, Swing Out Sister, Sting, Dolly Parton, & Hilary Hahn. The 1st three outsells the albums the others release today. Sales only reflect a marketing department. If talent is what drives sales, why aren't jazz & classical acts more popular. Why don't they get Top 40 airplay or get millions of views on Youtube?

I agree however it clearly isn't the case for some artists. Some artists with alot of sales earn everything due to promotion yet some achieve it through true talent and determination.

Also, classical acts aren't popular because people often don't have the "ear" to listen to it because it isn't too cleverly constructed and not catchy music. People who listen to more complicated music, I believe, are the ones who feel it with their souls.
So you're saying Lil Wayne, Rihanna, & Taylor Swift is better quality and has more talent than B.B. King, Swing Out Sister, Sting, Dolly Parton, & Hilary Hahn. The 1st three outsells the albums the others release today. Sales only reflect a marketing department. If talent is what drives sales, why aren't jazz & classical acts more popular. Why don't they get Top 40 airplay or get millions of views on Youtube?

But most of the time...........younger artists usually outsell the older (yesterday) artists..........

..........but there are exceptions..........Michael Jackson, Madonna, U2, etc.
..........And that usually because people like U2 keep themselves relevant for the ever changing times!!!!!!!!

.................And anyway, those artists you mentioned don't even get impressive sales.................compared to the old days!!!!!!!!!!!!
So you're saying Lil Wayne, Rihanna, & Taylor Swift is better quality and has more talent than B.B. King, Swing Out Sister, Sting, Dolly Parton, & Hilary Hahn. The 1st three outsells the albums the others release today. Sales only reflect a marketing department. If talent is what drives sales, why aren't jazz & classical acts more popular. Why don't they get Top 40 airplay or get millions of views on Youtube?

the first movement of Beethoven's fifth symphony is a smash, and made it to number 1 again, in the seventies. nineteen seventies. on the pop charts. several songs from Bruce Hornsby and the Range made the top ten on the pop charts, including his first hit hitting number 1. This Masquerade by George Benson made it to number 1 on the Pop charts.
the first movement of Beethoven's fifth symphony is a smash, and made it to number 1 again, in the seventies. nineteen seventies. on the pop charts. several songs from Bruce Hornsby and the Range made the top ten on the pop charts, including his first hit hitting number 1. This Masquerade by George Benson made it to number 1 on the Pop charts.
And all that happened 30+ years ago. It's not relevant to today. Name a jazz act that has hit records today or that the mainstream audience listens to. How many jazz, blues, or classical albums are on those silly biggest sellers lists that people on this site like? None. Anyway, Walter Murphy had to add disco to the mix to sell Beethoven and stick the song on the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Not really a straight classical record. George Benson had many instrumental albums before This Masquerade, and they sold little, only to the jazz audience, and didn't get much, if any radio play. He only started selling when he began singing R&B and pop. George still releases albums today and they don't get airplay. He hasn't had a "hit" since the mid 80s. Bruce Hornsby isn't jazz, it's light rock, and that isn't popular today either and people make jokes about it and call it "yacht rock". Jazz, blues, classical, zydeco, etc. are niche genres and don't register on the mainstream radar and mostly appeal to older people. Look at this site, threads about jazz acts get ignored, but dumb threads like this one (or the Christina Aguilera album flops thread) that has nothing to do with music get devoured like a kid in a room full of junk food.
And all that happened 30+ years ago. It's not relevant to today. Name a jazz act that has hit records today or that the mainstream audience listens to. How many jazz, blues, or classical albums are on those silly biggest sellers lists that people on this site like? None. Anyway, Walter Murphy had to add disco to the mix to sell Beethoven and stick the song on the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Not really a straight classical record. George Benson had many instrumental albums before This Masquerade, and they sold little, only to the jazz audience, and didn't get much, if any radio play. He only started selling when he began singing R&B and pop. George still releases albums today and they don't get airplay. He hasn't had a "hit" since the mid 80s. Bruce Hornsby isn't jazz, it's light rock, and that isn't popular today either and people make jokes about it and call it "yacht rock". Jazz, blues, classical, zydeco, etc. are niche genres and don't register on the mainstream radar and mostly appeal to older people. Look at this site, threads about jazz acts get ignored, but dumb threads like this one (or the Christina Aguilera album flops thread) that has nothing to do with music get devoured like a kid in a room full of junk food.

well you are obviously a fan of Michael Jackson. the biggest selling artist of all time. as in sales. so we have a confluence of people on here who poo poo the idea of sales, and people who don't poo poo it. it's nice that MJ brought people with so many ideas together. but as far as how you categorized Bruce Hornsby's music, if you take away the drum beat, i'd really have a hard time telling that he can't play jazz. and he wasn't that long ago that he scored those hits. so if you truly want to believe that sales are limited to crap, then you won't be convinced. but i don't know that time of release makes much difference. if an artist can strike the right chord with people, they'll get a hit. it's an elusive thing to a lot of people but, it's possible, as we have seen. John Williams was really popular on AC charts, and with people as far as sales are concerned with the Star Wars soundtrack. and Superman and Jaws. it's all in how you look at it. Christina Aguilera runs the gamut in what kind of music she does, so she has something for everybody. and she has a quality talent.
^^^^John Williams? Star Wars? Superman? That's 1970s. People bought 8-tracks, reel-to-reel tapes, and hit songs that were 15 minutes long like Love To Love You Baby and Rapper's Delight back then too, but you don't see that today either. You still haven't named a jazz act that's popular today. You keep talking about something that happened decades ago. I guess you're going to mention Kenny G next, which was the 80's. I don't care about sales, lol. If you know about how that works, those numbers that the record companies, Soundscan, the RIAA, etc put out are bogus anyway.
I don't believe the Angelina Jolie lips (Justin Bieber) video(s) are watched that many times. Def. paid youtube to set the numbers higher or used various hacks.
I don't believe the Angelina Jolie lips (Justin Bieber) video(s) are watched that many times. Def. paid youtube to set the numbers higher or used various hacks.

I do believe it. If you look at the comments section (recommendable btw, it's hilarious) it looks more like an MSN chat lol, comments added every few seconds. If you want to check comments posted yesterday, you have to go back literally a thousand pages. And a lot of people refresh the page constantly to view new comments, every refresh counts as a new view. Plus take into account the audience JB most appeals to (12-16 year old girls) they can be quite obsessive and press F5 every few seconds to gain more views and make JB the most viewed artist on YouTube (not making this up, there's this big rivalry going on between the 'Beliebers' and Gaga's 'Little Monsters' lol). It's not all fans that watch this video. "Baby" has more dislikes than any other video on YouTube (around 150.000) and is thus apart from the most watched, also the most hated video on YouTube. That comforts me a bit :p
Justin's 'Baby' video had 172,807,386 views

That's probably just from my daughters alone. :rofl:

He's talented congratulations to him,i hate gaga she's sucks.

For his age he is talented. I think he will get much better with age and experience. He's only 16, I think by the time he is 25 he will have evolved.

But for the moment his stuff is corny and i'm not seeing how his voice is so high pitched considering his age. No offense to him, I have said he has talent but he sounds like he is about 13.

You have to all give him credit for writing a lot of his own stuff as well, you may not like it but at least he's doing it. I wish him the best of luck and hope to see him mature into a great artist someday.
I can't believe how many Bieber haters there are on this board. I don't think he's the most talented person on the planet or anything, but he's a young kid enjoying success and he's not un-talented. I really don't think he would have come as far as he has in such a short time if he wasn't. He's got catchy songs, he writes most of them, he plays some instruments, he can dance pretty good for a 16yr old white boy. He's also a big MJ supporter and defends him all the time. He's not trying to be the next MJ or anything and I don't think it's fair for people to jump on him just because "he's not as good as MJ." Come on. He never asked to be compared to anybody. Michael was always supportive of his fellow artists and we should be too. It's okay to not be a fan of someone, etc, but some of the comments are kinda rude, to state so matter of factly that nobody will remember him in 5 years... we don't know that.

On another note, anyone seen/heard of Greyson Chance? In my opinion, that kid is amazing and definitely better than Bieber. He's younger and his voice is already matured more, and he's super talented with his songwriting skills and piano playing.

I can't believe how many Bieber haters there are on this board. I don't think he's the most talented person on the planet or anything, but he's a young kid enjoying success and he's not un-talented. I really don't think he would have come as far as he has in such a short time if he wasn't. He's got catchy songs, he writes most of them, he plays some instruments, he can dance pretty good for a 16yr old white boy. He's also a big MJ supporter and defends him all the time. He's not trying to be the next MJ or anything and I don't think it's fair for people to jump on him just because "he's not as good as MJ." Come on. He never asked to be compared to anybody. Michael was always supportive of his fellow artists and we should be too. It's okay to not be a fan of someone, etc, but some of the comments are kinda rude, to state so matter of factly that nobody will remember him in 5 years... we don't know that.

On another note, anyone seen/heard of Greyson Chance? In my opinion, that kid is amazing and definitely better than Bieber. He's younger and his voice is already matured more, and he's super talented with his songwriting skills and piano playing.


Yeah, I saw him on Ellen Degeneres the other day, he's really good! Better than JB in my opinion, particularly because he's much younger (I believe 11 or 12) and he plays the piano too. I just wish he'd loose the haircut :mello:
OF COURSE he defends Michael. He would be hated if he didn't or said stuff out in the media that he Michael Jackson.
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OF COURSE he defends Michael. He would be hated if he didn't or said stuff out in the media that he Micahel Jackson.

He really liked Michael though. I saw videos of him on YouTube a couple of years ago before he was famous (his mother used to post them) and in one of them he was like 12 years old and dancing to Billie Jean. I'll see if I can find it again.

Edit: here it is :)

OF COURSE he defends Michael. He would be hated if he didn't or said stuff out in the media that he Michael Jackson.

That maybe true, that it wouldnt be wise for him to speak badly about MJ. But im pretty sure he just praises Michael a lot because he is a big fan.
OF COURSE he defends Michael. He would be hated if he didn't or said stuff out in the media that he Michael Jackson.


Remember folks.............he is a factory manufactured popstar..............

He is told: what to wear, what to say and what to sing!!!!!!

Being a Michael Jackson fan = instant popularity (these days)!!!!!!!!
His voice is now starting to get deeper and he says he's getting problems but Usher is trying to help.

It is time.
Bieber is a rude kid that needs the sense slapped back into him. He slaps his bodyguards and tells his mom to "shut up" because he pays her!