JUST IN: Michael Jackson died of lethal levels of propofol, court documents show


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
L.A. County coroner's officials found lethal levels of the powerful anesthetic propofol after examining Michael Jackson's body, according to a search warrant affidavit unsealed today in Houston.

According to the search warrant, Jackson's doctor, Conrad Murray, told LAPD detectives that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. He had been giving Jackson 50 milligrams of propofol every night using an intravenous line, according to the court records.

But Murray told detectives that he feared Jackson was forming an addiction and began trying to wean the pop star off the drugs. He lowered the dosage to 25 milligrams and mixed it with two other sedatives, lorazepam and midazolam. On June 23, two days before Jackson's death, he administered two medications and withheld the propofol.

On the morning Jackson died, Murray tried to induce sleep without using propofol, according to the affidavit. He said he gave Jackson valium at 1:30 a.m. When that didn't work, he said, he injected lorazepam intravenously at 2 a.m. At 3 a.m., when Jackson was still awake, Murray administered midazolam.

Over the next few hours, Murray said he gave Jackson various drugs. Then at 10:40 a.m., Murray administered 25 milligrams of propofol after Jackson repeatedly demanded the drug, according to the court record.

Murray has already acknowledged obtaining and administering propofol to Jackson the morning that he died. In an interview with police, Murray told them that he left Jackson alone under the influence of the medication to make telephone calls to his Houston office and family members.

When he returned, he discovered Jackson was not breathing. He performed CPR, and one of Jackson’s staff members called 911. The 50-year-old pop star was rushed to the UCLA Medical Center, where he was later declared dead. Much of the investigation has focused on propofol — a drug typically administered by anesthesiologists during surgery — and whether Murray’s decision to give it to Jackson as a sleep aid outside a hospital setting reaches a level of negligence required for an involuntary manslaughter charge.


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Why the hell did Murray give him such a mix of drugs? Michael was 50!!
Good God. They're reporting this on Sky News now too...
So many drugs in one night! noooooooooooo whyyyyyyyyy
Why would he make MJ go to sleep after 10 am? Wasn't he supposed to have rehearsals in a few hours??
I freakin' knew it!!! Why are they still calling it a heart faliure?? Its officially DRUG OVERDOSE.

Murray.. Your time is next..

Holy crap...
I mean... we all suspected it... but wow...
It doesn't take a genius to realize a combination like that would be lethal...
wot an idiot...think they wud know better...hes going to be going down for this BIG TIME!
thats ridiculous! What the HELL! was Murray doing! I'm not happy at ALL!

Michael should be in London now, Full Stop!

Murray should be sent down forever!

Murray should be :blowup:
Omg u don't have to have a medical degree to know that no one should be given a mixture like that and then left alone...

So why didn't they just slap some handcuffs on him right then and there and read him his rights.. Sweet baby jesus i can't believe that man..

Tmz just posted this story..
I don't think they're really telling us anything new with this. They've been saying this for the last month or so.
This is so tragic... Had Michael not had insomnia, Murray wouldnt have needed to treat him with all that crap. Thats what is is, real crap. These freaking sedatives are freakin worse than street drugs!!! Had Michael tried to fall asleep without these sleep medications he might have been alive and well today. Insomnia can be treated other ways too, drugs isnt the only solution. This pisses me off so bad too.. It could have been prevented..
Holllly cow! How can anyone survive after the mixture of the first 3 drugs that night!?!? And he was STILL awake!?!??! I don't believe a thing he said...
Trying to wean him off the propofol, so he gave him three different sedatives, "various drugs" and then administered propofol on top of it? What?
OMG so he LEFT HIM ALONE TO MAKE A PHONE CALL! and Michael just slipped away? all alone? :cry: WHY OMG I AM SO CONFUSED. :( :( :( :( :(
So the "document" is a search warrant? I can't see how all this info would be on a search warrant. I wonder if there will be a screen-shot and link to the actual document?

That's just INSANE! (if even true. . . . ) Did Murray know ANYTHING about the synergistic effects of all those drugs? Michael "demanded" the Propofol? We have NO way to know if he did. That sounds like a lethal cocktail of drugs. Even a Girl Scout would know that. This clears up. . . nothing. If true, Murray might as well have taken a baseball bat to Michael's head and put him to sleep permanently. The effect was the same.
anybody with common sense knows you risk killing someone with such a dangerous mix what the hell!!!