JUST IN! CNN. About the Public memorial...

Oh I so wish that I could go.. but well, no way my parents would let me and also... we don't have the money. I just want to say goodbye for real... guess that wont happen. I just don't know what to do anymore.
He did say its not a home anymore.... I wish we knew what Michael would want
Neverland is such a beautiful place though

How many of the people have been buried "at home"? I dont think it wouldnt matter. He could be buried at Neverland just because it was his dream and a special place... He didnt reach the dream during his lifetime but he could reach it after. If Neverland was like he dreamed of it, I wouldnt see any problem.
HOw annoying. My brother is going to California on MONDAY. He was going to take a card from me, i was hoping he could be my representative at the funeral :(
I think Neverland is a fitting place for the viewing. I have always thought that given time, maybe a lot of time the wounds would have healed and Michael would have returned. Now that healing will not happen. But in some ways, the place and all it meant is Michael in a way. It was his dream, his vision. Maybe the place can now be a healing place for all who loved him.
I hope I can go there some day, if it becomes open for the public.
I doubt it'll be open casket. Just a memorial service.

Wow. If CNN is telling the truth, ( you never know) I hope it's not an open casket too.
People will be taking pics and making fun of him
How many of the people have been buried "at home"? I dont think it wouldnt matter. He could be buried at Neverland just because it was his dream and a special place... He didnt reach the dream during his lifetime but he could reach it after. If Neverland was like he dreamed of it, I wouldnt see any problem.

I agree.

I'm going... I feel like it's something I have to do to get some kind of closure... and if anyone in LA wants to go that can't drive or wants to carpool, lemme know.