JUNE 13---6 years on...



wow when did he were this beautifull white suit, its amazing!!!!

I remember it being on the news and all. I was happy to know that Michael was NOT GUILTY of all charges, I knew he'd nothing wrong and I knew he was INNOCENT I may not have been a fan of his back then BUT I always knew he done nothing wrong. With this Murray Trial happening I can understand what you all went through back then, What Michael went through. He should never had gone through what he went through. We love and miss you Mikey-Boo. You should be here tp celebrate this day.
Thankyou so very much for sharing this Stacey...

We are forever honoured and proud and blessed to love you, support you, defend you, stand by you and do you proud beloved Angel of Light...THANK YOU..we will always love you most...

And in response...


(I saved this to my comp from somebody elses post a couple years ago. So credit to whoever printed it and took the photo, hope you don't mind me using it here.)
One of the happiest days ever for me.. If not the happiest. .. I remember I had to study for an important exam that day, and I don't know how I managed to in that restless state of anticipation, then incontrolable crying. .. .
its just another date to me now that id rather forget. just another memory of how a beautiful soul was persecuted and how he spent the last few years of his life trying to recover from it. all those years take away from him and all the things he would have done. have more kids? do so much more career wise. i celebrated it for the first couple of years and then tried to forget it as it just brought back painful memories of what he was put through.i look through the thread and the pics etc and cant believe we actually went through all of that. and for what. they got him in the end.:(
its just another date to me now that id rather forget. just another memory of how a beautiful soul was persecuted and how he spent the last few years of his life trying to recover from it. all those years take away from him and all the things he would have done. have more kids? do so much more career wise. i celebrated it for the first couple of years and then tried to forget it as it just brought back painful memories of what he was put through.i look through the thread and the pics etc and cant believe we actually went through all of that. and for what. they got him in the end.:(
:hug:...I know..:( *big sigh*
I remember hearing the verdict live on television.
It was late at night here, I should have been sleeping already.
Instead I was chatting with a friend while waiting for the verdict. We were both so anxious to hear what was going to happen.
When it came on I just prayed the entire time, and just hearing the words not guilty over and over again was really amazing. I'll never forget it.
I (quietly) danced around the living room while crying tears of joy and relief after that.
The next day at school me and my friend wrote "MJ" on one hand and "Not Guilty" on the other lol. That was my first openly MJ fan supporting moment.
I can't believe that is already 6 years a go.
I still don't know what I would have done of the outcome had been different. I can't even imagine it.

I've never seen that letter from MJJSource before, thanks for posting it.
I wish I was more around in the online community back then.
Hearing how much information was being shared it would have saved me a lot headaches from listening to the regular news.
An important day for Michael, but I can't even watch those videos of his acquittal. I just cry thinking about what he went through and how he was never the same afterward.
its just another date to me now that id rather forget. just another memory of how a beautiful soul was persecuted and how he spent the last few years of his life trying to recover from it. all those years take away from him and all the things he would have done. have more kids? do so much more career wise. i celebrated it for the first couple of years and then tried to forget it as it just brought back painful memories of what he was put through.i look through the thread and the pics etc and cant believe we actually went through all of that. and for what. they got him in the end.:(

Oh, yeah, they sure did.... ....
I just realized Autumn II is reading this thread and I wanted to reach out and hug her and thank her from the bottom of my heart for all that she and the most wonderful MJJF did for him, for us...all for L.O.V.E...Thankyou Vic...
its just another date to me now that id rather forget. just another memory of how a beautiful soul was persecuted and how he spent the last few years of his life trying to recover from it. all those years take away from him and all the things he would have done. have more kids? do so much more career wise. i celebrated it for the first couple of years and then tried to forget it as it just brought back painful memories of what he was put through.i look through the thread and the pics etc and cant believe we actually went through all of that. and for what. they got him in the end.:(

I agree. And the fact that Michael had to die to get even half the respect that he should have gotten in his lifetime after being vindicated of that stupid mess makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it now.
6 years...it feels like longer and yet not that long ago at the same time.

I will never forget Michael's face as entered the courtroom. Never.
Like I said in my earlier post daytime in Santa Maria was dead of night in India and I would spend the entire night (every night for the entire 5 months of the trial) up and awake, sneeking into my living room (which had a TV) every hour to watch BBC's live coverage then go to my room upstairs and meditate and send positive thoughts in the direction of the courtroom in USA! I had no internet connection at home and had to go to a cyber cafe everyday to be at the fan forums. On that night my grandfather who was unwell was sleeping in the living room and I quitely sneeked past him and turned on the TV to see the live coverage. The jurors were still deliberating, and no one was sure if the verdict would be delivered that day or later on another day. As I was watching, suddently the power(electricity supply) to my house went out and I went back to my room not realizing that I had left the TV set turned on. I went to my room and meditated but fell slightly asleep from the pain and exhaustion. A little later, I suddenly woke up, it was 2:30 a.m. and I realized that the power was back and almost jumped off my meditation mat and went "Oh my God!Oh my God! The verdict!" As if something in my subconscious just woke me up and I dashed across the room, down the stairs into the living room to see the TV already on and a train of SUVs being followed by from the sky by cameras and what happened to me from there on is something I will never forget. Not only because it was so powerful then, but because I feel the same emotions even now everytime I think of that moment. All through the 1 and a half years I had not doubted that Michael would be aquitted of all charges, he HAD to be. I never for a fleeting moment thought of any other possibility. I would start threads on 'the power of prayers', 'positive intentions, 'the meaning of faith' all through the trial, and now that the verdict had been reached I found myself saying out loud, (as if possessed) "He is going to walk out a free man. God, you promised, you promised, you can't let them win" and I was shaking and breathing crazily and speaking to the huge painting of Lord Krishna in the room that says-"Whenever evil becomes powerful and tries to annihilate light, I come to protect the righteous and the good." And I kept saying "Keep your promise now God, please Jesu, you must, you have to!" And the overwhelming emotions I was going through thinking about what Michael must be going through right then in that SUV, I felt like not just my head and my heart but my entire body would just explode with the sensory, mental, emotional overload. Then as he got out of the car,was hugged by Susan Yu, I fell to my knees before my TV set, touched him through the screen and through tears, shaking uncontrollably whispered "Michael, you'll walk out a free man!" and I said the same to mother Katherine, touching her and then when he went inside with than ashen face I just felt I would die with grief and dread. And then as each and every verdict was read out and the lady with the doves set them free and the fans erupted in joy with every 'not-guilty' count, I felt and did something that to this day I cannot name or explain. My teeth were clenched as if in anger, my breath was forceful as if I had just come from a massive fight or a marathon, my body was tight and yet shaking, my fists were clenched and my face wet with hot tears streaming down from my tired, swollen eyes...and my haert was aching so badly for all the hell that he and us had been put through for no reason...I fisted the air with every "not guily" verdict saying through angry clenched teeth something like "YES!YES! YES! You bast@#d$!!!" feeling rage, pain, anguish, relief, sorrow, joy, but mostly a deep, immeasurable stab in my soul that I knew this brutal, cruel world had dealt him and us and that will never ever go away. I could'nt truly rejoice with one verdict as I'd be thinking of the next, my mind kept saying "There are 10, there are 10, those bast@#d$! Oh Michael, hang on, my darling, hang on!" And when the final "not guilty" was delivered, I just fisted and fisted and fisted the air, cried, said bast@#rds many more times and as Michael walked out of those doors I just caressed and caressed and caressed the screen, his face, his back and kept whispering "Oh Michael, my baby, you won! We won!Now rest, please rest, take care of yourself, go sleep, go eat, I love you, we love you.." And as the most amazing TMez walked out and his car was stopped by joyous fans I had the smile for the first time on my lips and with folded hands I kept saying "thankyou, thankyou, thankyou..." I still remember his smile. He looked like an angel from heaven to me. And then as they showed that bast@#d TS, I just kicked, and kicked and kicked screaming 'BAST@#D!!!' with every kick! I almost dashed the TV screen! Then I watched the press conference in a daze, kept watching the same scene being shown over and over again-Michael walking out a free man! Then as the first light of dawn broke, I ran upstairs to my terrace and fell on my knees thanking God, the angels, the planets, the stars, the entire universe! Then as my family started waking up(it was the morning of 14th June here) I went to my mom and said (without even a smile, the pain was too much) "the verdict is out", and my mum, all sleepy in her bed was like, "OMG! What happened?" I said "not guilty". She said "completely, totally?!" and I said "yes". I don't remember if she actually asked me "why do you look like that then?" but I still remember that look in her eyes and I just hugged her and cried and she too cried and said "Praise the Lord" and when I woke up my brother to tell him the same thing his first question was "When, what happened, why didn't you wake me up?!" He too asked "on ALL counts?!!" and when I said "yes", he did something I had never seen him do before. Instinctively he looked up, folded his hands,thanked God in his heart then straight after brushing his teeth went to a confectionary store (which had just opened its shutters for the day) and got wonderful sweets for all of us! That shop may never know that among the very first boxes of sweets it sold that day was one that celebrated the innocence and victory of an angel on earth...
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I remember this day like it was yesterday. We went through it with him didn't we? And you know what, I wouldn't change any of it. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken the verbal abuse, the scorn from people, just like I did then. It was the right thing to do.

I understand why many of you consider it bittersweet and I suppose it is but I will always rejoice he walked out that courtroom a free and vindicated man. He at least was able to spend the last years with his children and his innocence is forever documented for all time to come, however much time we have left in this world. If we can't have him physically, at least we can know he was a good man and he spent his life trying to do worthwhile things for humankind. That's his legacy. He'll always live in our hearts, with all thoughts of the good and the bad I can proudly say I was glad I was on his side.
I remember this day like it was yesterday. We went through it with him didn't we? And you know what, I wouldn't change any of it. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken the verbal abuse, the scorn from people, just like I did then. It was the right thing to do.

I understand why many of you consider it bittersweet and I suppose it is but I will always rejoice he walked out that courtroom a free and vindicated man. He at least was able to spend the last years with his children and his innocence is forever documented for all time to come, however much time we have left in this world. If we can't have him physically, at least we can know he was a good man and he spent his life trying to do worthwhile things for humankind. That's his legacy. He'll always live in our hearts, with all thoughts of the good and the bad I can proudly say I was glad I was on his side.

This is why I say we must be grateful for this day! And thankyou goldiee for being there and for this lovely post (())
that day...unforgettable....

I remember every detail of it and will never ever forget....
It has been on my mind all day, six years ago we were all so happy and relieved, although not surprised. I still feel angry at what those liars and the people who supported them put us through, and we were not fighting for our lives. I would add my thanks to the fans who were there and kept us all informed, god knows we knew we were not getting the truth from the media. And now we face another trial, another world of pain for us and of course his family, at least this time he is not going to be hurt by it, nothing can hurt him anymore.
I'm feeling very emotional tonight. I thought I'd just pop on here and read this thread. It's so hard to imagine 6 years ago and where we are tonight. And how this happened to such a beautiful soul. It's hard to feel peace tonight, that's for sure. I'm so sad, and my heart is heavy. It will be hard to ever achieve closure.

I just realised I used hard a ton of times in this post, but it sums it up. Hard.

Michael, my heart is with you tonight. I love you endlessly!
who knew that after being accused of such a horrible thing and being vindicated that Michael would leave us just 4 short years later..he was so brave during that trial....I love you Michael...you will always be in my heart. I miss you so much.
I tuned into youtube and searched for June 13, 2005 one day. After watching only one video of the lady reading each not guilty verdict, my eyes started to tear and got those goosebumps all over again. But then I remember how it all turned out and it was ok. It was a great day after all. I was and still proud to be an MJ fan.