JUNE 13---6 years on...


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
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I wrote this on the first anniversary of what many of us regard as "Vindication Day"! It's been six years now, but it still feels like yesterday. The pain lingers. But I also realize how grateful we all are and should be for the day Michael's innocence won its first battle. </o:p>
<o:p>So many fans have joined this family since 2009, and I just wanted to share this with them...</o:p>
One year on&#8230;, and my heart still doesn&#8217;t know exactly how to respond to this day that holds such infinite significance in our lives! Never in my life have I known a day that stands for such truly deserved joy and victory, freedom and vindication, and yet hold so much pain and agony&#8230;and anger in it&#8217;s fold. It&#8217;s hard (even impossible) for me to think of the sweetness of this day, without remembering the sadness and anguish of the days that preceded it. I&#8217;m not a pessimist. And I&#8217;m not a crying baby. I&#8217;m proud of the courage and absolute faith I lived with during the most difficult and insane time of my life. But I&#8217;m human. And I know the pain will take a long time to heal. And I believe it&#8217;s the same with many of us. But I also know that we won!<o:p></o:p>
I still remember the first moments of utter shock, disbelief, grief and rage on that day in November which was to be the beginning of the test- the test of our faith, courage and loyalty, the test of our own convictions and the ideal of Truth and Justice. I remember the tension and frenzy on the board, the legal discussions, the vigils all over the world, the campaigns, the prayer circles. I remember being up all night, night after night, praying or writing countless letters to the media, or circulating information to the many fan clubs. I also remember the nervousness and anxiety, the fear, the anger, the tears, and the pain we all felt and that seemed unbearable at times. I remember the crazy rulings and how helpless we felt, I can never forget the cruel media and how mad it made us, or the broken look on Mike&#8217;s face the day he walked in late with the backache, and how our hearts sank.
I remember being outraged, disgusted, shocked at how the media was touching a new low everyday.., and I was horrified too&#8230;they were doing their best to portray him as someone he was absolutely not, hell bent on convicting him in the court of public opinion and destroying not only his reputation and career but his life! Lies were being created, spread and forced down people&#8217;s minds all across the world, the heinous accusations and blatant untruth from the evil mouths of unconscionable people would make world news headlines while the defence&#8217;s move to expose each one of them as lies would not even be reported. I remember how some of those fans who could get seats inside the courtroom took it upon themselves to report the truth of what was actually going on inside and their versions would be so, so different from what the media was reporting with their own despicable manipulation and spin. The media seemed to be gloating with glee to see and be part of the mindless witch-hunt to condemn, persecute and crucify a beautiful, innocent, gentle soul who had done absolutely NOTHING to deserve this inhuman treatment.

And I remember the fans who gave up their jobs(I was one of them) to be part of the battle. I remember those who fasted for days together, or those who drove for miles to be in Santa Maria, or the ones who even put their relations with family and friends on the line when they did not believe in Michael&#8217;s innocence. These fans knew that Michael would never even be able to know them, or the extent to which they went to love and support him, but they did it anyway, for it didn&#8217;t matter whether he knew or not..it was never even a concern. All that mattered was justice and respect for Michael-the man who they knew had given them so much in so many beautiful ways that they could never thank him enough. Maybe by walking through the fire with him the fans were telling him how grateful they were to him, and that he was not alone. And I also remember and so admire Michael&#8217;s indomitable will and courage during that whole time. There were times before a hearing when I&#8217;d be so uncomfortable and my stomach would be in knots and then Michael would arrive, all bathed in innocence and purity, and I&#8217;d instantly feel better&#8230;and through crying eyes I&#8217;d wonder who was supporting whom! And I remember the fellowship, the love and sweetness of being part of the most beautiful fan fraternity. Everyone understood how everyone else felt. We did not need words to express it. Across continents and oceans, we were holding each other&#8217;s hands, in love, in spirit. We knew we were a family, and we were unconditionally there for each other. With bruised hearts and weary minds, but with love in our hearts, we continued to fight. We knew the forces we were fighting against, but it did not scare us, nor deter us. We were the Army of love. We were a force so powerful, so determined. And we won! <o:p></o:p>
Why did we give ourselves so completely to this cause? We did it not because it was about a pop star who was being accused. We were not a bunch of crazed fans blindly supporting the object of our affection. We did it because it was about the most beautiful, innocent, loving human being, a magical man who has always believed that he&#8217;s here with a purpose, that &#8220;&#8230;all art has as its ultimate goal the union between the material and the spiritual, the human and the divine. And I believe that that is the very reason for the existence of art and what I do.&#8221; And if he has inspired us with his amazing art and talent, he has inspired us even more with the way he has lived his life-with integrity, honesty and dignity&#8230;and by being who he is- one of the most wonderful, generous, loving human beings the world has ever known. He&#8217;s taught us the beautiful virtues of love, kindness, compassion, humility, courage, forgiveness, hope&#8230;not by mere preaching but by living these ideals every moment of his life. He has taught us to believe in ourselves, to stand up for what is right, and to never ever give up. But most importantly, he&#8217;s brought us to the realization of the Ultimate Truth that all life is the manifestation of the Divine.. he really has bridged the material and the spiritual. And with him, it was all that he had taught us that was on the line. With Michael, it was the spirit of Truth and Justice and Innocence that was being persecuted and it had to win. And it did, and with it, all of us who had always believed in Michael, in the light of his being, and in the absolute power of Truth! <o:p></o:p>
And so I feel that the best tribute I can give to this day is by asking myself what&#8217;s the greatest lesson I learnt during this most difficult time, and by incorporating that lesson in my life. And then every year from now on, on this very day, I shall look back on my life and see how far I&#8217;ve come spiritually, how true I have been to myself through all the trials and challenges I had to face. In this way, I&#8217;ll be setting a bit of truth in me free, the most fitting tribute to the day when the truth about Michael's incorruptible innocence was set free.

For me, it was the most spiritually revelatory period of my life. I realized the power of positive, affirmative prayer. I experienced the presence of angels and found out they are for real(believe me!).
But the greatest of them all- I realized that even if being honest, truthful and compassionate meant being ridiculed and misunderstood by the world, if it meant being tortured and tormented, being deceived and taken advantage of, I&#8217;ll still stand tall in the light of Truth &#8230;and I shall continue to love, give, and &#8230;trust.
Thankyou Michael.
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Ankita;3406378 said:
... most importantly, he’s brought us to the realization of the Ultimate Truth that all life is the manifestation of the Divine.. he really has bridged the material and the spiritual.
But the greatest them of all- I realized that even if being honest, truthful and compassionate meant being ridiculed and misunderstood by the world, if it meant being tortured and tormented, being deceived and taken advantage of, I’ll still stand tall in the light of Truth …and I shall continue to love, give, and …trust.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Thank you, Michael!

Thank you, Ankita!
It took me a while to read it because of the tears.

After all these years and still hurts a lot to remember.

Thank you to all whom were there back then.I have always thought about how difficult must have been for you and what immense sacrifice you have done.

Thank you.

I'm dreaming of the day when the whole world will see and accept his innocence.

I'm dreaming of the day when the whole world will see and accept his innocence.

Let's not just dream of it, but believe in it, pray for it, will it, visualize it and make it happen!
A great big thank-you to all the members of MJJF and MJJC who kept the news threads under control and updated. Thank-you for their patience to explain exactly what the new updates would mean to those who had little understanding of legal jargon or who didn't have time to search for information 10 pages back.

Another thank-you to members who could be at the courthouse each day and sent information to the forum from the court. It wasn't easy for members to be there day after day but members who couldn't be there really appreciated their dedication to being there and keeping us in the loop.

Another thank-you to members around the world who extended a hand to other members who needed support and someone to talk the case over with.

There were so many of us who had to sit through news reports which provoked fear inside of us of how the case was going and the members of MJJF and MJJC provided a space of calm (to some extent) where the case was rationalised and the actual truth was unearthed that could not be found elsewhere.

It was frustrating, depressing just 'uggh'. It was awful but we did it together. We all pushed through the negative and ultimately supported Michael (and we won!).
A great big thank-you to all the members of MJJF and MJJC who kept the news threads under control and updated. Thank-you for their patience to explain exactly what the new updates would mean to those who had little understanding of legal jargon or who didn't have time to search for information 10 pages back.

Another thank-you to members who could be at the courthouse each day and sent information to the forum from the court. It wasn't easy for members to be there day after day but members who couldn't be there really appreciated their dedication to being there and keeping us in the loop.

Another thank-you to members around the world who extended a hand to other members who needed support and someone to talk the case over with.

There were so many of us who had to sit through news reports which provoked fear inside of us of how the case was going and the members of MJJF and MJJC provided a space of calm (to some extent) where the case was rationalised and the actual truth was unearthed that could not be found elsewhere.

It was frustrating, depressing just 'uggh'. It was awful but we did it together. We all pushed through the negative and ultimately supported Michael (and we won!).

Yes...*tears welling up in my eyes again*...and I so miss those fans who were regularly posting, updating, helping us through that madness...my heart will NEVER forget how each one of us helped another without perhaps even knowing how many lives we were touching, blessing, helping... where are you guys, please come back...you are missed...
And I remember being up all night during the days of the trial, watching the live coverage on BBC here in India. India is almost 12 hrs ahead of Santa Maria time so I'd be up ALL NIGHT in my room with lights turned down so as not to wake up my parents in the other room, and I'd sneek past their room to go to the living room to watch the news on TV(one TV set was in my parent's room and the other in the living room), then come back to my room, meditate and send my best wishes and prayers facing the direction of coutroom in USA (yes!) I'd visualize Michael in the suit he'd be wearing that day and in my mind and heart I'd surround him with a healing light, I'll be speaking to the jurors urging them to see the truth and be fair, speaking to the witnesses to be honest, praying hard, and this would happen EVERY single night of the trial. My days would be devoted completely to praying, writing to the media, and ofcourse to crying a lot and updating my family about the goings on in the courtroom. I had turned into a zombie for all those months, with no sleep, no food and massive headache and heartache...and to think that we fought so hard and so long...and then have him ripped apart from us like this...I still can't believe...I will never believe that June 25 happened...
And in response...


(I saved this to my comp from somebody elses post a couple years ago. So credit to whoever printed it and took the photo, hope you don't mind me using it here.)
I made this for an anniversary of MJ Vindication day i believe in 2007
I wanted to show Michael's direct message he himself gave to fans
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Oh wow, it was June 13th? This date now has another meaning for me.
I was there also... I gave my whole life up to be there and show my support. One day the world will see! But for me, the memories, the fans, the love, the kindness the community and the friendships will be something I will hold in my heart forever and ever and ever!

Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece x
And in response...


(I saved this to my comp from somebody elses post a couple years ago. So credit to whoever printed it and took the photo, hope you don't mind me using it here.)

What an inspiring, beautiful thread. And I absolutely love this. ^^^^

Here's a video I made last year...to remember Vindication Day:
This is my video that i made in 2007... it relates to 2005...


June was a month that I celebrated...but not after 2009... I will celebrate the 13th of June and IT IS GOING TO BE TOMORROW(MONDAY), THE SAME DAY THAT HE WAS VINDICATED 6 YEARS AGO!!! I remember getting home from school and my parents watchin' Oprah...:smilerolleyes: Then *BREAKING NEWS* cut of her show :punk:... and I automatically knew what it was about. Chanel 7 wasnt as bad as CNN or the other channels...they just followed the BLACK SUV's from Never land to the court room. a lil' bit over 45min. I was numb and only thinking about how he was gonna get acquitted and go back to his children and just move somewhere OUT of America after this... I try not to think of the other possibility...it just wasnt a choice!!! :(

Then the SUV's arrived...and I could feel the ENERGY of the fans...it was soo loud that I wanted to just fly there...(I know, impossible...but Michael made everything look doable):yes: Then...He got out of the car and the first of many tears fell from my eyes... I didnt look after that, until he was in the court room... and the jury were called in...and I can hear a pin drop outside...it was as if it was a ghost town compared to their voices, screams,love, when they saw Michael! And then one of the jurors started out by saying
(Superior court for the state of California for the county of Santa Barbra, Santa Maria division the people of the state of California plaintiff vs. Michael Joe Jackson defendant Case # 1133603 count 1 verdict... We in the above entitled case find the defendant.......NOT GUILTY...) :cry:
And it was all a blur from that on... cried for hours after that... i had never cried like that in my life... I felt a weight was lifted off of me...

I was having a hard time at school with kids being really mean...(i was in 10th grade..)

God was with him... we were with him, God always gives us what we are able to handle...and it shows us how much God loves and believes in Michael...he wanted us to learn...Michael is one of the strongest and Most amazing persons that I know... I love him for the person he is and for all the love he thought us and showed us... I respect him and look up to him because No one person can handle Every thing that had happened to him in this life time... I Celebrate him because he brought joy into my life when I really didnt have any where to turn to...

I want to remember the good...the bad and the ugly that was Michael Jackson's life...Because he was Human like me, like you and like all of us... It's the real deal...the Real LIFE of a human being... I will love and miss him till the day I die... I would like nothing more than to turn back time and "save him" in 2009... but then he wouldnt be resting peacefully from the world today...so I'll make sure ppl. know about the REAL Man...My children(In the future) will Know about the King of Love and Hearts...

I'm sorry if I went in to tooo much detail on the post above...

THANKYOU For starting this thread...

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I remember i was at my grandma's house when it was announced the verdict would be read. I could not even stay inside when the jury read it out. I remember running outside praying and praying that Michael would be ok. I was so grateful,happy and relieved when my grandma told me the results. I have been a fan of Michael since 2004 and i am glad i got to see him be vindicated once and for all.
And in response...


(I saved this to my comp from somebody elses post a couple years ago. So credit to whoever printed it and took the photo, hope you don't mind me using it here.)

wow is this really truth this letter?? I had tears in my eyes reading it

I was not here on this forum, but i remember the time very well.. i live in holland so its 9 hours later here, and i know i sneek in to my fathers office where he had satelite tv and watched coverage of news i could find about the trail.. i know like yesterday the pain i felt even when i saw the martin bashir interview before the trial... i fight with my mother who believed he was quilty and i know the dutch tv didnt cover much of it, and that i felt so alone in it not knowing michael fans in real life my friends and fam arent fans... so u was against them.,. i know i wanted 1 think and that was to go to there and stand by other fans for the courthouse... i was to young... the only think i could do was pray for him *something i had never done before that* and before i went to sleep i told him to be strong and that i was sorry i could no be there.. i felt ashamed that i was there in my bed not there in the us.. but i could not go..
i know i posted my thoughts on a forum a michael forum but my english was then to bad so i didnt further get into that.. i just watched it in my fathers office..

So to those who were there i want to say thank you! For those who fought for him thank you... I believe now that i was not the only one who couldnt be there fysicly but then i felt so alone so thx for posting this

tomorrow its june 13.. and i will think of that again..

but the shadow of 09 will hang over it.
Sometimes i feel it wasnt fair at all, why he had to go trough that hell and then to die so sudden...
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@respect wow nice video!! Weird to here all those reporters say not quilty with a tone like they believed that from the beginning while it was those reporters who made him quilty from the start by only reporting the lies
I didn't have internet access at the time of the trial so it was really hard to just sit there and watch the media spin, spin and spin! But, once in a while they would say the truth about certain things, so I would take those little moments and piece them together to get the whole pic of how the defense was doing! I cried alot during that whole time watching MJ getting thinner and thinner, I cried sooo much watching him getting out of his car on the verdict day, I lost it! I was soo happy he was FINALLY vindicated, I SCREAMED!
this is so beautiful, and touching.

thank you Michael for everything you gave us.
Thanks Ankita! :give_heart: :hug:


I'm dreaming of the day when the whole world will see and accept his innocence.

Me too. :pray: I'll never forget June 13 and all those painful days for Michael. Back to the past is very sad for me. I always cry when I remember. See Michael, a wonderful man had to go through all that, it's so unbelievable. :cry:

June 13 was the end of the nightmare and Michael was victorious.... but the best would be if this nightmare never had started. :( *big sigh*

And in response...


(I saved this to my comp from somebody elses post a couple years ago. So credit to whoever printed it and took the photo, hope you don't mind me using it here.)
I made this for an anniversary of MJ Vindication day i believe in 2007
I wanted to show Michael's direct message he himself gave to fans
i dont know if you know hans zimmer, he did alot of film music. also on the da vinci code and angels and demons,
i love those cds from him of those movies.

i heared this song tonight and felt like this thread, a victory but also a hell, so i hope you enjoy this music much as i do. Its a little strong piece from angels and demons, its calles 160 bpm.. hearth rate i think beats per minute

From 2.00 its nice :)

Wow just as mj's song "speechless" is playing on my speakers i see this pic that qbee posted

and i am reminded again of michael's love for us & our love for him. We have had a unique & loving bond with him, one im sure he never ever took for granted and always kept it in his heart. I remember how on this day i was so nervous and there was a part of me saying "dont worry michael will be ok" and thankfully he was and come out victorious as ever.