June 13 - 15

I'm crying now Datsy. I love the 'random' videos you put in the threads on the main board. I hope noone ever stops you from doing it. (Hint hint to mods)
Thank you. When they touch my heart I want to share them with the fans. I allways hope that they will touch others to and see that Michael Jackson is very much loved and appreciated across the world.:D
Thank you. I love to see other people, including children appreciating Michael's songs. I go looking for them all the time. It is amazing how far and how wide MJ's influence has reached.:D

Your very welcome...
MJJ Community should have a Thread set up just for this type of You Tube type performances...

I think Mr.Jackson would really enjoy seeing the diversity/purity of his gift that God has given; at work..!

Despite all the trials, tribulations, doubts, & frustrations...after you see performances like this:
it's been worth it...cause after all is said & done.

"Our "CHILDREN" ARE THE FUTURE~~~and ~~~"Education Has Always Been The Key"

Heal The World~~~
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Dont know why fans always repeating like a prayer wheel how smart Michael is, when he really would be so smart, then he wouldn't face and faced such problems he had and has, not in financial and not in personal respect.
mjdove, if you consider yourself to be smarter than him, then why haven't you achieved his level of success?

Michael has more respect than anyone you can name on this earth. Have you noticed that although he cannot walk around freely in the street, he can move around freely in the world? He's able to do this because the world as a whole has respect for him.

Can you move around freely in the world and be welcomed everywhere you go, mjdove? Do you know anyone else on earth that has this type of respect? Can you name them?

The people that came into Michael's life and tried to play him didn't get anywhere. They are fools. The only thing they got was kicked out forever and placed on the black list. Now what's so smart about that?

The most famous man in the world opened his door to Schaffel. What did Schaffel do with the opportunity? He came in, misused Michael's trust, and now when he puts Michael on his bio to try and make himself look good, he's going to have to lie whenever someone asked him about his association with Michael. Will Schaffel be able to pick up the phone and call Michael so his new clients can see that he isn't lying about having a good business relationship with Michael? No. Will Schaffel's new clients be able to take him seriously after that point? No.

In trying to play Michael, Schaffel instead has played himself. Now what's so smart about that? What's so smart about destroying an opportunity to have the most famous man in the world as a reference?

Michael is just as famous right now as he was before Schaffel past through.

So, who's the smart one? Michael, or the ones that tried to play him? Who's the one that's still has people lining up and asking to work with him? Michael, or the ones that tried to play him?

Being sneaky cannot be considered as being smart. Being sneaky brings shame. Now what's so smart about that?

What's the latest you've heard about these people that mistreated Michael? Have you heard anything good?
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mjdove, if you consider yourself to be smarter than him, then why haven't you achieved his level of success?

Michael has more respect than anyone you can name on this earth. Have you noticed that although he cannot walk around freely in the street, he can move around freely in the world? He's able to do this because the world as a whole has respect for him.

Can you move around freely in the world and be welcomed everywhere you go, mjdove? Do you know anyone else on earth that has this type of respect? Can you name them?

The people that came into Michael's life and tried to play him didn't get anywhere. They are fools. The only thing they got was kicked out forever and placed on the black list. Now what's so smart about that?

The most famous man in the world opened his door to Schaffel. What did Schaffel do with the opportunity? He came in, misused Michael's trust, and now when he puts Michael on his bio to try and make himself look good, he's going to have to lie whenever someone asked him about his association with Michael. Will Schaffel be able to pick up the phone and call Michael so his new clients can see that he isn't lying about having a good business relationship with Michael? No. Will Schaffel's new clients be able to take him seriously after that point? No.

In trying to play Michael, Schaffel instead has played himself. Now what's so smart about that? What's so smart about destroying an opportunity to have the most famous man in the world as a reference?

Michael is just as famous right now as he was before Schaffel past through.

So, who's the smart one? Michael, or the ones that tried to play him? Who's the one that's still has people lining up and asking to work with him? Michael, or the ones that tried to play him?

Being sneaky cannot be considered as being smart. Being sneaky brings shame. Now what's so smart about that?

What's the latest you've heard about these people that mistreated Michael? Have you heard anything good?

^RESPECT!! :clapping:
Dont know why fans always repeating like a prayer wheel how smart Michael is, when he really would be so smart, then he wouldn't face and faced such problems he had and has, not in financial and not in personal respect.

Don't mean to be rude but, if you can't see how intelligent Michael is, then you aren't very intelligent yourself.
very intelligent yourself i'm intelligent in myself i'm very smart in my music i write songs i have over 200 songs books i wrote songs i can't stop i know i'm smart in my heart but not in my mind cause i'm slow but i learn form MJ songs got me into music and know i can't stop :yes: :)
Dont know why fans always repeating like a prayer wheel how smart Michael is, when he really would be so smart, then he wouldn't face and faced such problems he had and has, not in financial and not in personal respect.

That's right he is so dumb, worthless and has no respect i wonder why Ne-Yo cries about him in every interview of late:scratch::smilerolleyes:
hi i found new news on las vagas is o.k i post it in here

here is the news i found
Michael Jackson Looks To Vegas To Revive Career?

According to recent reports Michael Jackson may be close to a 180-night run in Las Vegas.

The investment firm that recently bought the loan on Jackson’s Neverland Ranch, Colony Capital is discussing various repayment options for the $23 million debt, including a possible long-term engagement as the resident performer of a Vegas casino or nightclub, a source familiar with the talks said on Friday to help the star avert foreclosure.

Bringing Jackson to Sin City as a performer would mark the biggest step the 49-year-old performer has taken toward a comeback since a child molestation trial left his career, his reputation and financial status in tatters three years ago.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Colony also is urging the singer to sell off Neverland as quickly as possible and to emerge from seclusion in Nevada to launch a career comeback in Vegas, the Journal said.

Colony is also pressing Jackson to go on TV, perhaps on Oprah Winfrey's show, to make a public statement putting the Neverland Ranch and the controversy connected with it behind him, and to perform in a TV special proving to the world that he can still sing and dance.
That aint NEW news.

And I hope Michael doesn't do anything that is being advised in that article.

And I'm watching the Lakers/Celtics championship and as they were going to a commercial guess what they started playing?......

Thriller! Thriller night....girl, I can scare you more than any goon could ever dare try......
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Just a little mentioning:

SingersRoom: As you’ve said before, you’ve been in the music industry for a long time. What have been the changes you’ve been able to see from the time you started up until now?

Chilli: Before, you used to see a lot of Barry Gordys, your LA Reids, just a lot of seasoned people that have been in the industry for many years that you could look up to and really give you great, incredible advice as far as how to be an entertainer. You don’t really see that a lot these days, unfortunately. It starts from the top. It’s funny to me because some people in these positions don’t really know anything about music or developing an artist and that’s what it’s all about. There’s a lot of raw talent out there, but it needs to be refined and kneaded. That’s how Michael Jackson is who he is and who our kids and their kids and their kids will always know about Michael Jackson.
Chilli is right about that. There are no tests anymore to weed out the mediocre talent from the truly good and great talent, there's no tests to pass, so the industry is simply overrun with lame acts.
Thanks for the news!

Chilli speaks the truth. I am singularly unimpressed with the talent I have seen of late.