July 11-13, 2008 *Updated for July 13, 2008 on post #167


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Melbourne, Australia

I hope you're all well :)

It's Friday!!! which means it's nearly the weekend!! :wild:

Here's the news thread start for the weekend! :kickass2:

Michael Jackson News:

Haven't got anything groundshaking to report at the moment.

Most news articles are either around the wheelchair photos in Las Vegas or the rumours of a collaboration with "New Kids on the Block"

Check back later for updates :flowers:

Michael Jackson Mentionings:

Strength in numbers

Bonachela … "I have to go for it."
Photo: Tamara Dean

Valerie Lawson
July 12, 2008

THREE boys, three countries and one transforming moment.
Rafael Bonachela in Spain, Akram Khan in England and Carlos Acosta in Cuba - each has told the story of how Michael Jackson's Thriller set them on their dancing path.
To be like ***** in a red leather jacket, leading a chorus of zombies in a hip-swiveling, eye-popping routine. That was the thing. Jackson could really move.
The hit video of 1982 led the three to become dancers and two - Khan and Bonachela - to branch out into choreography.
Perched on a sofa at the Sydney Dance Company, Bonachela recalls the Thriller moment. Aged 10, in La Garriga, outside Barcelona, he saw the Jackson video and "I copied. I called it, 'Let's make steps.' Then [the movie] Fame came out on TV, and that was my first realisation that, 'Oh my God', you can go to school to learn to sing, to learn to tap. I bought the book. I bought the CD."
Bonachela directs his own small dance company in London but is in Australia for two months to create a new work, 360°, for the Sydney Dance Company. With dynamic energy, he demonstrates what he wants from his 18 dancers. "I'm so exhausted by 6.15. I'm going, going, going. I'm doing it. I say [to the dancers] if I can do it, you can do it."
Tattooed on his lower left arm are the words "a por mas suenos", which he translates as "and now for more dreams".



Jeremy Spencer of Fleetwood Mac fame on stage again -- and performing in Belleville

Katjusa Cisar — 7/11/2008 8:31 am

Guitarist Jeremy Spencer is something of an enigma. He hasn't performed in the United States since he left Fleetwood Mac in the early '70s. In fact, he hasn't played in front of a general audience since then, either, instead focusing on performances for charities and events sponsored through the Family International, a religious movement that he joined around the same time he unexpectedly left Fleetwood Mac. (Legend has it he told the band he was going out to get a magazine at a nearby bookstore and never returned.)


In a 1977 BBC interview, members of Fleetwood Mac commented on how your onstage persona (rock musician) was so different from your offstage persona (quiet, withdrawn Bible reader). How would you describe your onstage vs. offstage presence?
It's a mystery to me and to others to this day! But I understand that this quandary is not altogether unusual. Some big stars like Michael Jackson, B.B. King and even Elvis were painfully subject to their rather shy or withdrawn off-stage personalities! I'm thankful, however, that with God's help, I have a little more confidence meeting people in my latter years. I still prefer small, quiet company, though, to crowds and partying rah-rah!


Michael Jackson HIStory:

1989 - Michael Jackson's album "Ben" was released.

1994 - Michael Jackson's spokesman, Lee Solters, denied that Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley were married.

2005 - Prescient Acquisition Group, Inc. filed a breach-of-contract lawsuit against Michael Jackson. The claim was that Jackson owed the company $48 million for financial services it had provided since November 2004.
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Re: 11th July, 08

Thanks for the news.
Re: 11th July, 08

The media totally loves the wheelchair-story! (What a surprise, but, what took them so long?).
I just red an article (they refer to a story posted in New York Daily News). They claim he is so extremely meagre, his skin is peeling cause of an skin disease and above all they showed the most impressive convincing Trial picture they could ever found.
But I bet they will never mention the Canada story.
Re: 11th July, 08

The media totally loves the wheelchair-story! (What a surprise, but, what took them so long?).
I just red an article (they refer to a story posted in New York Daily News). They claim he is so extremely meagre, his skin is peeling cause of an skin disease and above all they showed the most impressive convincing Trial picture they could ever found.
But I bet they will never mention the Canada story.

Those articles are silly off course, but honestly, it could have been avoided by MJ choosing not to venture out sitting in a wheelchair in his pjs and slippers. I don't mind it, but no celebrity would get away with it and certainly not him.

I hope nobody will pick up on the Canada story because it's fake and pathetic. I don't know who that person is, but it surely isn't Michael Jackson.
Re: 11th July, 08

well mj knew this when he pulled the stunt. why he thinks this will help him is beyond me.
Re: 11th July, 08

Those articles are silly off course, but honestly, it could have been avoided by MJ choosing not to venture out sitting in a wheelchair in his pjs and slippers. I don't mind it, but no celebrity would get away with it and certainly not him.

I'm surprised that they even pay attention to the "wheelchair" thing anymore. I mean, it's not like he hasn't done that before and to top it off, the next time you see him he will be WALKING around that same Barnes & Noble.

The story should be about Michael's obsession with Barnes & Noble. I mean, I don't know anybody who spends that much time in a bookstore. LOL!
Re: 11th July, 08

Who cares what the tabloids say? MJ can do whatever he wants to do. I watched shitty Inside Edition yesterday and they trashed the dude, but hey, THEY ARE THE ONES REPORTED ABOUT A SUPPOSED HAS BEEN! If MJ was a "one time pop star" why are they wasting their time on him? And how was he EVER a one time pop star? These clowns are laughable. MJ can walk down the street and the media will hate. When MJ was at the bookstore in Vegas with a basebal cap on his head, wearing a black blazer, pants and black sunglasses, the media never reported it. They moved on and reprted the children. So, blah.

And damn, does he ever like Barnes and Nobles book store. I went to one this week. It is alright. I like Borders better. :)
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Re: 11th July, 08

well hes been photgraphed in wheel chairs since the 80s with masks on so i take this as no different. even if you were ill why would you go out like that you know what will happen.
Re: 11th July, 08

well hes been photgraphed in wheel chairs since the 80s with masks on so i take this as no different. even if you were ill why would you go out like that you know what will happen.
I totally agree unless he really is sick.
Re: 11th July, 08

Seriously guys, lay off Michael. He isn't going to change. It's what he likes to do. They call him all sorts of names anyway. They would have made some off handed comment about his appreance anyway at some point, whether he was dressed in a disguis like this or not. The real problem is in people having a conditioned mind set for what is acceptable and what isn't, not with Michael actually dressing differently or acting differently then others.
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Re: 11th July, 08

if he was i doubt he would go out.kids aint that desperate to get to the book store lol.unfortunatley hes pulled this stunt so many times if he were ill ppl would never know. anyway sit back and wait for the next mess to happen in the coming months.
Re: 11th July, 08

I totally agree unless he really is sick.

I think if he were REALLY sick, he would have stayed home.

I mean, 2 hours in a bookstore is not a TOP priority. LOL! And for some reason, if it were a top priority, one of his many "minions" could have taken the children to the bookstore. Or handle the book purchases online, no need to go anywhere.

I just think MJ likes pajama bottoms and being pushed in wheelchairs.
Re: 11th July, 08

I think if he were REALLY sick, he would have stayed home.

I mean, 2 hours in a bookstore is not a TOP priority. LOL! And for some reason, if it were a top priority, one of his many "minions" could have taken the children to the bookstore. Or handle the book purchases online, no need to go anywhere.

I just think MJ likes pajama bottoms and being pushed in wheelchairs.[/quote]

That's it. People just have to make a big deal out of it when there really is no big deal at all. People are just consumed with what they think is right.
Re: 11th July, 08

it really doesnt bother me at all, i mean it didnt supprise me either, being different is what Michael does, it is just him and he doesnt need to change it for any one
Re: 11th July, 08

I think if he were REALLY sick, he would have stayed home.

I mean, 2 hours in a bookstore is not a TOP priority. LOL! And for some reason, if it were a top priority, one of his many "minions" could have taken the children to the bookstore. Or handle the book purchases online, no need to go anywhere.

I just think MJ likes pajama bottoms and being pushed in wheelchairs.

I have fond memories of that when I was in hospital :wild:
Re: 11th July, 08

I cannot understand what the issue is. Let the man live his life. If he prefers going to places in a wheelchair in his pjs what is the problem? He can live his life like that. These haters that trash him cannot. They have to act a certain way and are contructed in that. MJ makes his own rules and does what he wants to do. When the time is right, like a meeting, or formal places, then he can act accordingly. However, he was at an outing with his children and he wanted to do what he wanted to do. So, what is the real issue? Is the issue the fact that the usual haters are gonna hate? Yeah. What else is new? Why should he change now? Why should he and we care about fools who do not matter? Please.
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Re: 11th July, 08


Why are we discussing this? Is this because the other thread is closed? Or because people are really that bored?

:fortuneteller: well what do I see?

Oh I see a ......................
Re: 11th July, 08

Thanks for the news L.J., I missed all this yesterday. Today I've lost count of how many times I watched that 2nd video in the closed thread LMAO with tears running down my cheeks, that poor girl got dragged out that shop like a bullet :hysterical: you can hear her shoes clip clopping as she gained her balance :rofl: she's lucky she never broke her leg with them heals. Michael or not...he woulda' got a slap across the head if he done that to me.
Re: 11th July, 08

Oh NO someone else as put a video about mj with the girl ...:

hahaha rita.gibson you are so funny .....lolll this is one of the reason why i do think it is him !!!!!!!! Why someone would want to make publicity like this ..trying to be incognito like that and mj walking so fast that he train her lol ..at least if it is for publicity he should put her in spotlight lol not beeing so rush like this ..
Re: 11th July, 08

ok Guys we all need to move on from this.

Those photos are from like last year..... :rolleyes:

Let's find something else to beat to death *steals the smilie from Zith*

Now repeat after me...

"Today I will try very very hard not to beat any more dead horses. I will be a good MJ fan and I will patiently wait for the Launch of MJJC's new main page"

ok repeat twice and rinse... cause I just know some of you are still eyeing that dead horse... :nono:
Re: 11th July, 08

L.J.: When is the main page going to be re-launch? Now, THAT is news.
Re: 11th July, 08

ok Guys we all need to move on from this.

Those photos are from like last year..... :rolleyes:

Let's find something else to beat to death *steals the smilie from Zith*

Now repeat after me...

"Today I will try very very hard not to beat any more dead horses. I will be a good MJ fan and I will patiently wait for the Launch of MJJC's new main page"

ok repeat twice and rinse... cause I just know some of you are still eyeing that dead horse... :nono:

But it's haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard! LOL. I keep telling myself I won't say anything, but the temptation is too strong. I need to take self-control courses I think!
Re: 11th July, 08

OMG. You people don't know anything about suffering do you?! Get on my nerves. My mother and aunts all suffer severley from Rheumatoid Arthritis and I know others with other medical conditions. Some once in a while have to use a wheelchair when they have a flare up of their condition. One with a particular blood disorder. That could only be for one or two days and then back to normal.

It is absolutely pathetic to say someone should stay at home when you are sick. It's like saying disabled people should never be seen. When you live with medical problems you live. Some are the most inspiring people. A friend of my brother's has that terrible skin condition EB. He fights cancer because of it, has his leg amputated. He has extreme pain, but this guy pushed to drive his own car and has fought to get his own house. He is only 22. His positive attitude and will to live is amazing.

I think it is absolutely insulting and snobbish to say someone should stay indoors if they have an injury or don't feel well. Who the hell do you think you are? So you just won't be upset by what the tabloids will say about him. Boo Hoo!

Go on with your bad self Michael.

Some of you are far too worried about Michael being photographed by the media and what they say about him. Why???!! He is entitled to live his life. He doesn't give a crap and that's why I love him. I think it is really ridiculous how some of you keep going on about Michael being photographed in a wheelchair. It is bewildering.

And you are righ L.J. Enough already.
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Re: 11th July, 08

If Michael wasn't strong enough he wouldn't even make an announcement that he is comeing back soon, and he did say sooner than they think, He seemed ok at the fashion show the other week

And i think if he was seriously ill his family wouldn't be in Devon