Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! (appreciation thread)

BTW, none of you JD fans wanna join me in a good bit of Roleplaying on this site?

I assure you, it's maaaad fun. Pick a character and run with it :p Besides, I need my sidekick Nobody! You can also do other characters from Tim Burton's movies. :p

and BTW, I think it's quite amazing you can take allll of JD's characters, every one that he's ever played, put them in a story, and they'd all have their own completely crazy and unique voice, it shows JD's versatility. Like, imagine Jack Sparrow and Raoul Duke (from Fear and Loathing) and Gilbert Grape and Willy Wonka in a room together. Pret-teee nuts :lol: . I can't say that for many actors. lol
I don't know if it's posted but Johnny's gonna be filming A LOT of movies...including 3 Disney ones (yes...a POTC 4) Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and some others.

And thanks everyone, for the pic comments. And yes, he wrote...

Arus= All my best - always...Johnny Depp.
And J5master, I agree..about The Libertine. That film clearly displays his acting abilities. Why he didn't get an Oscar for that performance is a freaking enigma. Actually, it's not. It's because the Hollywood bigwigs don't like him......because he doesn't kiss ass. There are a lot of politics involved unfortunately.
Yep he's doing Public Enemy, Alice In Wonderland, Dark Shadows (GAAAHHH Vampire goodness! Dream come true!), The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (which he fills in for Heath Ledger, along with Colin Farrell and Jude Law--GAAH!!), and of course POTC 4 (which I CAN NOT wait for lol).
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MAJOR :bump !!! LOL

Have you guys seen Public Enemies? I went to see it, yep just for Johnny :D But it was actually good! Though I can always watch few hours Mr. Depp even if the movie itself wasn't so great.

Can't wait to see Alice in Wonderland!
As much as I love Johnny Depp I didn't enjoy Public Enemies that much, I thought it wasn't quite his thing if you look at the movies he's done over the years.
But I am looking forward to Alice in Wonderland he's going to be amazing as the Mad Hatter, it's really my cup of tea :D

I think his best performance as an actor is in The Libertine where he plays John Wilmot the second earl of Rochester.
But my fave movies of his are Cry Baby and POTC:COTBP :D