Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! (appreciation thread)

Ok I just saw Secret Window and The Libertine for the second time. The first time I saw both movies I really didn't "get" them. But now I reallllly love them.

Secret Window, knowing the ending, is much more engaging the watch the second time around. Cuz you look out for all the clues and Shooter's lines are much more creeper. EDIT: I realized i gave away the ending with this sentence :lol: Lemme just say that johnny's performance was AMAZING lol

The Libertine, point blank, I think he should've won and oscar for. The first time i saw this, I didn't understand what the hell was going on in the movie...some things i STILL don't understand lol...and the dialogue for me was PAINFULLY boring for the first half (minus the prologue "you will shag" :lol: ) lol

But after actually paying attention, JOhnny really got into Johnny's character (lol). I mean, that ish was deeeeppppp...and SO powerful. The creepiest thing about it though, was all the allusions to POTC in it!!! 3 actors from POTC were in it :lol: Mr. Norrington, one of the guards (forgot name), and Johnny Depp of course. There was someone named Jack in the movie and someone named Elizabeth :lol: And in one part of the movie Johnny (the character) had some obsession with "the monkey" lol Funny stuff.

On my agenda next....Dead Man, which I've seen the last half of. Oh yeah! lol
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Yayy, thanks for bumping the thread!! :cheeky:

Oh...and my autograph...

vbmenu_register("postmenu_1548091", true);
What on earth did he write here, btw? :scratch:
Hahaha let me started up AGAIN, for the THIRD time :lol:

Okay QUICK u guys! Ur favorite and LEAST favorite Johnny Depp movies and why...GO!

For me:

Favorites-- POTC (obvious reasons) and Edward Scissorhands (made me cry cuz it was so raw and true)...oo Benny & Joone (cuz I love the slap stick routines) and Sweeney Todd/Sleepy Hollow (both are in my fav genre of movie lol)

Least favorite- The Man Who Cried (the only movie that I thought JD's role was completely pointless...and the movie itself was pretty bad too)


All I got to say is I think Johnny Depp is a genius, his versitility, and talent is a gift that is truly underrated. I enjoy all of Mr.Depps work. Including but not limited to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory....

He would do a fabulous interpetation Mr.Jackson..!

bTW , I know i'm late, but did you guys hear that POTC 4 is a real possibility?

Hell, I don't care how much people hate sequels. I don't care if it'll supposedly "ruin" the story...I WANT MORE JACK SPARROW! lol They could make 15 of them like the Halloween franchise, I don't care! LOL Long live "immortal Captain Jack Sparrow" LOL
I WAS WAITING for this thread...LOL!!

I LOVE ALL OF JOHNNY'S FILMS. In fact, two of my FAVOURITE FILMS EVER have him in it. Those two films are "Benny & Joon". I love LOVE LOVE his character Sam. I fell in love with him in that movie, and I've been a fan of his FOR AGES. I like to say that I loved Johnny Depp BEFORE he was a pirate, which was when EVERYONE seemed to notice him. LOL! And the other Favourite film is "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". His Wonka was PERFECT! I saw that movie in the theatres, kid you not, 13 times! Just in the theatre, I've watched it countless times since then on DVD. I have ALWAYS loved this Roald Dahl classic and I have read it countless times. HE NAILED WHAT Wonka always was. Gene Wilder, as much as I love him, he wasn't as child-like, quirky, sarcastic, or eccentric as Wonka was in the book. The only thing they got right in the first film was the suit Wonka wore. Tim and Johnny created what was basically the book on film except for one or two exceptions in which Tim as a director took liberty with. Dahl never cared for Gene Wilder's Wonka, I'm quoting his Widow when I say that. She also said that Roald Dahl would have LOVED Johnny's Wonka. And that is the beauty of Johnny Depp's (and Tim's) talent. He takes risks, goes outside the box, and creates such tragic and richly beautiful characters whom you just cannot help but love each and everyone of them. The one film of his that isn't exactly my favourite, but it's interesting none the less is that of "The Man Who Cried", but also that of "The Ninth Gate". "The Man who Cried" beat "The Ninth Gate" hands down. Which to be honest I dont think it was directed that greatly. I'm not a fan of eith director of either film, but Polanski is just irritating to watch and I don't see the appeal.

Johnny Depp = Love...LOL. Enough said.
bTW , I know i'm late, but did you guys hear that POTC 4 is a real possibility?

Hell, I don't care how much people hate sequels. I don't care if it'll supposedly "ruin" the story...I WANT MORE JACK SPARROW! lol They could make 15 of them like the Halloween franchise, I don't care! LOL Long live "immortal Captain Jack Sparrow" LOL
YES I've heard that and I'm out of words......we'll get moer JACK SPARROW :wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild::wild:

Yayy, thanks for bumping the thread!! :cheeky:

What on earth did he write here, btw? :scratch:

IMO he wrote: All my best always

More Jack Sparrow???!!!!!??? Really???!!! Wooohoooo!!!!!!!!!!!:wild::wild::wild:

Johnny Depp is a genius, no doubt!!! I love him!:yes:
IMO he wrote: All my best always

OMgoodness! What language was he writing in? :lol:

I just got done watching Sweeney Todd for the 4th time with a group of friends from my dorm. Pretty sweet. I'm not the only one who knew every word to every song :lol:

"Wake up, johanna! UNNERVE the bright red day! We LEARN, Johnna to sayyyyyyyyy.....
*slits throat* *gurgle gurgle gurgle*
Good byyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
*head smash in basement*"

Beautiful stuff :lol:
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I once had a dream with Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson in it. I thought you guys would like to hear about it......

I had a dream that Jack Sparrow was on this boat, Sailboat or ship or whatever you call it. He was playing a guitar... and Michael comes up to the boat (it was parked).... and Michael said to Johnny, I need help on writing and composing a song, can you play for me for a bit???... and Johnny said "Sure!".. lol... so Johnny played, and Michael sang, and all I remember was soldiers or whatever you call them were all standing there in a straight line on the boat with them...... I'm paraphrasing everything I remember but I thought it was so cute! hehe....
" long as you fetch me a bit of rum, savvy? A pirate doesn't work for cheap around here, matey"

LOL Yes that was very cute!
I once had a dream with Johnny Depp and Michael Jackson in it. I thought you guys would like to hear about it......

I had a dream that Jack Sparrow was on this boat, Sailboat or ship or whatever you call it. He was playing a guitar... and Michael comes up to the boat (it was parked).... and Michael said to Johnny, I need help on writing and composing a song, can you play for me for a bit???... and Johnny said "Sure!".. lol... so Johnny played, and Michael sang, and all I remember was soldiers or whatever you call them were all standing there in a straight line on the boat with them...... I'm paraphrasing everything I remember but I thought it was so cute! hehe....

That's a great dream! I would like to have a dream in which there are Michael and Johnny together! That must be fun! :)

" long as you fetch me a bit of rum, savvy? A pirate doesn't work for cheap around here, matey"

LOL Yes that was very cute!

:lmao: That was good! :) I can hear it with my ears Jack's saying this... *giggles*...
Thank you Kinga, i do try :lol:

BTW, me and my friend from high school just confirmed....

We're gonna be Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd for halloween! Me being Mr. Todd!


Now....anybody up for a shave? :D
Thank you Kinga, i do try :lol:

BTW, me and my friend from high school just confirmed....

We're gonna be Mrs. Lovett and Sweeney Todd for halloween! Me being Mr. Todd!


Now....anybody up for a shave? :D
Aaah so cool!!
Remeber to post some pics, then!! (if you want, of course)
Gee, I think I made a new club in my dorm lol

last night (after watching Sweeney Todd the night before) we had a Johnny Depp marathon again, watching Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and Sleepy Hollow lol I think tonight we'll try for Edward Scissorhands or Benny & Joon lol
By the way, I saw Dead Man too (I'm trying to see all of JD's movies lol). I recommend that movie to any JD fan. I saw the movie a while ago, but it was a joy to see it again. The way the film was shot was just POETIC and beautiful. The score (by Niel Diamond i think) was just haunting. I mean, like a lot of Johnny Depp's movies, it was clearly ARTISTIC. Lots of symbolism.

Granted, I think the plot was shaky but the way the plot was told overshadowed that. ANd of course Depp's performance was phenomenal...and i felt SOOOO bad for his character throughout the whole movie. Plus he's just scrumptious in general in this movie, even as a "Dead man" lol Johnny's facial expressions MADE this movie :lol: I cracked up nearly throughout the whole thing (despite the morbid theme of the movie) because during 85% of the film, Depp had this :wtf2 look on his face. And I mean he looked EXACTLY like that during the whole movie :lol:

The indian says something to him and he's like......[pause]....:wtf2....[pause]...:blink: :blink:


Watch this movie! it's on Youtube, as is all of JD's movies, but I'm not gonna post the link cuz I'm sure it's illegal lol But do a search for it lol

^^^ Oooh thanks for recommending, I have to watch it sometime! :)
Here's another movie: DON JUAN!

OMG my new fav JD movie! I read the actual story that the movie is based on and expected it to be a straight forward interpretation ...However, the plot was presently different! (AND it's got Marlon Brando in it) And JD is sooooooooooooo sexy. I mean, talk about your fantasy man ("Don won, zee grrreatest lo-vorrr in Meh-hee-co ;) )...and talk about JD not able to get any sexier...ermmm...that movie did it. He can GET sexier lol Amazing! :lol:


JD + zorro costume + accent + hot poetry= *drool*
Best quote in the movie? "Have you ever loved a woman until...(insert SEVERAL suggestive sexual metaphors here)"....ooooo weee! :lol:

BTW I'm probably gonna be making these posts often as I go through these movies :p
Oh my God there's so MANY JD movies I haven't seen! I have to dedicate the reast of the year for JD movies ONLY.

BTW I'm probably gonna be making these posts often as I go through these movies :p

That means I have to limit my coming to this thread because I just get crazy about Johhnnnnyyyy.
OK i just saw this AMAZING pic of JD from the shooting of Public Enemy. I'm soooo excited for this movie.


Also if you're wondering why I'm not on the board as's cuz i got into Role Playing! I'm having an amazing time over at the B2x board "Be Burtonesque".....

Where people come and role play as different JD/Tim Burton characters. I'm William Blake, so if you wanna read how William Blake would react to meeting Jack Sparrow or Edward Scissorhands....visit! :lol:
The secret window one of my all time favs, sweeney todd being my fav ever!!
Vanessa Paradis Opens Up About Her Romance with Johnny Depp

By Courtney Rubin
Originally posted Monday October 13, 2008 09:45 AM EDT
Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis Photo by: Tony Barson / WireImage
Heard that rumor about Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis getting married? Yeah, so has she. And no, it's not true.

"Each summer people say we're supposed to be getting married, but we don't talk about it that much," Paradis – Depp's girlfriend of 10 years and the mother of his two children – tells the U.K. edition of Elle in its November issue. "He's got me, and he knows he's got me."

Adds Paradis, 35: "I love the romance of 'let's get married,' but then, when you have it so perfect ... I mean, I'm more married than anybody can be – we have two kids [Jack, 6, and Lily Rose, 9]. Maybe one day, but it's something I can really do without."

When French singer-actress-model first met Depp, it was not quite love at first sight.

"We were in two different worlds – him in America, me in France – but we had friends in common," explains the current face of Miu Miu. "We saw each other sometimes over the course of four years. But then, the day we found each other in Paris, we were both in the same world and free and it was just instant. There was no more time to waste – just no way around it."

Asked if she's "tamed" the Pirates of the Caribbean star, whose previous girlfriends include Kate Moss and Winona Ryder, Paradis says: "Tamed. What's that? Like a lion? Noooo, no, we did it to each other. Maybe I'm a good girlfriend because I'm his girlfriend. I'm not sure I'd be a good girlfriend to anyone else; the same for him. It's difficult to explain, but it's something that's natural, obvious and beautiful."

What's also natural: Women's desire to mob Depp, 45. In fact, Paradis feels it herself. "I understand. I want to mob him all the time, I do," she says. "He's a very charming person.",,20232623,00.html