Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! (appreciation thread)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hahaha let me started up AGAIN, for the THIRD time :lol:

Okay QUICK u guys! Ur favorite and LEAST favorite Johnny Depp movies and why...GO!

For me:

Favorites-- POTC (obvious reasons) and Edward Scissorhands (made me cry cuz it was so raw and true)...oo Benny & Joone (cuz I love the slap stick routines) and Sweeney Todd/Sleepy Hollow (both are in my fav genre of movie lol)

Least favorite- The Man Who Cried (the only movie that I thought JD's role was completely pointless...and the movie itself was pretty bad too)

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Re: Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! LOL

Fav: Pirates of the Carribean trilogy (^^^obvious reasons), Edward the Scissorhands!!! and Sweeney Todd

Least fav: none :smile:
Re: Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! LOL

Johnny Depp as John Dillinger! Whoot! Caaannt wait!

Re: Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! LOL


I should tell you, last week in my psychology lecture at university, my lecturer was talking about 'person perception' and her example was Johnny Depp smiling at her and what she may perceive that to mean. She had photos of him in the slides an everything. I'm not really a fan but even I appreciated that! haaha
Re: Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! LOL

I dunno much about the movie except that it's a 30's mobster flick called "Public Enemies". Christian Bale also stars in it. Baby Face Nelson is also a character in the movie LOL Set for release in 2009.

Re: Johnny Depp thread V. 3!!! LOL

Maybe I should put "appreciation thread" in the title :huh:








THe one on the right guys...the one on the right :p

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EssenceOfMagic@ you didn't like it??:eek: I found it soo cute:lol: and funny, esp. when he was ''trying'' to look like and idiot.

MoOnWaLk4MeBaBy@ mannn lucky you:D JP is just hot hothottttt :blush:
I'll post some pics in a few minutes!

They had been filmimg his new movie Public Enemies in the midwest for the last few months and they came to Los Angeles on their last day of the shooting. Lucky for me, I was invited by a crew member.
^wow, that's awesome that you got to meet him! can't wait to see the pictures.

I loved Johnny Depp in Pirates and Edward Scissorhands. he did a great job acting in Sweeney Todd but i didn't like the movie. it was just too disturbing to watch at some parts. I can't wait to see him in Shantaram. It's one of my favorite books and JD's been cast as the main character.
^wow, that's awesome that you got to meet him! can't wait to see the pictures.

I can't wait to see him in Shantaram. It's one of my favorite books and JD's been cast as the main character.
Me neither - Shantaram has been put off for too long already.

Here's my picture with not ask me what he's wearing. :rollin:

Thanks. :) I had met him before but not during such a private setting. I met him with 2 other girls rather than thousands of people around, like at premieres and such. He's a really, really nice guy. He's soft spoken and very gentle and just like Michael...he's extremely courteous to his fans.

I have some screencaps of a short video we took too. I'll post those later.
Me neither - Shantaram has been put off for too long already.

Here's my picture with not ask me what he's wearing. :rollin:


wow, you look great together!!! :yes: You're gorgeous and he's handsome!

OMG! You are so lucky!

How was the meeting? Was he nice?
Thanks guys, but stop flattering me! :D

Kinga, the meeting was very I said, he's such a gentlemen and really really kind to his fans.

I've actually been a fan of his longer than I have of it was a big deal for me to finally meet him. It was very, very surreal...especially when he was calling me by my name. :eek:

Here are some of my screencaps from a little video I took:

Him stopping -

Him getting out of the car without me even asking him to - :wub:

Coming straight at me -


Beautifully genuine smile after saying hello to him - I swear I melted



He was just AMAZING!!!

Am I bragging? I feel like an idiot but it is a JD Appreciation thread afterall. :lol:

Oh...and my autograph...

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^^^^ wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! :eek: It's amazing!!!! Thanks for the pics!

He looks great and he's lovely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm jealous a bit, but in a good way! :) But I'm happy for you of course.

One question, it may sound a bit silly: how did he smell? have you felt some perfume? I imagine him wearing some hot perfume... :wub:
Alrighty here's one soooooo jealous girl to MoOnWaLk4MeBaBy right now !!!
I wish I was you on that day :lol:

Lucky girl you are :huggy: