John Landis in London - MJ related


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
July 22th 2008 : John Landis in London

London, June 19& 20, 2008 : John Landis was in town for the 2008 London Film and Comic Con.

Landis directed Thriller & Black or White (short films) for Michael Jackson.

Skylover ( luckily met Landis. He asked him if, despite their financial differences, they are likely to work together agan.

Landis answered that he is currently working with the King of Pop, and that "it is a surprise"...

Stay tuned...

Special Thank You to Skylover



Source: MJ street / MJ data bank

This news can be reposted with a credit to MJ data bank
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Good deal...can't wait to see what they both come up with.
OMFG, IMO this is major!!! Are we absolutely sure JL said this? Are we 100% sure? Could this have been made up? I am so needing for this to be true.
R U KIDDING ME? this is going to be huge!!! Landis is a Genius...ah If MJ works with him again...its gonna be awesome!
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That doesn't surprise me. They are all keen on success. And we see the competition between the young artists. They can gain nothing more, so it's their target to work with / appear on Jackson's new album.
We'll have to wait and see what's it gonna be of course. Maybe it's a reworked version of Thriller with new special effects or something, for a Thriller 25 DVD. But... another video would be absolutely fantastic. Things are going on peeps. :)
if this is true i am definately excited!
if its not, the rumor starter should be chased out of town with pitch forks!
(i joke)
i hope its true:)
DAMN. Woah. :mello:
That is really great news to know they are working together again. :bugeyed!

:wild: Can't wait to see what they come up with.
This could be something to do with the Thriller 25th anniversary rather than a completely new project, so I wouldn't get my hopes up just yet. I wouldn't be surprised if something is going on in the background ready for the lead up to halloween - the perfect time to capitalise on Thriller 25 and after all, they missed it last year, so it makes sense to me that something big will happen this year.
This is really exciting:yes:
Maybe Michael has been covering recently his head all the time when going out, coz he came from the set, and was lazy to take off all the "make up" they have been putting on him for hours before for the new video :lol:
Sony BMG did confirm that something MJ-related is "in the works" for Halloween, so we'll see!
'currently working' there is a new video coming up i hope fingers crossed
great to hear, oh my:D I hope it's for brand new thing.(and not t25)
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yeah definately could have to do with the Halloween thing. By celebrating Thriller at halloween would mean a longer wait for NEW material. I wonder what the plan is. MJ sure likes keeping things on the low down, and he is damned good at it. Even the most creative of MJ fans have no way of finding out what is going on, and im glad:) I like that I dont know and I would hate for someone to ruin it for me.. Good to hear Landis has the "dont tell them detail" thing down pat as well lol.
yeah definately could have to do with the Halloween thing. By celebrating Thriller at halloween would mean a longer wait for NEW material. I wonder what the plan is. MJ sure likes keeping things on the low down, and he is damned good at it. Even the most creative of MJ fans have no way of finding out what is going on, and im glad:) I like that I dont know and I would hate for someone to ruin it for me.. Good to hear Landis has the "dont tell them detail" thing down pat as well lol.
Yeah its true even If sometimes I'll be like I wanna know. The surprise is better. And usually the less you know the better b/c you dont know what it is at all so there wont be that huge expectation so you wont feel dissapointed in anyway. Like I remember watching a trailer for this film and all this stuff was revealed about it I thought the film was gonna be amazing when it came out oh my biggest let down ever! The best bits were known b4 it came it.
hope this is true landis is a genius and knows very well how to work with michael and get the best resalt.
Sony BMG did confirm that something MJ-related is "in the works" for Halloween, so we'll see!
MJ related? could be some animated video same as the sobe commercial with no real MJ.
MJ related? could be some animated video same as the sobe commercial with no real MJ.

hope not...we were waiting so much to see a comercial with michael and finally saw some stupit creatures dancing thriller...i really hope this time to see jackson himsef!
OMG!! Your serious?? I loved their collaboration on Thriller!! And "Black or White"? SUPERB!! LOVED the morphing in that video - it sent such a powerful message...what it did was show that underneath the skin, WE ARE ALL THE SAME!! And, just by a slight change in either hair color, texture, skin color or eye color, we can change into the next person!! But basically we are all the same - HUMAN BEINGS. That is what I love so much about that video....and it is still so pertinent even today!!

I could just imagine - Thriller remade with TODAY's special effects!! It would be awesome...!!
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OMG, are you serious??!!!! Landis working with MJ again??!!!! It can ONLY be something AMAZING again!!! WHOOHOO!!! :kickass:
Seriously?? I'm really exited about this! Thriller and BOW are by far two of the best music videos / short films EVER. MJ and John Landis are dynamite together. I'm really hoping that this one is true!

it made my day!!!!:bugeyed:clapping:
That makes two of us! :D
On behalf of Skylover, MJstreet and MJ data bank, I'd lke to stress that this news comes fro Skylover who met John Landis in London last weekend.
This is first-hand news.
We all don't know what the future holds for that project, but it shows that MJ is still creative in some kind of way: he works on some stuff, now the question is: what does he want to do ?

I hope Landis will direct a full length movie with starring Michael.
Movies would be a good direction for Michael.

Well, if it's a surprise, then why didn't he just shut up?? Now the surprise is spoiled and if nothing comes out of it, everyone will be disappointed1