John Branca Interview - talks about MJ and Estate

This is an article on Branca not Michael so if he is getting credit for some things, what's the big deal? Branca helped Michael's career in many area's - MANY.

I'm glad Branca was interviewed, I like it and I hope McClain can be interviewed in the future. These guys are the good guys, not the bad ones despite the crap written by them by conspiracy blogs and the Jacksons.
Jackson was advised to sell his interest in the ATV Music catalog that includes Beatles tunes. Branca told him, "If there's one thing you should never do, it's sell that." Jackson listened, and the catalog remains one of his estate's most valued assets.

For me, the best and most important part of this interview.

Thanks for posting.
I've always respected Branca, and he has handled all messes put forth by the Jackson family with dignity and grace.
Jackson was advised to sell his interest in the ATV Music catalog that includes Beatles tunes. Branca told him, "If there's one thing you should never do, it's sell that." Jackson listened, and the catalog remains one of his estate's most valued assets.

I believe that statement like so many made without Michael having publicly said it to be false. I have to disagree about Branca. Considering Branca attempted to force Michael into involuntary Bankruptcy in 2000, Mr. Mesereau (who I trust above all else) did not trust Branca puts him squarely in the Bad Guys column in my book.

The Estate Managers and Attorney smell off to me.
McClain ends up handing Paul Anka hundreds of millions of dollars in CD profits for his part in tweaking TII, because he was more concerned with getting his name on the album which insured forever royalties. Any other would have been fired or replaced for such an error. He is the one whose job it is to ensure such things don't happen.

Weitzman is attorney for Branca & the Estate at the same time. (ethical dilemma). So if Branca sues the Estate whose attorney is he? This man is also the same who failed to confirm if the body search warrant was valid and accompanied by an "affidavit of probable cause". The never seen "Officer Linden affidavit".

There is something which nags me about the Will. The children cannot take control of their inheritance until each is 30 odd years old. These lawyers have a legal right to do as they will for over 16 years with the Estate, if you gave me your car to drive for 16 yrs without any outside control, I would consider the car mine and do what I wish with it.

I am not sure who should be in charge of the Estate and when you consider Branca will get more support from the Entertainment/Business community and the civil courts than most others it makes it difficult. But legally there should not be a 2002 Will. In 2006 MJ directed Branca to destroy it, which means there must be (have been) a later date Will.
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bankruptcy in US is not that terrible of a thing - if done properly. For example chapter 13 / chapter 11 bankruptcy allows you to make partial payments on the loans but still keep the property.

If everything fails, if you can't make the payments rather than foreclosure and losing the assets , bankruptcy might be a better way to still keep them.

(note: chapter 7 is straight liquidation - which is bad , however chapter 11/ 13 is restructuring of the debt while keeping the assets - not so bad)

also "age 30" is quite common for the high value estates. Lisa Marie Presley also got control of her father's Estate at 30 (supposed to get it at 25 but opted to wait till 30) and she was 9 years old when he died. Her grandfather and mother ran the Estate for 21 years before she got involved.

edited to add: what makes you think that Weitzman is "personal" lawyer of Branca? He has been representing Branca in the Estate related matters , when Branca is sued as "administrator of MJ Estate" and not personally.
What is wrong with some of you? I find it hard to read when people are clearly trying to make others look stupid, and clearly taking the piss. It doesn't make you look smart, or clever, just an ass. Now I'm just saying. Manners cost nothing!

As for Branca, that's pretty impressive. I don't love the guy, but don't have a bad opinion of him either. Nonetheless interesting read.
What do ppl expect. Mj was never given credit for anything.its about dehumanising him. From start to finish. Cant have his own kids cant raise them properly.being broke been crap at biz the list goes on

I think some members of Michael's very own family do this. I hated how LaToya made Michael sound like a scared little wimp writing "help me" on post it notes.
this interview was so interesting and seemed so out of character for Branca but it seems like we didn't really know him at all. a lot of f words, his negotiation style. It was quite an interesting read imo

It certainly sheds a different light on Branca, I am a bit surprised as to how he is presented in the article, but frankly, MJ's Estate needs to be run by a no nonsense, kickass individual and none of the Jackson's fit that description. Now I see why Branca bugs the family so much. LOL

Well Michael's own sister can't even give him credit for raising great kids so what do you think the media would do


I don't feel that this article doesn't give a credit to Michael. It's just not the point of the article. It goes without saying that Branca merely did what his boss Michael Jackson wanted him to do - provide excellent entertainment law representation, and that's what the article is about, in my opinion.

He works for Michael not the Jackson family. If Michael wanted his will changed it would have been changed. I respect Michael's wishes. He took his work and his legacy seriously and I think he put a lot of thought in his decisions regarding his estate and what he wanted for his children. I don't believe he was this weak person who couldn't think for himself like the media and others try to portray him.
From the article, Branca seems to have the ability and personality to deal with the vultures that are constantly trying to use "Michael Jackson" for their own purposes. I think we have the right man for the job here, and about the self-proclaimed, well one journalist wrote it and notice they all copy and paste it in their articles. Nothing new with that. We are used to it.

The story about the disclaimer did make me laugh though, and it also shows that Branca will do or say what needs to be done or said to get the job done.
Very good read! Thanks for sharing, Ivy.

Damn the Geffen years. I swear fo' God. Who knows how differently things would have turned out had that lil ish (as I've always referred to him) not been able to weasle his way into Michael's world back then. ugh! Not to take any credit from Michael (as we KNOW he was brilliant and bright) but "sometimes" a man's greatness is facilitated and encouraged by having a good team behind the scenes. It's like during the trial Michael's innocence was facilitated by Mesereau, a brilliant defense lawyer able to convey facts and evidence in support for a jury to see. Trust...a crappy lawyer can and WILL get you jailed (even if you're innocent) or in bankruptcy (even though it was their job to take care of things).

Didn't know Branca helped artists get their rights/royalties back. Very nice.
Proof: You can be a hardass and STILL have a heart.
A very informative interview. Thanks for posting.

I think Mr. Branca deserves to be recognized as one of the most important players in the emtertaient industry. Michael's career path and music industry way be different if Branca didnt convince Michael to release Thriller. He deserves his credit.

A nice guy that I want to have dinner with, John Branca probably is not. But, a savvy lawyer who know what he wants and what his clients want, Mr. Branca is certainly is.
Very good read! Thanks for sharing, Ivy.

Damn the Geffen years. I swear fo' God. Who knows how differently things would have turned out had that lil ish (as I've always referred to him) not been able to weasle his way into Michael's world back then. ugh! Not to take any credit from Michael (as we KNOW he was brilliant and bright) but "sometimes" a man's greatness is facilitated and encouraged by having a good team behind the scenes. It's like during the trial Michael's innocence was facilitated by Mesereau, a brilliant defense lawyer able to convey facts and evidence in support for a jury to see. Trust...a crappy lawyer can and WILL get you jailed (even if you're innocent) or in bankruptcy (even though it was their job to take care of things).

Didn't know Branca helped artists get their rights/royalties back. Very nice.
Proof: You can be a hardass and STILL have a heart.

Well said :)
A very informative interview. Thanks for posting.

I think Mr. Branca deserves to be recognized as one of the most important players in the emtertaient industry. Michael's career path and music industry way be different if Branca didnt convince Michael to release Thriller. He deserves his credit.

A nice guy that I want to have dinner with, John Branca probably is not. But, a savvy lawyer who know what he wants and what his clients want, Mr. Branca is certainly is.

It's refreshing to see fans appreciating John Branca for his services. As someone said earlier he's a no-nonsense and savvy lawyer. He's really doing a lot to protect MJ legacy and turn his Estate into a powerhouse in the industry.

The bold part: Being an executor of an Estate is NOT a popularity contest. The job requires a very strong character especially when dealing with the nonsense of the Jacksons. This is about business. Besides, the man has friends, family and relatives. So he's definitely got some heart. he's just not sharing it with leeches, vultures, and con men and women.
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I support John, but he seems to be a very arrogant man. Anyway, I'll wait for the Cirque Show. If I see a LOT of references to J5 - more than one normal Michael concert would have - I'll know he does not protect the interests of MJ against that sick family.

I do not forget Jackie using Michael's children to sell clothes, and now he'll have a shop in Mandalay Bay, next to the show and with the support from the Estate. . I do not want that crazy family using Michael's legacy.

PS: I support the Cirque. I'm sure the show will be beautiful.
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Very good read! Thanks for sharing, Ivy.

Damn the Geffen years . I swear fo' God. Who knows how differently things would have turned out had that lil ish (as I've always referred to him) not been able to weasle his way into Michael's world back then. ugh! Not to take any credit from Michael (as we KNOW he was brilliant and bright) but "sometimes" a man's greatness is facilitated and encouraged by having a good team behind the scenes. It's like during the trial Michael's innocence was facilitated by Mesereau, a brilliant defense lawyer abl
e to convey facts and evidence in support for a jury to see. Trust...a crappy lawyer can and WILL get you jailed (even if you'r
e innocent) or in bankruptcy (even though it was their job to take care of things).

Didn't know Branca helped artists get their rights/royalties back. Very nice.
Proof: You can be a hardass and STILL have a heart.

Damn the Geffen years too why MJ every listen to that fool who's only reason was to use m
j I will never understand,
If it not broke don't try and fix it, mj and John Branca was not broken, he listen to Geffen and tell John he wanted to try new and different repressive, who tell him crop because with JB out of the picture MJ would be fair play,
We can't go back and change time, sad out come, that life.
"When Branca returned from Mexico to Los Angeles, he still didn't know whether Jackson had revised his 2002 will, which named Branca, along with long-time music producer John McClain, as coexecutors of Jackson's estate. Branca hadn't worked for Jackson since 2006"

So Branca had no ideas if mj had a newer will... If he did I guess the holder of the new will would have step forward..
It's refreshing to see fans appreciating John Branca for his services. As someone said earlier he's a no-nonsense and savvy lawyer. He's really doing a lot to protect MJ legacy and turn his Estate into a powerhouse in the industry.

The bold part: Being an executor of an Estate is NOT a popularity contest. The job requires a very strong character especially when dealing with the nonsense of the Jacksons. This is about business. Besides, the man has friends, family and relatives. So he's definitely got some heart. he's just not sharing it with leeches, vultures, and con men and women.

I hope you understand that I did not diss Mr. Branca by saying he's probably not the guy I want to have dinner with (anyway, who am I? there is no reason for Mr. Branca to have dinner with me).

Over the course of my career, I have worked with some very brilliant and relentless professionals, but they are a-holes too. Actually, the way Mr. Branca spoke during the interview reminded me one of the partenrs of the firm I used to work at. At times, I wanted to throw a soap into his mouth to clean up his foul lauguage. He's tough and not that pleasant. But, he's also a great family guy. And, of course, he has a heart. I'm sure Mr. Branca has a heart too.

I appreciate Mr. Branca's talents and capabilities. Do I like all the projects he authorized? No. At the end of the day, he's not a hero or a villan. He's a very brilliant lawyer and is doing a good job in brining in cash flow to the Estate. That's all I have to say about him.
Considering the music industry is what it is, I think Michael Jackson picked the right people to run his estate for the
benefit of his children. :eek:rder:

I'm sure Michael Jackson woul rather his family concern themselves
with helping to raise his children and making sure they get the education they will need to manage their father's estate one day.
Michael's children have already expressed an interest
in philantrophy, and creating a well managed philantrophy will benefit many and, thus, is a worthy goal for them .
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I support John, but he seems to be a very arrogant man. Anyway, I'll wait for the Cirque Show. If I see a LOT of references to J5 - more than one normal Michael concert would have - I'll know he does not protect the interests of MJ against that sick family.

The Cirque show is from Michael`s catalog, not the J5-catalog.
"When Branca returned from Mexico to Los Angeles, he still didn't know whether Jackson had revised his 2002 will, which named Branca, along with long-time music producer John McClain, as coexecutors of Jackson's estate. Branca hadn't worked for Jackson since 2006" So Branca had no ideas if mj had a newer will... If he did I guess the holder of the new will would have step forward..
Two years later? Don't hold your breath
^^That's a good point though, if there was a new will, the person who held it would have come forward and presented it. No one did, so those who still think the will is fake, I wonder who they think is hiding the real will?
Thanks for posting, would have been great if JB could have elaborated on the future releases
^^That's a good point though, if there was a new will, the person who held it would have come forward and presented it. No one did, so those who still think the will is fake, I wonder who they think is hiding the real will?

From what I understand many of them think Peter Lopez had it
From what I understand many of them think Peter Lopez had it

but usually, as far as I understand this issue, quite a lot of people are involved in preparing a will. there are lawyers. plus there are potential executors of the will (I think when a person wants to appoint someone for this position he discusses it with them first to make sure they want to do it.... ) and there are witnesses to the signing of the will. even if Peter Lopez had a copy there should have been more people who knew about it...

Besides, to present a new will you usually have a period of 120 days. Peter Lopez died in May 2010. And 120 days from June 25 2009 is the end of October 2009. he had time to file a will if he had one....

that's what I think about it...