Joe Jackson

i don't believe he's not grieving, talking about Michael as a superstar and not his son probably is his way of fighting with the pain he's going through. whatever he's done, he is Michael's father and no one of us actually knows what the man is thinking or feeling inside, but i will not believe he is not hurting. people are different, i've seen people laughing and making jokes after their loved ones have died, and they only break down when there's no one around.
Joe is Michael's dad and we need to respect him, even though we don't agree with the things he says and decisions he makes.
His first words were "i'm great". This video disgusted me. He was speaking like a manager, not a father and he doesnt seem the slightest bit upset about the loss of a SON. His words "we lost a superstar" - Michael is just $$$$ signs to him and all he kept going on about was his fame now.

The only ALMOST good thing he said was that he wished people would have acknowledged Michael in life as they have in death. Then he goes on to plug his next venture, WTF!???? His son has just died. He was rude and a total prick and I am simply sickened by his behaviour. Revolting, disgusting, evil man.
Chill. Its just that Joe cant really handle his son's death. Its like he cant accept that even thou he should... And maybe he had already before planned to be there to ad his label. I dont see anything disrespectful in that. Life goes on, thats the fact.
Joe loves Michael but im worried hes gonna try and re-create the glory days with his children
Watch him when he brings his business partner to talk about his new company, his whole face lights up. He doesn't care.

Maybe the funeral will be a big slap in the face for him, and make him realize that he's just lost his SON. Call me angry, bitter blah blah but Michael deserves more!!

Screamin.. I'm worried about that too. IF it does happen then I hope one of the Jackson siblings steps in.
You know who I always had respect for and that's jackie. Jackie imo hasn't giving me one thing to question him about. I like jackie.:yes: michael mom too but they're somethings I wish she woulda spoke up about.
I'd say Marlon has had the least to do with the family. Marlon actually quit the group before Mike did. He and Rebbie have also never been divorced like the rest.
I have very little respect for Joe. I know people deal with grief in different ways, some are not the emotional type and I know some people bottle it up and hold it all up inside. However I saw the video and he along with his friend were plugging a record label they own, it is completely inappropriate to do that when your son has just passed away. I am not going to defend that behaviour at all because it was apalling beyond words.
I honestly don’t want to say anything that might disrespect Joe Jackson, after all he is Michael’s father and for that only he deserves the respect. The only thing I noticed from his recent interview that he doesn’t show emotions, he seems to be very strong, he is even laughing with friends as if he is coming to celebrate which is very inappropriate IMHO but I also noticed that some people consider this is a time to celebrate the music of Michael Jackson! In my culture it is very inappropriate.

EDIT: Just to amend my pervious statement, celebrating his life meaning honoring him is very much appropriate and he deserves much more. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
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I think Joe is very straight forward and mean. I do believe he loves his so though and I will tell you why. When my Grandmother died we all went to se her mother which of course is my great grand mother, she was all happy and joking and laughing. she played with the kids and basically had us all wondering what the hell was wrong with her. I mean that was her first born child and she didn't seem heart broken. BUT at the funeral it was a whole diffrent story. When she walk over to the casket she fell out screamed tried to pull my grandmother from her resting place and fainted. she was 92 years old at the time and has passed away last year at 96. But I tell you this to say maybe it really hasn't hit him yet. It might devastate him, and maybe he's trying not to let the pain in right now. But it will catch up with him and when it does it will be overwhelming. This is what I believe.
On CNN they showed that one reporter going up to Joe to clarify some things. If I heard right Joe said something like "Some people cry with tears but I'm crying inside outside I'm strong." Or something like that. It probably hasn't hit him yet.
I've watched Michael and Joe for a long time. You want my opinion?

Joe always loved Michael as a reflection of his own hard work, but never really loved Michael for Michael. Katherine, however, did.
Joe loves Michael but im worried hes gonna try and re-create the glory days with his children
Why would he do that? He didn't try that with any of the many other grandchildren. You can start a Sylvers or The Jets style group with Jermaine's kids alone, lol.
I agree. I'm not happy about the kids being around him all the time. I'm not so sure Michael would have wanted that after everything he went through. His mother of course yes. But Joe.... MJ was so protective...
When I was watching the interviews where Joe Jackson heart just sank....becuz right at that moment, I was reminded of the fact that he has never connected with Michael emotionally. He didn't even allow his children to call him "Dad"...

I knew and know he never shows emotions and things like that, but never knew he would be like this in this situation....I'm so shocked and feeling so sad. Imagine what Michael would feel if he saw his father doing the interview from the heaven....

I heard many angry responses about the interviews even outside MJ fan communities. Some of them are saying they feel sorry for Michael more than ever.