Joe Jackson

Joe isn't behaving any differently than he always has. All of the siblings have said Joe is unemotional and distant. That is why they call him Joseph instead of dad or father. I think Jo'Vonnie is the only one who calls him "father". As far as crying, Joe is old school. It isn't "manly" to cry, it's being a "sissy" & "soft". A lot of the older generation is like that. I have older male relatives like that.
I will say this as an individual and not as a representative of MJJC, ok? This is my own opinion. I saw that tape. I understand that people grieve differently. Personally, I was absolutely shocked. I understand that he may have been suppressing emotion. I also feel that it was entirely inappropriate to plug his own projects at that time. The interviewer also thought that Joe Jackson's interview was "strange" and obviously not what was expected.

I loved Michael. That does not automatically extend to others in his family. I don't know them the way I've known Michael through his writing, his lyrics, his artistic ideas, his interviews, and so on. My alliegiance also does not extend to any of his employees/advisors, past or those he employed recently. Michael was NOT them.

I know that in the past some fans have almost automatically extended their support for Michael to those around him. (Raymone Bain was one of those, just as one example.)

Michael may have forgiven Joseph for the pain he caused him. In that, he was a better person than I am. I do not forgive that. Sorry. Just the way I feel.

carry on,


This is the Truth!
Don Lemon: How about Janet, the daughters and the rest of the family?
(referring to how they're doing)
Joe Jackson: They all doing fine, but I wanna make this statement. This is a really good statement right here. Marshall and I own a record company called...
Goofy dude beside him: Ranch records... blablabla Blue Ray... that's his next step

I'm like, "WTF just happened right here?!"

WTF indeed. But the way i see it is this: that's the way Joe has always been. He has always used Michael's name as a means of pluggin his own endevors. He did it in that one interview and he doing it now. Mike's death ain't gunna change that. People don't change, that's how things is.

I ain't surprised to say the least.
I thought he didn't show enough emotions, but he was numb. I mean it's his son, he will be terribly affected.
I will say this as an individual and not as a representative of MJJC, ok? This is my own opinion. I saw that tape. I understand that people grieve differently. Personally, I was absolutely shocked. I understand that he may have been suppressing emotion. I also feel that it was entirely inappropriate to plug his own projects at that time. The interviewer also thought that Joe Jackson's interview was "strange" and obviously not what was expected.

I loved Michael. That does not automatically extend to others in his family. I don't know them the way I've known Michael through his writing, his lyrics, his artistic ideas, his interviews, and so on. My alliegiance also does not extend to any of his employees/advisors, past or those he employed recently. Michael was NOT them.

I know that in the past some fans have almost automatically extended their support for Michael to those around him. (Raymone Bain was one of those, just as one example.)

Michael may have forgiven Joseph for the pain he caused him. In that, he was a better person than I am. I do not forgive that. Sorry. Just the way I feel.

carry on,


I completely agree.....I was in shock when Joe began to plug his record company. I mean my mouth was on the floor. Being a fan for many years I am used to hearing stupid things come out of his mouth but I could not believe this. I just feel like he lives in his own little world.......why would he even be thinking about that? Your son is dead. How can one family member come out on stage and pour out their heart and soul, and another be so disillusioned....I just don't get it. He just always seems to have some ulterior motive....and he is always causing the family trouble where there is none. Outside waving to the fans, making sure his picture is taken.....please. Shut your mouth.....I am so over him.
I hate to say this during this time of grief for the family & all of us, but this is why fans have criticized certain members of the Jackson family over the years, particularly Joseph.

As for the idea that without Joseph we wouldn't have the Jackson 5 etc as a group or Michael as a singer, if it means Michael & family could have lived a happier life then that would not have been a bad thing. The quality of the work we are left with does not make up for/justify the hell that they have experienced in part because of Joseph. I don't usually post like this but I'm afraid Joseph showed his true colors.
I thouth I misheard when he promoted his record co.
He is so ignorant, that's why his kid's didn't like him. I wonder if Janet saw that.

What a tool,
A part of me is saying that this is who Joe is.. I mean, I never expected for him to be crying or show his weak sides, but this is too much. There's a difference between concealing your pain and not having any. I'm sorry to say this but Joe doesn't look like a father who's sad to lose his son, he looks like a business man that's lost his most precious asset.

Joe, prove me wrong. Please prove me wrong because surely a human being can't be that cold.
I hate to say this during this time of grief for the family & all of us, but this is why fans have criticized certain members of the Jackson family over the years, particularly Joseph.

As for the idea that without Joseph we wouldn't have the Jackson 5 etc as a group or Michael as a singer, if it means Michael & family could have lived a happier life then that would not have been a bad thing. The quality of the work we are left with does not make up for/justify the hell that they have experienced in part because of Joseph. I don't usually post like this but I'm afraid Joseph showed his true colors.

I agree with this.

I believe that Michael had such an incredible talent that he would have risen to the top regardless of whether or not he was a child-star. Sure, then we wouldn't have had recordings of his amazing voice as a child, but that loss would not be worth the loss of his childhood that clearly caused him a lot of pain. He deserved to have a balanced life as a child, but he did not. But if he had? I think he would have been happier in his life, and that he still would have been an amazing superstar as an adult.

See my earlier post. I stand by it.
A part of me is saying that this is who Joe is.. I mean, I never expected for him to be crying or show his weak sides, but this is too much. There's a difference between concealing your pain and not having any. I'm sorry to say this but Joe doesn't look like a father who's sad to lose his son, he looks like a business man that's lost his most precious asset.

Joe, prove me wrong. Please prove me wrong because surely a human being can't be that cold.

Actually hes just regained his most precious asset, now he can manage Michaels career after death in which more money will be made than Michael made since the 80s.
Actually hes just regained his most precious asset, now he can manage Michaels career after death in which more money will be made than Michael made since the 80s.

Argh.. I don't even want to think about it. I just hope that the rumour about Janet being in charge is true..
He saw his children´s lives as business possibilities, and their death the same way
I'm afraid this isn't the last ugly episode from the Jackson family....there's gonna be a lot of infighting over the estate
Dear lord in heaven I'm praying that they will not do this. This would be wrong on so manylevels. Many family members have done shady things in the pass but im hoping they will show and prove and not do michael's assets dirty! Don't Be fighting and dont give the media more to harp about. If michael has his will in order then diss won't be the case though.

You know who I always had respect for and that's jackie. Jackie imo hasn't giving me one thing to question him about. I like jackie.:yes: michael mom too but they're somethings I wish she woulda spoke up about.
Just because Michael would not be his slave, it wouldn't mean that he would actually not succeed as a singer...

Btw, what was Joe talking about? Is there a video?

1 day ago i posted my condolences to all family, except for joe and my post was deleted.

If Michael's father didn't pushed them to sing , they wouldn't even be a star. Michael had a huge success thats why he went solo.
If Michael's father didn't pushed them to sing , they wouldn't even be a star. Michael had a huge success thats why he went solo.

As I posted earlier, Michael's lost childhood caused him a lot of pain. He had such immense talent that I think he would have been a superstar anyway, but with the background of having had balanced life in childhood.

Watch the video, "Childhood," again?
In my opinion, he didn't show any emotion because he doesn't HAVE any emotion-at all. He is probably a sociopath, 1 in every like 50 people is one. He never showed any remorse for abusing his children, or even acknowledged that he did anything wrong. There's no excuse for that. Even "old school" men who are very reserved emotionally do not act the way he does. Just because he contributed his genes to Michael doesn't make him any kind of father.
Guys, if it were not for Joseph, that we all "hate" there would be no Michael at all, thats the bottom line. The man shared his CHILD with us. People grieve in different ways. Joseph has always been about the business... did you all expect him to break down crying on the red carpet? BET probably begged the Jacksons to appear since they promised such a huge "tribute" show, which ended up being a sham.

I understand that we are all upset but why waste energy being angry with Joseph?
He was obviously grieving and numb from all of this- what project did he promote?!? Im sure the blu-ray crap was to just help shorten the interview time.

I just hate that Michael has forgiven and yet everyone else makes him the villian- he's a person and is feeling this loss 1000x more than we ever could imagine.

It's just sad.
all joe cares about is money and fame. his many failed attempts at trying to recreate a hot group,using your childs death to speak n a business venture. he saw his children as cash cows,aand he still does.
im sad


its only been a few days since michaels gone and theres so much bitterness not only towards people accused of ruining his life (eg joe and the cardiologist) but also towards each other as fans :( are we just taking out our frustrations about michael passing away on things like this interview?

i just dont like pointing fingers coz then we're basically acting like the media.

i love u guys
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his son has just died and he is promoting his company? l'm truly disgusted. And l hope and l pray that he won't get control over Michaels estate because it will go bankrupt in few seconds and the children will stay with nothing.
just stop the hate.. it doesent bring anything good! :)

Michael did'nt hate his father.. maybe they was'nt the closest, but he did'nt use hate as a term for relationships.

Instead look at what Michael became. Theres no use of "but if.." either. His childhood and life was like this. He found his place in the world, and he learned to live like that.

I can assure you that Joe's way of treating Michael ment alot for how he became such a wonderfull and brightsighted person. Because he grew up thinking that he would'nt want to be like that to his children. He would'nt want to do anything egoistic in this world.

Theres no white without black.
You can't understand what the truely blessed love is like if you havent felt a pain in your life.

People are different, and for different reasons. Joe has a heart too. He loved his son, and he loves his living family as much. But he is just a different kind of person.
Not to say that it should be accepted to hurt your children, but thats whats happened.

Michael put that part of his history behind him. We should try to do the same for his sake.
The $$$-signs in Joe's eyes weren't visible because of the glasses he was wearing. I don't think he gives a sh*t, it's all about the money.
just stop the hate.. it doesent bring anything good! :)

Michael did'nt hate his father.. maybe they was'nt the closest, but he did'nt use hate as a term for relationships.

Instead look at what Michael became. Theres no use of "but if.." either. His childhood and life was like this. He found his place in the world, and he learned to live like that.

I can assure you that Joe's way of treating Michael ment alot for how he became such a wonderfull and brightsighted person. Because he grew up thinking that he would'nt want to be like that to his children. He would'nt want to do anything egoistic in this world.

Theres no white without black.
You can't understand what the truely blessed love is like if you havent felt a pain in your life.

People are different, and for different reasons. Joe has a heart too. He loved his son, and he loves his living family as much. But he is just a different kind of person.
Not to say that it should be accepted to hurt your children, but thats whats happened.

Michael put that part of his history behind him. We should try to do the same for his sake.

Wheres the love joe.... wheres the respect. Take a leaf out of Janets book, her heart bleeds like the rest of us.
Oh Lord, chill out people.

I think Joe was on about how big Michael was to them, he wasn't just a son, he was the brightest star to them. The brightest shining super star. I would say the same.

He's was probably angry and frustrated.

And as for the way Joe was dressed, I've always seen him dressed like that. I think it's just how he is.
