Joe Jackson


I hold this man responsible for the painful path Michael went down.

He was just interviewed by Don Lemon of CNN on the red carpet outside the BET Awards show. The complete and total A$$$$ hole had the total disrespect to PLUG his new company.

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He's a very unsensitive man I think. He never understood his son. Never. like a lot of people do. Katherine does but she is under the huge influence of Joe.
yup very disrespectful of him. but some people are made that way. they really have no feelings or emotion. when they showed him here on the news standing outside of the Encino home. he was smiling and waving at the camera's. didnt look like a father in mourning @ all...just my opinion
He's a very unsensitive man I think. He never understood his son. Never. like a lot of people do. Katherine does but she is under the huge influence of Joe.

I wouldn't even say unsensitive. I would so no sensitive.
yup very disrespectful of him. but some people are made that way. they really have no feelings or emotion. when they showed him here on the news standing outside of the Encino home. he was smiling and waving at the camera's. didnt look like a father in mourning @ all...just my opinion

I believe that.
Not everybody cries all the time when somebody dies. Most Black people celebrate and don't walk around with tissues and red eyes. That's just the way most of our culture is. That's why people were upset when there was dancing at James Browns' memorial, but that's the way Black people do it. It's called a "Homegoing Celebration."

My two cents. I still think it was wrong for him to be pluggin his company though.
Relax people. Folks grieve differently. I'm sure that he is in mourning it's just that he isn't showing it.
Without him there wouldnt be no MJ and Jackson Five.

Just because Michael would not be his slave, it wouldn't mean that he would actually not succeed as a singer...

Btw, what was Joe talking about? Is there a video?

1 day ago i posted my condolences to all family, except for joe and my post was deleted.
pft. he was smiling and said "they're all fine"
yeah everyone in his family is "fine"..
and then telling about his new company. what the
Wow, that is insensitive, but as people have said he probably is grieving but is also a professional who wants to get on with his life. Michael wouldn't want his family or fans not to. I'm sure it's still really hard for Joe, losing his son.
yeah guys..his son just died...i'm sure he's mourning....maybe he's in shock...... plugging a company at a time like this is ludacris though!...but like spider-man said...that's joe. .... or maybe... maybe michael really ISN'T dead and joe forgot that he's supposed to be pretending he's in mourning o_O ... haha... nah just kidding..but it would be fun though XP
he's a dad, no question he is missing his son, but put in front of the tv cameras, i dont think any dad would willingly break down and cry internationally on TV. Sure, he did things wrong, but he made and produced our beloved michael, he could have changed some things for the better... but they could have changed michael for the worse? i wouldnt be too harsh on him, i sure it is very hard on him to lose a son, however, he could show more emotion since so much of the world's population are mourning his own flesh and blood... Joe Jackson is a honourable man for giving us our hero. He may be putting on a brave face in front of people, i know i do, the minute i get into my bedroom with the door closed behind me, i break down into tears.
Michael loves his father and we should too, Joe Jackson is an amazing human.

he is grieving but he sees it as showing emotions for a man is weak.

Im 1005 sure as soon as the cameras stop rolling and no one is watching he will cry like a baby.
Don Lemon: How about Janet, the daughters and the rest of the family?
(referring to how they're doing)
Joe Jackson: They all doing fine, but I wanna make this statement. This is a really good statement right here. Marshall and I own a record company called...
Goofy dude beside him: Ranch records... blablabla Blue Ray... that's his next step

I'm like, "WTF just happened right here?!"
that interview was pretty horrible.. I realise he's apprehensive towards anyone with a mic and he's always been cold and aloof-ish, but maaaan... you just lost a son and you're promoting your record label??
poor Michael having to grow up with a father who really shows no shred of emotion ever, it explains a lot.
Don Lemon: How about Janet, the daughters and the rest of the family?
(referring to how they're doing)
Joe Jackson: They all doing fine, but I wanna make this statement. This is a really good statement right here. Marshall and I own a record company called...
Goofy dude beside him: Ranch records... blablabla Blue Ray... that's his next step

I'm like, "WTF just happened right here?!"

Haha yeah.
That was a truly wtf moment.

To think that he now may have complete control of Michaels estate after chasing it all these years is scary. He better not start pimping the kids out to showbiz but I can see it happening.
yeah the ending bothered me a bit. but thats just how he is. and he still has my respect for what he did for his kids especially Michael, even if he was too hard on them. Michael became a very genuinely good person with a big heart because of it.
he's a dad, no question he is missing his son, but put in front of the tv cameras, i dont think any dad would willingly break down and cry internationally on TV. Sure, he did things wrong, but he made and produced our beloved michael, he could have changed some things for the better... but they could have changed michael for the worse? i wouldnt be too harsh on him, i sure it is very hard on him to lose a son, however, he could show more emotion since so much of the world's population are mourning his own flesh and blood... Joe Jackson is a honourable man for giving us our hero. He may be putting on a brave face in front of people, i know i do, the minute i get into my bedroom with the door closed behind me, i break down into tears.

First of all he he wasn't put in front of the cameras, he went there himself, he wanted to be on camera... I can't believe that his son just died and he's plugging companies and going to the BET awards. I know the latter is a tribute to Mike but come on! He shouldn't be there, any normal father wouldn't be there period.

As for him being a honorable man just because he was Mike's dad... i beg to differ. He only gave him his genes, his talent at the most. Honor has nothing to do with it, on the contrary, with all the sh*t he did to Mike...
I know Mike forgave him in the end and good for him but I see him doing these things and it makes me so mad.

Sorry just had to let that out.-_-

Edited to say I just watched that video from CNN and it's just unbelievable, it made me cringe, half the time he seemed like he wasn't listening to the reporter and the other half he was trying to turn the conversation about him. WTF!!!!
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I'm afraid this isn't the last ugly episode from the Jackson family....there's gonna be a lot of infighting over the estate
Michael loves his father and we should too, Joe Jackson is an amazing human.

he is grieving but he sees it as showing emotions for a man is weak.

Im 1005 sure as soon as the cameras stop rolling and no one is watching he will cry like a baby.

I will say this as an individual and not as a representative of MJJC, ok? This is my own opinion. I saw that tape. I understand that people grieve differently. Personally, I was absolutely shocked. I understand that he may have been suppressing emotion. I also feel that it was entirely inappropriate to plug his own projects at that time. The interviewer also thought that Joe Jackson's interview was "strange" and obviously not what was expected.

I loved Michael. That does not automatically extend to others in his family. I don't know them the way I've known Michael through his writing, his lyrics, his artistic ideas, his interviews, and so on. My alliegiance also does not extend to any of his employees/advisors, past or those he employed recently. Michael was NOT them.

I know that in the past some fans have almost automatically extended their support for Michael to those around him. (Raymone Bain was one of those, just as one example.)

Michael may have forgiven Joseph for the pain he caused him. In that, he was a better person than I am. I do not forgive that. Sorry. Just the way I feel.

carry on,

That was a truly wtf moment.

To think that he now may have complete control of Michaels estate after chasing it all these years is scary. He better not start pimping the kids out to showbiz but I can see it happening.

I was thinking the excat same thing a mintue ago!
If he does that...i will be MAD AS HE**!