Joe believes AEG murdered Michael

Joe Jackson really should speak through an attorney, and not off-the-cuff. No need to explain the reasons, given his recent statements. . . . .

AEG really did stand to gain more from Michael dead than alive. This is explained in various Investigative Unit threads. Overdose but not natural causes? Red flags should be raised. That is HIGHLY unusual. And then it happened? Uh, huh. . . .

I doubt LAPD is investigating AEG much if at all. They were no friends of Michael, and why should that change? In my opinion, the stalling and delaying has wrecked any case they might have had. Just the fact Murray vanished the day after Michael's death should have sparked immediate raids on his home and office. Plus, they neglected to secure the house as a crime-scene. Anything found in the house later is not useful in court. People could have taken things out of the house, and brought things in.

How did Michael pass the physical? He was healthy, but as the rehearsal schedule went on his health deteriorated? Someone took the physical FOR him, as in an impersonater? That is possible, if the doctor had never met him. Or, someone paid off a doctor. Can't think of any other scenarios. Take your pick, but remember the power of money. . . .

It's possible we may never know the truth, and that is tragic beyond belief.

a lot of what you're saying is very true :weeping:
Joe is as credible as The Sun IMO. He confirmed Omer is Michael's son, when we all know he's clearly not lol, and the other day on Larry King he said that he never beat Michael as a child, again not true as most of the family has said he did.
Joe jackson said he spank michael not beat him, that is his termanology the difference between spanking and beating, back then children did get spankings from there parents and grandparents with a belt or switch. it was called a wooping for misbehaving.
Joe Jackson really should speak through an attorney, and not off-the-cuff. No need to explain the reasons, given his recent statements. . . . .

AEG really did stand to gain more from Michael dead than alive. This is explained in various Investigative Unit threads. Overdose but not natural causes? Red flags should be raised. That is HIGHLY unusual. And then it happened? Uh, huh. . . .

I doubt LAPD is investigating AEG much if at all. They were no friends of Michael, and why should that change? In my opinion, the stalling and delaying has wrecked any case they might have had. Just the fact Murray vanished the day after Michael's death should have sparked immediate raids on his home and office. Plus, they neglected to secure the house as a crime-scene. Anything found in the house later is not useful in court. People could have taken things out of the house, and brought things in.

How did Michael pass the physical? He was healthy, but as the rehearsal schedule went on his health deteriorated? Someone took the physical FOR him, as in an impersonater? That is possible, if the doctor had never met him. Or, someone paid off a doctor. Can't think of any other scenarios. Take your pick, but remember the power of money. . . .

It's possible we may never know the truth, and that is tragic beyond belief.

My take is Michael Jackson was healthy and passed the physical and he could and wanted to do the shows. But as the chef said Mike was in great shape. They get rid of her Murray was brought in they(includes all his hangers on Frank Karen Kline Murray Phillips the media in on this continues to propagate health problems about MJ) began poisoning Michael he starts losing wieght. The chef was brought back then after the end of rehearsals they killed him.

Con·spir·a·cy - An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.

i think we have to be clever...just because its being reported aeg are having financial trouble, doesn't mean that they are....they will be alot of 'cover' stories planted/interviews from their executives/management to draw attention away from questions...

i dont think they have lost anything...even if mj was not going to perform at would still be doing normal business...and the amount of interest gained from the 86million pound in ticket sales would be alot along with the memrobillia ticket...(remember mj ticket prices were around 2 to 3 times higher then other artists, so i think most fans may have had kept one ticket as a souvenir...
anyway could raise loads of points...but i think aeg do need to be investigated.

You are so right .AEG lost nothing.
its weird how people now believe joe. prior to mj dying most fans couldnt stand him. now that michael has died some people now believe him to be credible but from watching many of his interviews, all he offers is wild speculation and conspiracy theories without any evidence
Some fans are agreeing with his statement because they have been saying the same thing for weeks now, thats all.