Joe believes AEG murdered Michael

You're right...anyone remember that page on BBC news with the picture of the tickets at the top? I'm trying to searh for that because I think that had that quote in, but it seems to have disappeared...don't they usually archive?

Its really odd... I noticed yesterday on you tube the amount of videos with Randy in had gone down then I started searching the internet for articles and not as many are on there. Odd eh! and yes they do normally archive their stories... I'm not making this up folks, do some searches yourself and you'll see its hard to find articles now with Randy's direct quotes in like there was before... yet we know stuff was said as some articles still exist where they quote the older articles.
I think there is only so far Randy Phillips is prepared to go to put this down to an elderly grieving father. Joe didn't have a problem with AEG funding and organising the memorial, I think his real issue is that he wanted Michael to do the Allgood Entertainment Concert, and not work with AEG which is seems Michael was planning to do. They are insulting Michael by keeping telling people he was not up to it, clearly he thought he was and so did everyone working with him.
Since it came from Joe, it must be true.
How the Hell can they decide to do an Insurance that covers OD, but no Insurance for a natural death? Don't make me laugh.....

I think Joe killed Michael (after realising Mike didn't want him in involved in his business affairs).....

If he can make an allegation, so can I
How the Hell can they decide to do an Insurance that covers OD, but no Insurance for a natural death? Don't make me laugh.....

I think Joe killed Michael (after realising Mike didn't want him in involved in his business affairs).....

If he can make an allegation, so can I

That's just cruel, saying he would do something to his own son. He would never do that. He had Michael's back during the trial and he was proud of him and his achievements from day one.

Also, Michael brought in most of the cash...

It's really ugly how some of you are going down on Joe like that. You make me feel really bad for him at times.
Joe Jackson really should speak through an attorney, and not off-the-cuff. No need to explain the reasons, given his recent statements. . . . .

AEG really did stand to gain more from Michael dead than alive. This is explained in various Investigative Unit threads. Overdose but not natural causes? Red flags should be raised. That is HIGHLY unusual. And then it happened? Uh, huh. . . .

I doubt LAPD is investigating AEG much if at all. They were no friends of Michael, and why should that change? In my opinion, the stalling and delaying has wrecked any case they might have had. Just the fact Murray vanished the day after Michael's death should have sparked immediate raids on his home and office. Plus, they neglected to secure the house as a crime-scene. Anything found in the house later is not useful in court. People could have taken things out of the house, and brought things in.

How did Michael pass the physical? He was healthy, but as the rehearsal schedule went on his health deteriorated? Someone took the physical FOR him, as in an impersonater? That is possible, if the doctor had never met him. Or, someone paid off a doctor. Can't think of any other scenarios. Take your pick, but remember the power of money. . . .

It's possible we may never know the truth, and that is tragic beyond belief.
joes setting the stage to sue AEG cause its the only way hes gonna get any $
How the Hell can they decide to do an Insurance that covers OD, but no Insurance for a natural death? Don't make me laugh.....

I think Joe killed Michael (after realising Mike didn't want him in involved in his business affairs).....

If he can make an allegation, so can I

A report I just read on, AEG looking to stay in the police good books?

AEG, the company that owns the Staples Center, has donated some of the proceeds from Michael Jackson's public memorial to a nonprofit organization supporting the LAPD.
"We told people that paid $5,000 for suites for the Michael Jackson memorial that the money would be donated to the L.A. Police Foundation. The service was 24 days ago. We pay bills within 30 days. The check was cut yesterday and was to be mailed today. We can confirm the check has been delivered," an AEG rep tells us.
AEG donated a total of $90,000 to the foundation.
Joe Jackson really should speak through an attorney, and not off-the-cuff. No need to explain the reasons, given his recent statements. . . . .

AEG really did stand to gain more from Michael dead than alive. This is explained in various Investigative Unit threads. Overdose but not natural causes? Red flags should be raised. That is HIGHLY unusual. And then it happened? Uh, huh. . . .

I doubt LAPD is investigating AEG much if at all. They were no friends of Michael, and why should that change? In my opinion, the stalling and delaying has wrecked any case they might have had. Just the fact Murray vanished the day after Michael's death should have sparked immediate raids on his home and office. Plus, they neglected to secure the house as a crime-scene. Anything found in the house later is not useful in court. People could have taken things out of the house, and brought things in.

How did Michael pass the physical? He was healthy, but as the rehearsal schedule went on his health deteriorated? Someone took the physical FOR him, as in an impersonater? That is possible, if the doctor had never met him. Or, someone paid off a doctor. Can't think of any other scenarios. Take your pick, but remember the power of money. . . .

It's possible we may never know the truth, and that is tragic beyond belief.

About the physical, do you think Michael would have let that happen? Someone doing physical for him? Or are you saying he wouldn't have known? I'm just really interested. Especially now seeing what DB posted above.
Also, I have another question, who would have drawn up the policy? AEG or the insurance company?
A report I just read on, AEG looking to stay in the police good books?

AEG, the company that owns the Staples Center, has donated some of the proceeds from Michael Jackson's public memorial to a nonprofit organization supporting the LAPD.
"We told people that paid $5,000 for suites for the Michael Jackson memorial that the money would be donated to the L.A. Police Foundation. The service was 24 days ago. We pay bills within 30 days. The check was cut yesterday and was to be mailed today. We can confirm the check has been delivered," an AEG rep tells us.
AEG donated a total of $90,000 to the foundation.

As someone said, it's useless to expect LAPD to do anything that is really about being fair to Michael.

These are still the same ranks that failed him in 1993. They call him an addict in their subpoenas.

It's the same attorney general that failed Michael in 2003

And now AEG is "bribing" them so that they don't dig further into AEG.

If i were Joe Jackson, i would jump on this as reason why AEG should be investigated.

I know Joe is trying to lay grounds for a lawsuit, but for once, what AEG is doing, i say, let him.

He should also threaten to sue LAPD for collusion with AEG if they do not investigate them thoroughly, and in a civil case, he has the right to access all the work the police undertoook to investigate and point out how they fell short.

Infact Joe should just call it out as an indirect bribe by AEG to LAPD
Let me tell you something....if it is verified that ANOTHER doctor besides Murray conducted the physical on Michael and that there is a legitimate insurance company that provided that insurance for him, THAT INSURANCE COMPANY IS NOT GONNA WANT TO PAY OUT THAT $25 MIL to AEG so fast. The first thing they are gonna wanna do is conduct their own investigation and try to make certain that the cause of death was NOT accident or od. And they will be willing to sue AEG in court to make sure of it. The insurance company wants the cause of death to be murder or natural cause....that way they won't have to pay out. So this insurance company could very well end up being a friend of the Jackson family. If the Jackson family doesn't get a thorough investigation, the insurance company will. This insurance company is a thorn in the side of AEG.
if it is verified that ANOTHER doctor besides Murray conducted the physical on Michael
the doctor who did the physical was named in an article cant remember his name hes from N.Y.theres no evidence murray was involved. an isnuracne company wouldnt allow it
How the Hell can they decide to do an Insurance that covers OD, but no Insurance for a natural death? Don't make me laugh.....

I think Joe killed Michael (after realising Mike didn't want him in involved in his business affairs).....

If he can make an allegation, so can I

totally agree.
Let me tell you something....if it is verified that ANOTHER doctor besides Murray conducted the physical on Michael and that there is a legitimate insurance company that provided that insurance for him, THAT INSURANCE COMPANY IS NOT GONNA WANT TO PAY OUT THAT $25 MIL to AEG so fast. The first thing they are gonna wanna do is conduct their own investigation and try to make certain that the cause of death was NOT accident or od. And they will be willing to sue AEG in court to make sure of it. The insurance company wants the cause of death to be murder or natural cause....that way they won't have to pay out. So this insurance company could very well end up being a friend of the Jackson family. If the Jackson family doesn't get a thorough investigation, the insurance company will. This insurance company is a thorn in the side of AEG.

You are so VERY RIGHT, as usual. :agree:
Joe needs to stop giving these interviews as he is not the best at delivering his thoughts properly.

And far as I see it, there will be no justice for MJ.......they want to hang a 'junkie' tag on to him and thats what they'll end up doing unfortunately.
joes setting the stage to sue AEG cause its the only way hes gonna get any $
fIRSt I think joe is hurting and mad about what happen to is son (michael).and he want to know the truth, like all of michael fans want to know the truth about what happened and his family the same, according to some people michael wanted to due 10 shows and it went up to 50 shows, to be honest I thought the 50 shows was way to many and to close together I had my concern from day one about michael doing that many shows. the insurance policy is strange to me, aeg, dr thome and dr murray there connection needs to be investigated.
A BIG lol @ Joe being a member here :lol: I can only imagine...
I hope he feels "the love".

Man, the guy should really get a spokesperson :mello:
Warrants for searches conducted this week on Murray's Las Vegas properties authorized federal drug agents and LAPD detectives to seize e-mails, letters and notes between the cardiologist, Jackson and Beverly Hills dermatologist Arnold Klein, West Hollywood rheumatologist Allan Metzger, Los Angeles nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee, Las Vegas dentist Mark Tadrissi, Beverly Hills anesthesiologist Randy Rosen and New York City ear-nose-and-throat specialist David Slavit.

Slavit was chosen by an insurance company this spring to give Jackson a physical so promoter AEG Live could get coverage for the singer's comeback concerts.
Jackson's relationship to Tadrissi is not known.
An ear, nose and throat specialist conducted a full body physical assesment of Michael????

I'm wondering just how extensive this physical actually was.
Joe is as credible as The Sun IMO. He confirmed Omer is Michael's son, when we all know he's clearly not lol, and the other day on Larry King he said that he never beat Michael as a child, again not true as most of the family has said he did.
Joe is as credible as The Sun IMO. He confirmed Omer is Michael's son, when we all know he's clearly not lol, and the other day on Larry King he said that he never beat Michael as a child, again not true as most of the family has said he did.

Just curious, Is there any documentation archived from Michael what Joe did to him ?
watch the oprah interview mjalwaysonmymind

and remember, there were two physicals. the initial secured them for the first ten shows. then they did another one...diff doc perhaps?
Let me tell you something....if it is verified that ANOTHER doctor besides Murray conducted the physical on Michael and that there is a legitimate insurance company that provided that insurance for him, THAT INSURANCE COMPANY IS NOT GONNA WANT TO PAY OUT THAT $25 MIL to AEG so fast. The first thing they are gonna wanna do is conduct their own investigation and try to make certain that the cause of death was NOT accident or od. And they will be willing to sue AEG in court to make sure of it. The insurance company wants the cause of death to be murder or natural cause....that way they won't have to pay out. So this insurance company could very well end up being a friend of the Jackson family. If the Jackson family doesn't get a thorough investigation, the insurance company will. This insurance company is a thorn in the side of AEG.

According to the industry news Lloyds of London provided the insurance cover. The same company insured J-Lo most notable attribute, her "posterior"...or her ass!
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Joe has a credibility seems Michael didn't trust him...even though he loved him as a father... as its going to be hard for others to trust him either...

he was in line with everyone else trying to get money from Michael... I try not to say anything bad about Joe but my instincts seldom lies...especially when I listen to it...

Joe, sorry, it just looks like you are trying to set the wheels in motion for a lawsuit on AEG to make money for yourself.... but you better have your ducks in a row.. because that lawsuit is going to cost you every penny that Michael worked hard for in that Jackson Family trust...becuz you certainly don't have funds to pay for it yourself..

which means Michael's kids will be financially hurt by it... so old man.. think before you talk...

and with all these conspiracy theories, doesn't bring Michael back...
Joe Jackson really should speak through an attorney, and not off-the-cuff. No need to explain the reasons, given his recent statements. . . . .

AEG really did stand to gain more from Michael dead than alive. This is explained in various Investigative Unit threads. Overdose but not natural causes? Red flags should be raised. That is HIGHLY unusual. And then it happened? Uh, huh. . . .

I doubt LAPD is investigating AEG much if at all. They were no friends of Michael, and why should that change? In my opinion, the stalling and delaying has wrecked any case they might have had. Just the fact Murray vanished the day after Michael's death should have sparked immediate raids on his home and office. Plus, they neglected to secure the house as a crime-scene. Anything found in the house later is not useful in court. People could have taken things out of the house, and brought things in.

How did Michael pass the physical? He was healthy, but as the rehearsal schedule went on his health deteriorated? Someone took the physical FOR him, as in an impersonater? That is possible, if the doctor had never met him. Or, someone paid off a doctor. Can't think of any other scenarios. Take your pick, but remember the power of money. . . .

It's possible we may never know the truth, and that is tragic beyond belief.

^^ this....I think something very wrong happened ...the insurance with the OD cover but not natural death cover is a huge concern.... :cry: