Joe believes AEG murdered Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am watching Geraldo and he talked to Katherine and Joe on the phone. Joe believes AEG is responsible and the famaly wants the police to dig deeper and not only investigate the doctor, he also mentioned something about AEG having an OD insurance.
I am watching Geraldo and he talked to Katherine and Joe on the phone. Joe believes AEG is responsible and the famaly wants the police to dig deeper and not only investigate the doctor, he also mentioned something about AEG having an OD insurance.

do you have a link to post?
I think I saw this interview too.. its on youtube right?
do you have a link to post?

I dont, sorry! i forgot to say that they didnt have audio of the phone interview with Katherine because she didnt want to be recorded but they did have audio of the phone interview with Joe, they will talk to him again tomorrow. Joe also believes they are using the doctor to get all the blame.
yes,I have seen that,Geraldo gonna talk to Joe tomorrow again.I think there gonna be some conspiracy behind Michael death.As camberly said Michael really worth more on death for some people .
Oh and Joe also mentioned how Michael was afraid for his life and the Rev. Al Sharpton said Michael told him the same thing a few years ago.
i'll have to ask every user in there 'are you joe jackson?' now :lmao:

Now I'm gonna be lookin at every post to see if I can figure out which one he is! Maybe he is a lurker! :lol:
:lol: :lol:

I'll be like " u joe jackson? "...*find another person* " u joe jackson?"
You'd know if it was Joe. He'd have subtle link to his record company in his sig. :D
i'll have to ask every user in there 'are you joe jackson?' now :lmao:

He knows the fan are out here and he know how good we work in trying solve crimes concerning Michael. It does seem as he has signed on and read every post in the investigative forum. I believe not doubt that a lot of people are seeking answers/ theories. Joe knew Michael's fan base has a strong influence on Michael....but I dunno, he maybe keeping an open mind and exploring all options, however, if one takes a close look at the events leading up to Michael's death, you will you can draw conclusions of a conspiracy theory very easily.
Katie is right, Joe does need someone to speak on his behalf.

Thanks though
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To see what people are talking about I just watched the repeat of Geraldo (still airing) on Fox News. First up, what a load of crap! Second, its Joe Jackson. Third its Geraldo. He was practically salivating over himself. And what esteemed guests he keeps company with - who was his guest? Why none other than a reporter from News of the World! Wow, they're just a powerhouse when it comes to honest reporting aren't they?! And Geraldo was gushing over their exclusive of Jackson's Deathbed'. Ugh. No wonder I have a migraine right now.

I thought fans hated Joe Jackson. Now he's suddenly looking out for his son and spinning all these conspiracy theories about how his son was "sacrificed on the altar for money" - problem with conspiracy theories, they're just that unless you offer proof. Joe reminds me of Mohamed al-Fayed and how he spun all these theories about how his son and Princess Diana were murdered by secretive government agency. Its really laughable to see people lapping up all this **** but then that's cable news for you!
Yeah, AEG's insurance policy covered death by overdose but not death by natural causes...
Yeah, AEG's insurance policy covered death by overdose but not death by natural causes...

Is that unusual, though?

Also, AEG isn't making money off the insurance. In fact, it seems they are having a bit of a financial nightmare over MJ's death. That's why I really don't get the AEG conspiracy at all.
ive read that before too. if michael was the addict they are saying then it does make sense they would have a policy that covers overdose but it also raises some ugly questions about how they could have certified he was healthy enough to do the 50 shows.

Yeah, AEG's insurance policy covered death by overdose but not death by natural causes...
Is that unusual, though?

Also, AEG isn't making money off the insurance. In fact, it seems they are having a bit of a financial nightmare over MJ's death. That's why I really don't get the AEG conspiracy at all.
To have overdose specifically in the insurance policy does seem a bit strange, unless they knew it was a risk. I also find it odd that it doesn't cover natural death. It covers accidental death. But not natural...
They must have either known he was taking something, or they were just going on his past addiction and thought best to insure for that incase he got addicted again.
If it's concluded that MJ died accidently, including from an overdose, AEG will get a big payout, not enough to cover all their losses, but quite a lot.
i think we have to be clever...just because its being reported aeg are having financial trouble, doesn't mean that they are....they will be alot of 'cover' stories planted/interviews from their executives/management to draw attention away from questions...

i dont think they have lost anything...even if mj was not going to perform at would still be doing normal business...and the amount of interest gained from the 86million pound in ticket sales would be alot along with the memrobillia ticket...(remember mj ticket prices were around 2 to 3 times higher then other artists, so i think most fans may have had kept one ticket as a souvenir...
anyway could raise loads of points...but i think aeg do need to be investigated.
No you are saying Joe is stealing all our hardwork of investigating and he tells them to the media to get some money for himself???? No way!!! How could he!
I believe multiple doctors started Michael Jackson on a dangerous course of medical therapy, and then in steps Sony, AEG and Dr. Murray. None of them giving a damn about our Angel, Michael Jackson, At some point AEG and Dr. Conrad Murray start working together.
AEG, Dr. Murray and all the others were motivated by greed. There is no honor among thieves.
So, AEG eventually set up Dr. Murray to take the fall for Michael Jackson’s death? Now, Dr. Conrad Murray, in order to save himself, is "singing like a bird", as he tries to bring his fellow conspirators down into Hell with him.
The fires of Hell await those who caused Michael Jackson to be removed from this planet too soon.

Click on the link below and you will see a video with pictues of most of the conspirators
or suspects and additional information:
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Joe needs to shut up. He turns everything he talks about into a mockery. I'd like to know how far the authorities are going with this investigation. Are they even looking at AEG in any way?

Also, is it 100% that the insurance policy covers OD but not natural causes?
Joe needs to shut up. He turns everything he talks about into a mockery. I'd like to know how far the authorities are going with this investigation. Are they even looking at AEG in any way?

Also, is it 100% that the insurance policy covers OD but not natural causes?

I tell you what a lot of quotes from Randy after Michael died that the press used seem to be disappearing off the net now... the only thing I can find is the Sky News interview. Other articles where he was quoted are going... here are some I've tracked down(they were much more before I saw them with direct quotes from Randy but then I had the same problem yesterday when looking for articles where he was talking about the ticket refunds, there are not as many on there now) Does anyone have a link to the original interview/video where Randy actually said what these articles below are quoting? cheers if you do. There must have been some sort of press release as some of these articles quote the same thing word for word about the insurance and the fans taking the tickets instead of refunds... Funny how now Randy has shut up and has said no more on anything especially the failed tribute gig idea!,2933,529903,00.html
Also if they were supposed to have made between £60-80m from the ticket sales and now some fans(they believe up to 40% are keeping their tickets) that would mean they'd have roughly £30m still from that and then they've sold the rehearsal footage for $60m which is prob about £35m so they would still have £65m(before you take off rehearsal costs and paying the band, crew and dancers who worked in that time) still they would have had to spend much more if the show had gone on and then what if Michael had pulled out and the insurance didn't cover all shows... hmmm
I tell you what a lot of quotes from Randy after Michael died that the press used seem to be disappearing off the net now... the only thing I can find is the Sky News interview. Other articles where he was quoted are going... here are some I've tracked down(they were much more before I saw them with direct quotes from Randy but then I had the same problem yesterday when looking for articles where he was talking about the ticket refunds, there are not as many on there now) Does anyone have a link to the original interview/video where Randy actually said what these articles below are quoting? cheers if you do. There must have been some sort of press release as some of these articles quote the same thing word for word about the insurance and the fans taking the tickets instead of refunds... Funny how now Randy has shut up and has said no more on anything especially the failed tribute gig idea!,2933,529903,00.html

You're right...anyone remember that page on BBC news with the picture of the tickets at the top? I'm trying to searh for that because I think that had that quote in, but it seems to have disappeared...don't they usually archive?