Jermaine was Interviewed (merged)

Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

Jermaine really got me. Im crying here again :(

but, wait a sec. Where are all his stuff now?

Its in storage
they are planning on bringing it all back
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

Yeah they havent uploaded the rest yet.
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

Im almost certain they are doing a memorial service outside of NL as logistically the roads are too small for the crowds so they are going to do it in LA then bring him back to Neverland where they are going to make a Graceland for him after they've spruced it up and designed how they are going to do it. Ive hear theres no public viewing anymore, just a memorial.
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

they took his beloved neverland away from him :(
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

Its in storage
they are planning on bringing it all back

So does that mean they are planning on reburying him there??? And will they open it up with his stuff in it or at least part of it like Graceland (only better and not as commercial)? or do we not know yet?
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

Guys thanks for this, can someone get this into downloadable format? ta
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

So does that mean they are planning on reburying him there??? And will they open it up with his stuff in it or at least part of it like Graceland (only better and not as commercial)? or do we not know yet?

The neighbors don't want that, they said the area is a nice quiet place, and don't want a tourist attraction, and the kind of people it would attract. So they're probably going to fight it.
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

That was difficult to watch... :cry:

It always catches me off guard just how peaceful and serene Neveralnd ranch is. I can really understand why Michael found solace in that place...away from his crazy lifestyle..he had that tranquility. Unfortynately that house ceased to be a home for him because of a few bastards...I think it broke Michael's heart.

Now that he's just beraks our hearts....
Jermaine wishes he had died instead

From Yahoo:

Jermaine Jackson fought back tears on US TV on Thursday morning as he recalled seeing his brother Michael lying lifeless in hospital - and admitted he "wished" he was the one who had died. Skip related content
Related photos / videos Enlarge photo In the grieving family's first official interview since the sudden passing of the Thriller hitmaker last week, Jermaine described how "empty" he felt as he came to terms with the shocking news.

Speaking on the Today show, he said, "There's nothing that can compare to this. We lost our brother, our healer. The world is mourning, we are mourning, the fans are mourning, it's unbelievable.

"I wanted to see Michael and see my brother. Seeing him lifeless and breathless was very emotional for me, but I held myself together because I knew he was very much alive and his spirit (lives on).

"I was just a shell. I kissed him on his forehead, I hugged him and I touched him and I said to him, 'Michael, I'll never ever leave you. You'll never leave me.' I felt really, really empty."

And Jermaine, who is Muslim, admits he would give anything to trade places with his younger brother so that Michael could continue his "good" work on this earth.

He adds, "This sounds strange but... I wish it was me because I always felt that I was his backbone. Someone to be there for him. Things he couldn't say, I would say them.

"Michael is a gift from Allah and He has taken him back. The world didn't appreciate him. The world loved him, but certain people, certain industries, didn't appreciate him.

"His time on this earth, he did good for everyone. He saw the good in people who were claimed to be bad, but he wanted to change things. He sent messages through his songs, through his lyrics, through his actions, going to hospitals, going to orphanages trying to cure children of cancer, trying to bring them enlightenment."

Jackson died after suffering a cardiac arrest at the age of 50.
Re: Jermaine wishes he had died instead

:( oh god,I watched that interview,so sad
Re: Jermaine wishes he had died instead

Oh Jermaine....don't do this to yourself. Please...stay strong for you and your family...
Re: Jermaine wishes he had died instead

Maashallah. May Allah have mercy on him.
Re: Jermaine was Interviewed by Matt Lauer

I didn't see it but I saw the article on terrible, just terrible. I read that the children had a viewing of his body or something like that by the therapist. I just feel so bad for them :cry:
Sometimes for just a little while God lets one of her Angels come to Earth to sing to us and teach us how to love one another. But then, of course, she calls them back to Heaven ever so much too soon.
One such Angel was Michael Jackson.
Jermaine may have said some stupid things in the past years, but this "interview" was just beautiful...

Thank you for posting it. If there's one thing comforting me now, it is seeing Michael being loved. I don't care by whom, I just want him, at least now, to be recognized as the wonderful person he was.

Very still is very painful, but I'm trying to adjust to the idea. He will always be very much alive within me, nothing could ever change that.
I have always liked Jermaine, and he genuinly loved Michael with all his heart and soul, and why wouldn't anyone have loved this gentle soul, so persecuted and persued, and in death so violated by the media and more than any other OK Magazine, who is part of the Express Group, the Daily Express, sued so many times, by people like kate and Gerry McCann who they wrote lies about to try and have people believe they killed their daughter.

How dare they even mention Michael's name.