Jermaine talks to an arabic tv-show about Michael.

As a matter of fact Michael denied those rumors back in late 2008 by releasing a statement that he was looking forward to perform solo for his fans and that he wishes his relatives luck. They must have pissed him off for homeboy to release a statement even!! DAMN! :lol:
I was about to write the same thing. Datsymay keep writing s/he heard this and I am surprised that s/he did not hear the surest thing of them all. the press release.

MJ specifically said h wishes the brother luck...but wouldn't not be a part of their show. The press release came out NOV 2008 if my memory s still good..and MJ announced the London shows 1st quarter of 2009. I don't see how MJ would have been doing any anniversary show w/ the brothers in 2009 when he had a residence at the O2.

And if MJ's name was attached...why were the brothers having such hard time selling their show? The lamed to have started filming in January..yet had no contract until august 2009 for the show?

MJ himself had no problem selling an Halloween show to CBS, according to Frank Dileo and this week Grammy Co-Executive Producer and longtime Jackson associate Ken Ehrlich
I find it funny that alot of people on this board dispute Michaels own words so often. For all we know he WAS going to do it or intended on doing it. Right now all we have is MJs words. You're right we dont know whether he signed on the dotted line but he easy could have just said no!

we can always blame the drugs Klein was injecting him.

well, I will take a statement from MJ over a "yeah, yeah, yeah" following a Klein drug session. But that is just can take any statement or imagined ones that suit your theory.

But remember after Victory tour, MJ swore he would not veer tour with his brother again...and for 25 years he had kept his word.
If it wasnt for leeches like Tohme, Michael wouldnt have had to sell Neverland. People like Tohme and Branca were bleeding MJ dry on purpose. Look at the conspiracy to unwillingly bankrupt MJ in 2006 that MJ became aware of. Tohme never did MJ any favours. Tohme helped CC aquire Neverland for selfish interests.

Do you have any proof whatsoever that Tohme Tohme did this? Yes, he helped connect him with Colony Capital because Michael wanted to keep Neverland and he needed a backer. Do you have any proof that Branca was 'bleeding him dry'?

I assume you think MJ was handling his money just fine and these two managed to get it all away from him? Can you give any clue as to how they did that?
Do you have any proof whatsoever that Tohme Tohme did this? Yes, he helped connect him with Colony Capital because Michael wanted to keep Neverland and he needed a backer. Do you have any proof that Branca was 'bleeding him dry'?

I assume you think MJ was handling his money just fine and these two managed to get it all away from him? Can you give any clue as to how they did that?

That is like asking the Birthers for proof that Obama is not US citizen. :smilerolleyes:
It's awful isn't it? :no:

It wouldn't even be so bad if they had some sort of basis in fact, but they don't and they don't listen to the voice of reason or outright proof they are wrong.

Same thing happened with Elvis though; and there was someone who pointed out how Sam Cooks family never got any money....but back then royalties went to the record companies. It was that way to some degree with Motown. They own the song, the groups or singers just sang it.

This is why men line John Branca fight for their they GET these royalties they deserve, but the man gets no credit (I'm way off topic--sorry)
If it wasnt for leeches like Tohme, Michael wouldnt have had to sell Neverland. People like Tohme and Branca were bleeding MJ dry on purpose. Look at the conspiracy to unwillingly bankrupt MJ in 2006 that MJ became aware of. Tohme never did MJ any favours. Tohme helped CC aquire Neverland for selfish interests.
Tohme had nothing to do with Neverland forclosure. MJ secured a ONE Year loan on his property to pay off John Branco for his 5% ATV shares, when the year was up Mj tried to inclease the time limit but the bank would not let him. they wanted their money back and Mj couldn't find the loan. The property and it's contents were up for auction twice.
Jermaine stepped in at the last moment and asked Tohme if he knew anyone who could help.
Tohme introduced Mj to Colony but there was strings attached.
Mj was in negotions with Colony, not jermaine, not Tohme.
This is so offtopic, can we get back to the interview with Jermaine please?
i have only heard fans questioning jermaine's credibility. That is no reason to insult him. Mj's credibily has always been questioned by and large yet fans do not insult him.

That doesn't mean Michael didn't suffer any insults. He's had more than enough, and Jermaine said in his words in another interview "how much can a human take", talking about all Michael has suffered at the hands of others.
see I don't want to disrespect him , but when you say things like these you force me to reply . Jermaine does not know anything about Islam , when he converted , he was having kids out of the wedlock , then he was sleeping with that African girl , and later he slept with his brother's girlfriend and did not support his kids , so please .......


LOL This is why Michael is world super mega star and Jermaine just a regular person busy sleeping with many women. I do not want to disrespect him but this interview will create more rumors.

Was it Jermaine who introduced MJ to price of Bahrain who later sued Michael for ice-cream for his children and accommodations? Tohme is another shady man who put his hands in Neverland. I understand that Jermaine loves his brother but the things he did are not always were smart to do to protect Michael.
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That doesn't mean Michael didn't suffer any insults. He's had more than enough, and Jermaine said in his words in another interview "how much can a human take", talking about all Michael has suffered at the hands of others.
michael suffered more insults than any man i ever know. it was unreasonable and uncalled for and spiteful. this is partly why i find it unbelievable that his very own fans trade insults esp towards his own family cause it couldn't be easy for this family to see their family member attacked so publically. Mj fans need to stop the insults too otherwise we are no different from the others.
LOL This is why Michael is world super mega star and Jermaine just a regular person busy sleeping with many women. I do not want to disrespect him but this interview will create more rumors.

Was it Jermaine who introduced MJ to price of Bahrain who later sued Michael for ice-cream for his children and accommodations? Tohme is another shady man who put his hands in Neverland. I understand that Jermaine loves his brother but the things he did are not always were smart to do to protect Michael.
How disrespectful/
I saw that interview on TV the other day.

Very Good.

I didn't see all of it but I caught really good bits. One of the best interviews about Michael. :wub:

Though the whole "Michael and Islam" talk pissed me off. Jermaine is his brother - he should know not to fuel rumours! And he should know that his brother wasn't Muslim.

Yea, I like this interview too. There were a lot of things on it that got me really mad, when he talked about how they were treated during the trail I got so mad..... How the Judge was and so on. Can't believe that it can me like that in a country like America...
It is so hard for me to get how people can be that mean to anyone, it's like what has Michael ever done to be treated like that? Get so mad just thinking about it....

Yea, the Islam thing is something Jermaine maybe should have thought about but I thought he somehow did it good because he did didn't answer "yes" to the question, so in a way he did say that Michael never converted. when I’m on YouTube I’ve found a lot of videos where people are using The Sun story saying that Michael converted, and people are saying Jermaine had said it. And I was like "what, where?" no one has still been able to show a clip where he says that but I've figured out that some think that because of what Jermaine said when he told the world Michael had passed away (he said something about "may Allah be with you") people think that means Michael was Muslim. Also seen that some are now talking about this video there now....