Jermaine talks to an arabic tv-show about Michael.

I love Jermaine, but something he said here about Michael bothered me. He said that Michael "never grew up". Yes Michael did grow up. He always saw good in people and taught about love. That didn't mean Michael never matured.
i don't see anything wrong with that interview. it seems accurate about the media to me. and Jermaine comes across as accurate about MJ's personality. MJ was that innocent child..accept he was taller. that doesn't take away from his abilties to handle his business affairs. Jermaine seperated the business from the personality. MJ was just that tall child that could handle his business affairs better than a lot of adults. and, in this world, people DID take advantage of his innocent personality. certainly, the media led the way, and convinced people that(though Murray wasn't found guilty in the court of law) that the doctor, just being under that cloud of suspicion would have been enough to put him out of practice, if the victim was anyone other than MJ. but the media obviously convinced too many people, that killing MJ is ok. i think that was what Jermaine was trying to get across. i certainly agree with that.

to me, it makes the media murderers without needing a court of law to prove them guilty. and my post has nothing to do with the religious aspects of anything Jermaine said.

i would also like to add that, interestingly enough, since i was around in the nineties..most of the people in the media that said bad things about MJ's handling of his finances, are out of work, and the radio stations they were on, and such, went out of business and were replaced. apparently, they couldn't handle THEIR business affairs and financial affairs. person that stands out, in the media, that never said a bad thing about MJ's handling of his finances or anything bad about MJ, period, as far as i can remember, is still in business, and broadcasts nationally. that man's name, of course, is Steve Harvey. i do think that the media, outside of Harvey, did start on MJ out of financial envy. when they saw his financial success, they started on him, about, of all things, their feeling that he was financially unstable. how pathetically ironic of them. and, of course, they added all the personal stuff. and when that was not enough, they went at him in their utter, disgusting, twisted, evil ways, using the one thing he treasured most...children..proving their hatred of both him, and of children....their hatred of all things good, essentially. so they revealed their true selves, while going after Michael.
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God, some of the comments made my skin crawl!!!! what the hell is wrong with you people? Have some respect and respect Michael's brother!!!

Jermaine cried, he was honest, he lost his brother, even the Interviewer cried!

I watched This interview when it was Firstly broadcasted on T.V cause I live in the middle east and it was very emotional for me,I was crying , other members of my family were crying when they saw jermiane and that interviewer crying, It was very emotional and sad!

For some of you to come on here to insult jermaine when he was doing nothing other than defending Michael is pretty much disgusting and evil.

If you dont like jermiane then thats ok, don't say that he is lying, cause he is not, If you don't have something nice to say then don't say at all........
It was a good interview

He basically said Michael seemed to appreciate Islam and studied aspects about it, so because of that ,Jermaine believes Michael may have considered converting
Now we all know Michael denied it so let's leave it at that.

Jermaine came across very geniune and said many of the things he and many of us have felt since Michael's passing.
It was a good interview

He basically said Michael seemed to appreciate Islam and studied aspects about it, so because of that ,Jermaine believes Michael may have considered converting
Now we all know Michael denied it so let's leave it at that.

Jermaine came across very geniune and said many of the things he and many of us have felt since Michael's passing.

Michael appreciated and respected all religions, every person should do the same.

This Interview was important to clear few misconceptions about Michael in that region, but as always, Some MJ fans still questioning Jermaine’s credibility….How ridiculous.
Michael appreciated and respected all religions, every person should do the same.

This Interview was important to clear few misconceptions about Michael in that region, but as always, Some MJ fans still questioning Jermaine’s credibility….How ridiculous.

I think people question his credibility not because of his religious beliefs.
Datsy , the brothers signed contracts MJ DID NOT , I heard this , I heard that ......etc . You heard nothing NOTHING

Thats not true. I heard Michael himself say that he was going to do the show with his brothers (AGE) when he was getting into a car leaving Kleins office.

And Jermaine has been saying that Michael is joining Islam since the trial. Same old song from Jermaine.
I saw that interview on TV the other day.

Very Good.

I didn't see all of it but I caught really good bits. One of the best interviews about Michael. :wub:

Though the whole "Michael and Islam" talk pissed me off. Jermaine is his brother - he should know not to fuel rumours! And he should know that his brother wasn't Muslim.
Thats not true. I heard Michael himself say that he was going to do the show with his brothers (AGE) when he was getting into a car leaving Kleins office.

And Jermaine has been saying that Michael is joining Islam since the trial. Same old song from Jermaine.
that video doesn't really prove anything. a ton of questions coming from tmz...he may or may not have heard everything, and might have just wanted to get them off his back. it doesn't necessarily say he signed an agreement. if anything, it's more fair for MJ to be in a setting, like the one in 93, when he spoke by satellite, to deny allegations of child molestation. that would be a more voluntary position. and there, he probably would have said, whether or not he signed an agreement. and it would be clear that a whole lot of media thugs weren't coming at him, in that setting.
I find it funny that alot of people on this board dispute Michaels own words so often. For all we know he WAS going to do it or intended on doing it. Right now all we have is MJs words. You're right we dont know whether he signed on the dotted line but he easy could have just said no!
in truth, i never dispute his words. but in this video, tmz is on his back. i don't see how you don't understand the difference i am trying to convey here, between MJ trying to get a message across, and someone trying to force an answer out of him. especially a whole lot of people trying to get it out of him at once. remember what he said about the media, in that satellilte thing i just mentioned?

not that you're not going to see it, if you don't want to, but there is clearly a difference between what MJ said in his PHM statement about hating touring, before a lot of people brow beat him into joking that he loved it.

or MJ saying one thing, before more forceful people would get him to agree to say something else, just because he came across as wanting to avoid argument.

but one thing he could never be made to do, is sign something he didn't want to sign. and, even, after that, there's no telling if the person who presented him with the contract, didn't take it and alter it, after he signed it. there are plenty of people who make out 'contracts' like that, every day.
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I saw that interview on TV the other day.

Very Good.

I didn't see all of it but I caught really good bits. One of the best interviews about Michael. :wub:

Though the whole "Michael and Islam" talk pissed me off. Jermaine is his brother - he should know not to fuel rumours! And he should know that his brother wasn't Muslim.

I liked it too. I think Jermaine, even if we do know not everything that he says is true, did show a side of Michael that a lot of people just ignore or don't want to believe. Sometimes people forget that he was a son, brother and a father and after watching this it really makes you think about that too.

But I do agree with the Islam thing. I mean, the fact that Jermaine couldn't anwser "yes" to the question "did Micahel convert to Islam", asked twice, I think shows that he know Michael didn't convert but he hoped he would. I guess in a way, and I don't blame him, he is trying to make people believe that maybe he did convert in a way to promote his religion. It's not right, because htere are enough false rumors out there that need to stop, this is one of them, but I guess it's an easy thing to do. You can really tell how he wants to say yes but he can't lie...
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I love Jermaine, but something he said here about Michael bothered me. He said that Michael "never grew up". Yes Michael did grow up. He always saw good in people and taught about love. That didn't mean Michael never matured.
But that is jermaines opnion and he knows Mike better than all of us.:D
God, some of the comments made my skin crawl!!!! what the hell is wrong with you people? Have some respect and respect Michael's brother!!!

Jermaine cried, he was honest, he lost his brother, even the Interviewer cried!

I watched This interview when it was Firstly broadcasted on T.V cause I live in the middle east and it was very emotional for me,I was crying , other members of my family were crying when they saw jermiane and that interviewer crying, It was very emotional and sad!

For some of you to come on here to insult jermaine when he was doing nothing other than defending Michael is pretty much disgusting and evil.

If you dont like jermiane then thats ok, don't say that he is lying, cause he is not, If you don't have something nice to say then don't say at all........
I think people question his credibility not because of his religious beliefs.
i have only heard fans questioning jermaine's credibility. That is no reason to insult him. Mj's credibily has always been questioned by and large yet fans do not insult him.
Jermaine introduced Michael to Tohme and to the Prince of Bahrain. Jermaine hasnt done Michael any favours.
Jermaine introduced Michael to Tohme and to the Prince of Bahrain. Jermaine hasnt done Michael any favours.
Would you have preferred to see Neverland and its belongings at auction on the steps of Santa barbara's court house, the same place where Mj was on trial, with the whole worlds camera gauking at the sight?
If it wasnt for leeches like Tohme, Michael wouldnt have had to sell Neverland. People like Tohme and Branca were bleeding MJ dry on purpose. Look at the conspiracy to unwillingly bankrupt MJ in 2006 that MJ became aware of. Tohme never did MJ any favours. Tohme helped CC aquire Neverland for selfish interests.