Jermaine talks to an arabic tv-show about Michael.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Don't know if this has been posted already but this is an interview that was done after Michael passed away. For those who are interested.

If those things he say about (it's Jermaine so I have a hard time believing everything he says) about the trail and the media are all true, man this world sucks even more than I though.

Oh yea, the head line is "Michael Jackson wollte Moslem werden" (Michael Jackson wanted to be Mulslim). And the text that I used Google translator to translate it so it's not that good, maybe someone who know German can help us better. Anyway, it says; "Michael Jackson wanted to be a Muslim. This was related to his brother Jermaine is now the Arab TV station Al Arabiya.Wie the Spanish newspaper "Information" reported that the interview was picked up by the Los Angeles Times and more widespread.
Jermaine Jackson tells it: "Michael has very nearly the Isam, it might have helped him solve his problems."

The funny thing about this is that when you listen to Jermaine when he gets the question if Michael was a muslim he can't say "yes". All he can say is that he was close to that faith and that he reads about EVERYTHING including Islam a lot and then he doesn’t want to talk about that anymore. Then he goes about saying that he wishes Michael would have done it and that he wish Michael would have said he did but that he showed it by having friends in the Middle East and loving that part of the world. Not that I know if that means you're a Muslim =)
Oh well, listen to him talk and then see how the media works, don't know how they got that headline from what he said =)

But yea, I thought there were many things that were interested and hurtful to hear.
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One more thing, I hope we don't have to turn this into a discussion about Michael’s religion. I mean, I think all of us by now know that the whole Islam rumor was false and the fact that not even Jermaine can say straight out that he was proves it even more, so there's no need for that.
Michael had his own personal faith and he was a very spiritual person who respected all religion and loved all people. IN MY OPINION, he was closest to the faith he was raised in even if he officially left it. Any, let's try not to give this false rumor any more attention than needed.
Thanks for posting. Interesting bits and pieces of information.
did he also say Jackson 5 was close to come back? just curious...
I don't believe some things he says like doing a reunion. I don't think Michael would never do a reunion of any kind), but no matter how you feel about Jermaine, he always had Michael's back.
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I don't believe some things he says like doing a reunion. I don't think Michael would never do a reunion of any kind), but no matter how you feel about Jermaine, he always had Michael's back.

Yea, why can't he just say the exact truth..............they just create more confusion!!!!!!
Yea, why can't he just say the exact truth..............they just create more confusion!!!!!!
What do you want him to say? there was a reunnion planned for the J5 to celebrate 40 year anniversary. From what the lawyer said in the show, Mj was a part of it. contracts were signed with the brothers and this was what they were working towards.
What do you want him to say? there was a reunnion planned for the J5 to celebrate 40 year anniversary. From what the lawyer said in the show, Mj was a part of it. contracts were signed with the brothers and this was what they were working towards.

Well, Jermaine did say that Michael was going to appear on the Family Dynasty show..Do you believe that as well? I think most of us here can acknowledge that Jermaine loved Michael, he just sometimes says things don't seem true.

And I thought the Reunion meant actually making a ALBUM in a studio together not just one show for a 40th Aniv
Well, Jermaine did say that Michael was going to appear on the Family Dynasty show..Do you believe that as well? I think most of us here can acknowledge that Jermaine loved Michael, he just sometimes says things don't seem true.

And I thought the Reunion meant actually making a ALBUM in a studio together not just one show for a 40th Aniv
Why not? he appeared at fan parties didn't he. and jermaine and Janet gave a party for their mom and dad and he appeared at that too. he also telephoned tito in Devon and was set to join them their and katherine phoned him and told him not to come. he also attended Uri gellers wedding. why do you find it hard to believe he would appear at his own family show, even as he appeared at his friends 50th birthday party.
none of us are party to what Jermaine and michael discussed in private.
i still remember reading a note found in Mj's belonging stating how he wished to do an album with jermaine but he cannot pin Jermaine down because he is always travelling. who would have thought that Mj was the one trying to get a hold of jermaine when the common belief is the reverse.
Why not? he appeared at fan parties didn't he. and jermaine and Janet gave a party for their mom and dad and he appeared at that too. he also telephoned tito in Devon and was set to join them their and katherine phoned him and told him not to come. he also attended Uri gellers wedding. why do you find it hard to believe he would appear at his own family show, even as he appeared at his friends 50th birthday party.

Being a mega private person, I can't imagine him actually appearing on the show and being part of the cast. Maybe a slight one time appearance, but a cast member? I dunno about that.
Well, Jermaine did say that Michael was going to appear on the Family Dynasty show..Do you believe that as well? I think most of us here can acknowledge that Jermaine loved Michael, he just sometimes says things don't seem true.

And I thought the Reunion meant actually making a ALBUM in a studio together not just one show for a 40th Aniv

Being a mega private person, I can't imagine him actually appearing on the show and being part of the cast. Maybe a slight one time appearance, but a cast member? I dunno about that.
well, he did do bashire, didn't he/ anyway, i heard that he was going to do an appearance, but he wasn't going to do a major part of the show.
Datsy , the brothers signed contracts MJ DID NOT , I heard this , I heard that ......etc . You heard nothing NOTHING
Datsy , the brothers signed contracts MJ DID NOT , I heard this , I heard that ......etc . You heard nothing NOTHING
As a matter of fact Michael denied those rumors back in late 2008 by releasing a statement that he was looking forward to perform solo for his fans and that he wishes his relatives luck. They must have pissed him off for homeboy to release a statement even!! DAMN! :lol:
One more thing, I hope we don't have to turn this into a discussion about Michael’s religion. I mean, I think all of us by now know that the whole Islam rumor was false and the fact that not even Jermaine can say straight out that he was proves it even more, so there's no need for that.
Michael had his own personal faith and he was a very spiritual person who respected all religion and loved all people. IN MY OPINION, he was closest to the faith he was raised in even if he officially left it. Any, let's try not to give this false rumor any more attention than needed.
Not to turn this into that but I agree. There are other ways for Jermaine to promote his religion.
Not to turn this into that but I agree. There are other ways for Jermaine to promote his religion.

I watched the interview it's posted on kop board, a very good one if you ask me , the interviewer is obviously a FAN and admirer of MJ , Jermaine did an amazing job defending his brother , but it was too much for me when he said the reason he converted to Islam was after he met Muslim children " ohhh those are Muslim children ?I converted because of children " :smilerolleyes: , he is trying so hard to sound and act like MJ, someone should tell him it's not working -_-
I watched the interview it's posted on kop board, a very good one if you ask me , the interviewer is obviously a FAN and admirer of MJ , Jermaine did an amazing job defending his brother , but it was too much for me when he said the reason he converted to Islam was after he met Muslim children " ohhh those are Muslim children ?I converted because of children " :smilerolleyes: , he is trying so hard to sound and act like MJ, someone should tell him it's not working -_-
if it is the truth why shouldn't he say that. his story has not changed over many years. i enjoyed the interview, one of jermaine's best.
Frank signed a contract that he was going to try and get MJ to participate and if he succeeded he would have got $ 200.000 .

the brothers signed the contract in the spring of 2007 immediately after MJ returned from abroad , when they hired Rowe as a manager and he was shopping a reunion tour. and since then MJ was telling them BEAT IT and they did not understand
Frank signed a contract that he was going to try and get MJ to participate and if he succeeded he would have got $ 200.000 .

the brothers signed the contract in the spring of 2007 immediately after MJ returned from abroad , when they hired Rowe as a manager and he was shopping a reunion tour. and since then MJ was telling them BEAT IT and they did not understand
Mj was a part of the group. Frank was on board too and Rowe was working for Mj as well. Mj changed his mind in favour of AEG, that was what the lawsuit was all about.
if it is the truth why shouldn't he say that. his story has not changed over many years. i enjoyed the interview, one of jermaine's best.

see I don't want to disrespect him , but when you say things like these you force me to reply . Jermaine does not know anything about Islam , when he converted , he was having kids out of the wedlock , then he was sleeping with that African girl , and later he slept with his brother's girlfriend and did not support his kids , so please .......

Mj was a part of the group. Frank was on board too and Rowe was working for Mj as well. Mj changed his mind in favour of AEG, that was what the lawsuit was all about.

MJ was not part of it , at the time they were claiming he was on drugs and that's why he did not agree to return their phone calls , HE FORCED THEM TO RELELASE a statement in Spetember denying the rumours they started , I'm talking about FACTS , they signed a contract a month after MJ came back to the U.S and MJ had no idea about it .

Rowe was hired in April and fired in May of 2009 , a month only . Frank was hired in May also . so MJ dd not agree to do anything with them , if he did , they would not have struggled to shop their show , please keep in mind that when the whole world was waiting for a glimpse of MJ in May of 2009 , the brohers did not find anyone who agreed to show their program ,because MJ was not part of it .
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Lets not turn this into another Michael vs the brothers threads. And please, keep it civil. :flowers:
I would be cautious believing anything that Jermaine says. He has not exactly been truthful about some things he's said in interviews. Sadly, I think this is just another lame attempt to grasp the spotlight by using his brother's name. If Jermaine wants to talk about his religious beliefs, that is fine. He should leave Michael out of it though.
As with this thread not being about MJ's religious beliefs it is also not going to turn into a discussion/debate about the lawsuit from All Good Ent. or Frank signing that contract, etc. This is NOT a thread about those topics.

STAY ON TOPIC. BE RESPECTFUL. Or Thread will be closed. End of Story.

This is the last warning.
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see I don't want to disrespect him , but when you say things like these you force me to reply . Jermaine does not know anything about Islam , when he converted , he was having kids out of the wedlock , then he was sleeping with that African girl , and later he slept with his brother's girlfriend and did not support his kids , so please .......
nobody is perfect. and from my knowledge of islam, every country have different practices. don't pretent that all Islam men were virgins. At least he is trying to be spritual which is more than can be said for some of US.
the man could have declared himself to be anything. christian even., he wants to be islam. let him be.
I would be cautious believing anything that Jermaine says. He has not exactly been truthful about some things he's said in interviews. Sadly, I think this is just another lame attempt to grasp the spotlight by using his brother's name. If Jermaine wants to talk about his religious beliefs, that is fine. He should leave Michael out of it though.
OH my God, what does the man have to do to be right on this board. the man wasn't even speaking to us, he was speaking to an islam audience. leave the man alone. he said NOTHING wrong. he was DEFENDING Michael jackson who happened to be His brother.
nobody is perfect. and from my knowledge of islam, every country have different practices. don't pretent that all Islam men were virgins. At least he is trying to be spritual which is more than can be said for some of US.
the man could have declared himself to be anything. christian even., he wants to be islam. let him be.
He can't be Islam Datsy, people who follow the religion of Islam are being called ''Muslim'' not ''Islam'' :) :cheeky: