Jermaine Jackson on Larry King merged - Keep all here on this topic

Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

when will this start ?

can't wait :clapping:
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

european time ( berlin, amsterdam) it will be showd at 3:00 pm in the night.
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Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Thanks, hopefully someone will upload the whole thing later :)

I wonder if we will get the full answer why Michael hasn't been buried, to judge from the clip it seems like they have different opinions where to bury him. (man it feels awful to use the words Michael and bury in the same sentence)
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Jermaine is so great. I didn't know he is such a good singer too. First I heard him sing Smile at Michael's memorial and now he is singing Fly Away. Not many artists dare to sing live when asked by a reporter.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Jermaine is so great. I didn't know he is such a good singer too. First I heard him sing Smile at Michael's memorial and now he is singing Fly Away. Not many artists dare to sing live when asked by a reporter.

He wasn't asked. All natural.

U need to discover Jermaine's solo work....brilliant!
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

It's gonna be on overnight (in Uk) isn't it? I hope we'll be able to download it watch it on Youtube - looks like a great interview.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

If, Jermaine has on that red sweater, I think this is a rerun in the US.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

you can subscribe to Larry's podcasts on itunes in the UK, not all have been on there(Frank wasn't but Joe and the chef Kai were)
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

european time ( berlin, amsterdam) it will be showd at 3:00 pm in the night.
That's 3:00 am ;)

(So 1am GMT/ 2am UK). It should also repeat Saturday morning at 11:00 am (that's 9am GMT / 10am UK time).
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Michael sang Fly Away...
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Jermaine says the kids are talented.

When King asked if there was a chance the children might have show business careers, he said "there's a great possibility."
"They love film and they love movies and they know a lot about animation," he said.

I really hope those kids are able to pick up where Michael left off with films because I know that was his next conquest and he would have been awesome at it.

They definitely have his way of looking at the world too so I think in another 20 or so years we can expect great things from the young Jacksons. :)
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I only have Freeview :( Bugger.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

2pm uk time im gonna stay up
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Someone please post it to youtube as soon as its aired!
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I don't think it's either fair, or wise to put one iota of pressure on those poor kids. Their lives will surely be complicated enough as is.

I think they should be left alone.
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

is it beinig streamed online?
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

Jermaine: "I hate that J***o crap".
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

I don't know if this is already known but he said Paris requested Gone too Soon at the private ceremony...
Re: Jermaine Jackson on Larry King (preview)

So far no mention of toxicology reports. Mainly a lot of the same questions Larry already asked him at Neverland, "How are his kids doing? "Did you see his body?" etc.