You mistake me in saying that JLO and Beyonce and Kim are not popular now. They are. And Janet has less of a problem with her full figure now. But throughout her time growing up, as I said, the fuller figured woman has come into and then fallen out of popularity. Kate Moss, Twiggy, and I am sure many others were also at one time popular boy types. And they were waif and thin.
And especially in entertainment, we see that the thinner a person is the better, unless a person can find a specific niche that appreciates their fuller figure as say Jayne Mansfield or as you said Marilyn Monroe. The majority of women that are fed to women (as say in women's and teen magazines) are very thin. I am sure you do not regularly read teen and women magazines. And I am sure you will agree that the porn indusrty is not main stream enough to have their image pushed to young girls.
Even recently there has been an uproar against girls magazines for teaching girls at a young age to be self conscious about their bodies. The world Janet grew up in and the world I grew up in, very much says that "you can never be too thin". When you take this sometimes unreachable expectation and couple it with a family environment that brings an insecurity about weight even more to the fore, you can see how for some it can be a life long battle.
If you even watch shows about the modeling business, they will even say that the most successful women are very thin. What is marketed to men is different than what is fed to women. Your seeing that men love a fuller figure is not your imagination. And that is why Janet said JD had to help her appreciate that her figure was beautiful.
well..that's what you and i agree on. Janet got help. she didn't have to overcome by herself. it's hard to believe she didn't see these other women, who were fuller figure, like her, and famous. and i don't know that women ignore FHM magazine, STUFF magazine, Cosmo, and KING, and GQ. they are being interviewed in those mags. those mags have been around for quite a few years..and there are meaty women in them. and, while i may out a few people..the porn industry is a billion dollar i know both sexes are looking at it, mainstream.
i am not belittling the struggle..but i do feel that the opposite view, that i espouse, is being minimized. i think the magazines, 'aimed at men', are being seen by women, even though you say they are not. and i believe they are mags that are aimed at women, too. they are out there on the shelves, right next to each other, where anybody can grab them. and like i said..the women know about them, cus there are thick women, lining up to be interviewed in them. and they are being granted the interviews. and, lastly, the women you mention, i don't hear of, these days. the ones i mentioned, have never left our collective consciousness. and they are all full figured. and...for all the women who don't know that the ass is king...i don't see them. for years..every time i went outside...i've seen so many women who proudly wear tight jeans on meaty butt. i don't know how else to put it, to get my point across. all these women had to know about this, in order to flaunt it.
speaking of shows on modeling...who is the most popular host of a modeling show enterprise? you know the name. Tyra Banks. and she's got butt. and she was in a Michael Jackson video..and that flies in the face of his supposed beliefs about how a woman's butt should look. the Janet's break out successful album, Control..all those vids feature a Janet with some butt. that was almost twenty five years ago. a good portion of her life, ago.
here is what i am saying, in true conclusion. i get the idea from you, that the 'thin' school of thought, dominates.
but what i am saying is..that, at least...that school of thought is in a boxing ring with a hell of a contender fighting against it. and that is the 'thick' school of thought. and Janet benefitted from the fact that the battle was a lot more formidable, than it was one sided.