James Ingram talks about MJ recording PYT

Wow that was great...soooooooo funny....got a huge smile on my face right now. :D
Thank you SO much for posting....my day is getting better and better for that...thanks again :punk:
Can somebody transcribe what he says for me? I can see the video but I don't have speakers here at work. PLEASE!!!!!

That was funny!:rofl:

And can't you just actually visualize Mike doing that.....:wild:
weird, as i was opening this to play the video with james PTY came on the stereo. Its on a random mix cd with like 1000 songs.
that was great and james ingram was grooving as well. if MJ is feeling your music he will be stepping in the studio. classic
That interview was soooo cool, thanks for posting. All i'll be able to imagine now when I listen to PYT is MJ dancing, which isn't a bad thing :) Everytime I hear that song it makes me wanna dance.

BTW I can remember seeing an interview with David Beckham where he said he's a big MJ fan and his favourite MJ song is PYT.
:no: Why won't anybody tell me what he's saying? I said please.:scratch:


:lol: :better:

Here it is Jacksonologist

Travis Smiley: Before you walked on the set I played a trivia game with my staff, and I asked them then I asked the audience: What song on the biggest selling record of all time, they got that part right, "Thriller" by Michael Jackson. What song on "Thriller" did James Ingram write for Michael? in 5, 4, 3...just give me some time... 3 and a half, 3, 2, 1... Hit it James!

James Ingram: That's how I can afford these new gators (shows camera his shoes)

TS: Michael paid for them gators didn't he?... so one person in the studio, Chris McDonald, got it right. What song did James Ingram write for Michael Jackson?

JI: P.Y.T.

TS: P...Y...T...! Pretty Young Thing?

JI: Yeah...

TS: Tell me about that song. I love it!

JI: Well, this was... when we were in the studio, this was my first time seeing Michael singing. And so, I've never seen anybody do this: Michael did this - (dances around singing pyt). I said "oh my God!" Everybody that I know, we be holding our breath trying to get everything on that microphone! I'm like this: (sings a song, without moving a muscle). And so Michael came out sweating and everything, and said "am I singing it right?" and I said "Michael, you killed it. Sing it however you wanna sing it"

TS: so he's dancing and all that in the studio?

JI: I've never seen nobody in my life, and I've been to a lot of sessions...I've never seen nobody... everybody is trying to hold their breath for the Mic. Michael don't care! You know, Michael is the genius that he is, brother.
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Not a lot of people know that James' brother Phillip was in the band Switch, who was discovered and originally produced by Jermaine Jackson.
Not a lot of people know that James' brother Phillip was in the band Switch, who was discovered and originally produced by Jermaine Jackson.
Oh I didn't know that. Thanx.

Watched the clip again and it's still funny. I like the way James Ingram talked about MJ's uniqueness and genius at the same time.
I love James. he's sexy cute himself,even with his baldy self..LOL... and he could play a mad Hammond Organ.. He is one of the cool cats and I even love the song he did with Michael McDonald,They sound sort of simular in singing. He makes Q's songs come to life. And I know it would be great if Michael J. and James I. work together again with James singing that High note and Michael with his HEE Hee's and OW. LOL.. It's nice to see an interview with positive stuff about how Michael does songs in the studio and I know if a song sounds good to him,ofcourse he'll dance to it ,I mean sometime you can feel his vibe dancing in the studio when he records and you can hear the stomps on record.Michael makes me move when he's having fun recording a song.
Oh I didn't know that. Thanx.

Watched the clip again and it's still funny. I like the way James Ingram talked about MJ's uniqueness and genius at the same time.

If you go to the Motown thread, there's a Switch video. They perform 2 songs. Phillip is doing the co-lead on the 2nd song and playing keyboards on the 1st song.
That interview was soooo cool, thanks for posting. All i'll be able to imagine now when I listen to PYT is MJ dancing, which isn't a bad thing :) Everytime I hear that song it makes me wanna dance.

BTW I can remember seeing an interview with David Beckham where he said he's a big MJ fan and his favourite MJ song is PYT.

I heard that beckham wanted to buy tickets to the summer concerts this year
you have any video of that interview?
and btw that is funny dancing from james..xd