Jackson's Will -- Randy Says Not MJ's Signature


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2011
Randy Jackson claims Michael Jackson could not have signed his 2002 will, because he was 2,475 air miles away from the place the document was supposedly inked.

According to the will, it was signed on July 7, 2002 at 5:00 PM in Los Angeles. Randy Jackson tells TMZ he has proof MJ was in New York from July 5 through July 9, on a campaign against Sony honcho Tommy Mottola, claiming Mottola had a thing against Black artists.

The lawyer for the estate, Howard Weitzman, tells TMZ the witnesses to the will were face-to-face with Jackson when he signed the document. Weitzman would not say if the will was signed in L.A., even though the document refers to Los Angeles.

The intimation -- the will may actually have been signed outside of L.A. even though it says Los Angeles.

The plot thickens.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/2#comments#ixzz0UavgICC6

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/10/21/jacksons-will-randy-says-not-mjs-signature/2#comments#ixzz0Uave4qHx
randy wants $$$ from mj and the only way is to get rid of branca etc and get himself or one of his croonies onto the estate as an executor.the wife beater should go get a job
Blah. That is Michael Jackson's signature.... And it looks like Randy must be reading the investigation section of this board... :lol: Whateva.
Blah. That is Michael Jackson's signature.... And it looks like Randy must be reading the investigation section of this board... :lol: Whateva.


Randy - stop reaching for straws - cuz it ain't cute anymore!

I know MJs signature - because as a kid, I used to copy his signature, in fact, I make the "M" in my last name just like his.

It's his, there's no doubt about it.
Why is Randy after the estate and the will. Maybe he doesn't want the children to inherit the money their father worked so hard to earn. Randy should get a job. Yeah! I think Randy is reading this board, because this was discussed a few days ago.
UPDATE: TMZ spoke with Al Sharpton's rep, Rachel Noerdlinger, who confirms Sharpton and Jackson were protesting Mottola in NY together in 2002 on July 6th and July 9th.

As the for the key date -- July 7th -- Sharpton's rep released the following curious statement:

We have reason to believe that Michael may have been in NY on the 7th and Rev. Sharpton will address this after he discusses it with the Jackson family.
6-9th July/2002 was a bad period for MJ. Does it mean he may have signed it under duress?
Anyway, Randy and co. should just back off.
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It seems the family feel some kind of way about the other people who are running MJ estate witch they all should be pissed off cause they really don't know who controlling his money but to speak out publicly like this and trying to take over its not going to work. Randy needs to fall back and let the judge handle it him and latoya are lose cannons when it come to their brother I understand their frustration but at the end of the day that estate is apart of the kids and Mrs. Jackson
What the heck? After he discusses it with the Jackson family? why to corroborate a false date. "Et Tu Brute"
Randy needs to just give it up. The current executors are making Katherine a lot of money, and she seems to be the kind to look out for all of her family.

What Randy should be doing is everything he can to help his mother stay healthy. This kind of stuff just adds to her stress.
It really needs to stop because it's pathetic. It's Michael's signature, Michael signed it whether he was in Los Angeles, New York, or Kalamazu.... The will was signed and it is legitimate. Raymone Bain on Fox News said Michael told her he already had a will in place and would not need to update it, so she dropped the subject of the will. She said that conversation took place when successfully renegotiated the terms of the Sony/ATV contract in 2006/2007.

Is it so hard to believe that Michael Jackson was of sound mind and body when he made that will about HIS BUSINESS? His LIFE? His CHILDREN? Some people make Michael out to be a drug addled idiot who couldn't POSSIBLY do anything right.

Randy claims it is not about the money... then why oh why are you trying your damnedest to invalidate a will that has nothing to do with you? It would be different if John Branca and McClain was destroying Michael's estate and improprieties were happening... As it stands, the estate has made what, almost 200 plus million dollars since Michael's passing? The movie looks well directed and edited to show Michael in the best light so it can have a lasting impression and legacy, and Michael's music is doing well too.

What is the problem???

Oh, that's right.... his siblings were not mentioned in the will. Ah, that's right! No money for them!
6-9th July/2002 was a bad period for MJ. Does it mean he may have signed it under duress?
Anyway, Randy and co. should just back off.

Nope. Michael was of sound mind and body when he signed his will. A protest would not prevent Michael from handling business.
Randy Jackson claims Michael Jackson could not have signed his 2002 will, because he was 2,475 air miles away from the place the document was supposedly inked.

Well maybe Michael faxed it. Who know's. Either way, this whole thing is messy. I'm tired of all this negativity and conspiracies.
6-9th July/2002 was a bad period for MJ. Does it mean he may have signed it under duress?
Anyway, Randy and co. should just back off.

Duress from whom? The current executors could not MAKE Michael Jackson sign a will.

At some point, it has to be accepted Michael did not want his family running his business.
If Michael did not have money then no one would care if the signature was his or not!! Money does some strange things to People.
Randy had a chance at being Executor and he blew it. Please man!! give this a break. If only the children know what their devilish uncles are up to they would be heart broken.
Why doesn't Randy cut an album..damn!! and leave the Estate alone, it is doing just fine without his interference.
what's wrong with randy jackson? have i missed something...
also if the will is suspect, surely that's a good thing its coming out
The problem is that Michael's bros are claiming he was an idiot, retarded drug-addict who knew nothing about nothing so he couldn't possible take care of his will. They are tarnishing his image. If they don't prove the signature claim, then they will activate plan B which consists of calling MJ a drug-addict. They will do anything for money. They don't care if his legacy and image end up even more tarnished.

His family is doing EVERYTHING to make people-including the judge- think that MJ was a low-life, so that they will put their hands on the will.
6-9th July/2002 was a bad period for MJ. Does it mean he may have signed it under duress?
Anyway, Randy and co. should just back off.

I think MJ wanted to update his will to add Blanket just in case Tommy Mottola would send his mafia pals after him.
I thought Randy Jackson said it wasn't about money...riiiiiight.

One thing is clear now, Randy surfs the net for his crazy ideas. This subject was discussed not long ago on this board. Ha ha ha ha. What a silly man!!

I hope he did some research before going to TMZ, otherwise he might look like a fool. Just like he did when he leaked the story of Branca being fired to TMZ. They were going to court with documents proving that Branca had been fired by MJ...3 years ago.

Randy is an idiot, IF (and that is a big if) the court declares the will invalid...Katherine loses everything. The charities lose their 20%. All the money will go to the children. MJ's only heirs.
Since their names are not in the will, I do not think they can do anything about it. The only one who may be able to do something is Katherine. I do feel sorry for her as I am quite sure she is under duress from Randy and that crooked lawyer of his..
they are trying to find a way to revoke the will..God! Do not let this happen..or else I will have to picket Randy's house.
The first thing he will do is disinherit the Children? Randy needs some psychiatric help, I think he is now officially a nut case..
Since their names are not in the will, I do not think they can do anything about it. The only one who may be able to do something is Katherine. I do feel sorry for her as I am quite sure she is under duress from Randy and that crooked lawyer of his..

ANd Katherine will then lose her inheritance due to the "no contest" clause - thanks to Randy's bickering.
The problem is that Michael's bros are claiming he was an idiot, retarded drug-addict who knew nothing about nothing so he couldn't possible take care of his will. They are tarnishing his image. If they don't prove the signature claim, then they will activate plan B which consists of calling MJ a drug-addict. They will do anything for money. They don't care if his legacy and image end up even more tarnished.

You're right. As far as Michael's fame and reputation; his family are amongst his worst enemies.

Well maybe Michael faxed it. Who know's

LOL!!! :toofunny:
Since their names are not in the will, I do not think they can do anything about it. The only one who may be able to do something is Katherine. I do feel sorry for her as I am quite sure she is under duress from Randy and that crooked lawyer of his..
they are trying to find a way to revoke the will..God! Do not let this happen..or else I will have to picket Randy's house.
The first thing he will do is disinherit the Children? Randy needs some psychiatric help, I think he is now officially a nut case..


If, worst case scenario, the will is declared invalid...ALL THE MONEY GOES TO THE CHILDREN. Katherine gets ZERO. MJ's charity gets ZERO.

Notice, the day before every court appearance, Randy and his crooks always leak a story to TMZ.

They did it last month, with Oxman & Randy claiming to have proof that MJ fired Branca and they would be bringing that proof to court the next day.

The following day they went to court...nothing. They did not even raise the issue.

Tomorrow @ 2:30PM, they have another court date...and another leak to TMZ. And people here don't believe us when we tell them RANDY is using TMZ to get his words out.

TMZ is officially his spokeperson.
man i just wish this would all stop. it just aggravates the fanbase and will get people to say things they don't want to say.
Samples of MJs signature & compare to the will



I'm no expert - but that's MJs signature.