Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert - Madonna To Perform Jackson's Songs

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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I also think that we need to stop saying that some of these people didn't truly support Michael. I remember during the trial some would say "where is so and so" and why won't so and so support him.

Well, I think that many did but just didn't publicize it because the support was for Michael not the public and fans. Gladys Knight told a story about how leading up to the trial when Michael went to Las Vegas for awhile, she and her husband called him and told him that he needed to come stay with them so that he could have a place to get away from it all because no one would suspect him of ever being at their house. I think that some of these people didn't flaunt their close relationship to him because they knew they could provide that barrier for him whenever/if ever he needed a place to just regroup. It was a wonderful story and you could hear the love she had for him.
No ones blaming the cast and crew, heck, they were about to embark on one of the most memorable journeys of their lives. Their dreams are crushed. But using other artists to perform as replacement Michaels just would not work. Either bring TII with visuals of MJ or do a seperate tribute by other artists, or both.

Its all just talk at the moment anyway, though it wouldnt surprise me that AEG are trying to salvage something out of this.
As much as I like Madonna (and I'm as big of a fan of her as I am of Michael), I think this is a bad idea. They need to issue refunds, they can't replace the King of Pop and they shouldn't even try.
how about playing the reharsals in the cinema at the o2 ?
Terrence Trent D'Arby/Sananda would be good, but I guess he's too obscure. He replaced Michael Hutchence in INXS for awhile after he died. It's only one show, not the whole tour, what's the big uproar?
So is thsi a tribute concert or them actually trying to make this into This Is It? Cause in all honesty, I just don't care. Just give me the rehearsals and Michael showing the process of these concerts and I'll be fine. And if it's a simple tribute, cool.

Edit: I don't know what to think, after what's already happened this is the last thing on my mind.
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I highly doubt they'd keep the name This Is It if they did a tribute concert... The actual final concerts of This Is It are officially dead (with the exception of rehearsal footage etc), and there's no WAY they would DARE put other artists singing his songs under the same name...

This being said, JT, Madonna, and everyone else mentioned would do a KICK ASS tribute
As much as I like Madonna (and I'm as big of a fan of her as I am of Michael), I think this is a bad idea. They need to issue refunds, they can't replace the King of Pop and they shouldn't even try.
Well, the refunds and a one time tribute show are two mutually exclusive things and have nothing to do with each other!
They are giving refunds so I'm find. But I WILL NOT be attending no TII tribute. Just show your supports toward michael in your own way and move on. Either way I won't be there. IT's still insulting to even think of something like that. i want a dvd of our sweetness. GOD michael so many things are turn upside down cuz your gone. He will never know how much he meant. why! This wrong on so many level.
I think its a great idea actally, I just hope that they don't end up doing it in LA. Michael was coming to London, so that's were it should take place. I just hope everyone who got tickets for This is it, will be able to go!
People need to chill. Why can't people read and comprehend what this is about??? No one is replacing Michael. No one is stealing your money. This is a ONE TIME tribute concert to pay homage to the magnificent Michael Jackson. What's so wrong with that? It was done while he was alive, so why not now when we need it the most? There is nothing wrong people coming together to celebrate such an extraordinary talent.

Michael Jackson had the kindest heart of anyone on this planet so I know he would appreciate such a tribute. Why get so up in arms and behave in a way that does not represent MJ?
I agree with Jona. I think there are many artists who want to pay respect and give tribute to their idol and I think a tribute concert would be wonderful. After Freddie Mercury died, there was a tribute concert for him and it was great. If they have one for Michael, it would be wonderful.
I don't think any of us have a problem with a tribute concert, I know I don't and I think it would be great to see artists unite showing how much he inspired them and what he means to them. People just don't want them to replicate how This Is It was going to be that is all, because it was Michael's vision and if they want to represent that then they can do so through the rehearsal footage. Hope I'm getting across what I mean.
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I think it is a great idea to celebrate MJ with his music and it will be world class I am sure...
but please for the love of God, Change the name!
Kenny Ortega posted a reference to this on his blog so evidently something is being planned but he didn't state what specifically. I don't think that they want to have Michael replaced or to give away his vision. They just want to share it. If you have other ideas, I'm sure that they would take the suggestions. So instead of questioning their motives or condemning their way of trying to show their love and respect, simply share your ideas with them through Mr. Ortega's blog or I'm sure AEG has a website.
I just think that AEG is trying to make money and save what money they did make by having a tribute concerts. If the other stars want to pay tribute to Michael, do it in a spot in their own concerts.

Also, what about The Jackson brothers? If there is any singers on the face of this Earth that should do a tribute, it should be Marlon, Tito, Jackie, Jermaine and Randy.

Instead asking other stars to do a tribute, let members of the Jackson family both the old generation and the new generation. I rather see the family members, than Madonna, Justine, Beyonce, Brittney and God knows whoever tryng to out do each other as far as who will be the next Icon...

Justine already believes he is the New King of Pop. and Beyonce already thinks she is an Icon. Madonna is an icon, but leave Michael's place in history alone and tend to you own. That's how I see it.
I know it may soun d cruel and I like Madonna. But please God dont let her sing nothing of his. Oh God NO NO NO NO
I know it may soun d cruel and I like Madonna. But please God dont let her sing nothing of his. Oh God NO NO NO NO
Girlfriend would be having all of Michael songs sounding like "LIKE A VIRGIN"...:D Everybody stay away from Mikey! I'm not saying that there shouldn't be a tribute, I'm just saying let some time past before you do.

Because all of the attention will be about THEM not him.
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stop crying about refunds! We will get our money back! I want a tribute concert!