Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert - Madonna To Perform Jackson's Songs

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Dangerous Incorporated

Madonna among possible high-profile singers to perform in place of pop star

Report: Madonna to perform Jackson songs

June 27: Madonna may be one of many celebrities who could take part in a one-time tribute to Michael Jackson by replicating his scheduled summer concert set. Msnbc.com’s Courtney Hazlett reports.

The show will go on for Michael Jackson’s “This Is It” tour.

The announcement was made at a June 26 memorial gathering for Jackson, held by the tour’s cast and crew.

According to a tour organizer, one performance will now be held in September and will be a replica of what was planned for “This Is It” in London.


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Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert

oh that is bad. they can't achieve something on their own now they use his tragedy to feel that they are important
Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert

that's crap they just don't want to refund the fans. making money off of this. they should let fans go to the 02 on the 13th to say goodbye. but that's it.this is too much
Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert

I think it's a nice gesture though, regardless. I don't think everyone will be there just for the money!!!
Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert Including - Madonna To Perform Jackson's Songs

If this does go ahead I don't want fucken Madonna playing Michael I would prefer someone like me to do it (as since Michael's death I have felt a strong calling to the stage... If you know what I mean).
I hope they don't do this, it would be so bad and wrong, I don't want to see other people doing what Michael's vision was for the This Is It concerts, I think that is wrong. If artists want to do a tribute concert to Michael and say how much he meant to them then fair enough but do not re-create what was going to be This Is It. If they want to show us Michael's vision then it would be much better if they showed the full dress rehearsal that was filmed.
What a bullshit idea. We fans CANNOT allow this to happen, we didnt pay money to see other artists perform to Michael. Its a slap in the face to Michael, and Im done with AEG or whoever taking advantage of us. If this is something that looks likely, we must make our voices heard to Kenny and the crew. I;d much rather they came over and we watched MJ on the screens, or something to that effect, but under no circumstances should any other big name try to do it. Im not having it.
If they refund the initial tickets, and in september when time has passed have a different performer for each song, and tickets are free/cheap/proceeds to charity, this could be alright. Keep an open mind.

Maybe they'd even show rehearsal footage on big screens to the crowd...think of the possibilities.
BTW this isnt a replacement for This is it, its a one time concert in september to be held in LA.
there not trying to get out of refunds, it said its only one show, so it wont be all 50 its just one show in september.
i imagine fans who will want to go will need to buy NEW tickets, due to it maybe only being a few dates, as for your tickets, you will still get refunds for them

Personally i cant see how you can be hating on people who truely were inspired by Michael and all they want to do is give back and remember him in a way that he would like through song and dance.
dunno how true this is. not sure what to think about whether it should happen or not.sounds like a mix up of previous stories. kenny saying/hinting that this is it will still happen in someway and the comment by madonnas manager saying she planned or wanted to be a speical guest for one of the shows. then it all been put together for an article. idoubt they would decide on doing this in the space ofa day
I don't think people have a problem with artists wanting to do a tribute concert to MJ, the problem is the article saying they want to replicate 'This Is It' which in my opinion is just plain wrong.
Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert

They shouldn't be doing this. They should leave it alone. Fans bought tickets to see Michael. Not Madonna prancing around in a leotard murdering Michael's songs!
:) they are planning to replicate what he was going to do, that means all his efforts were not wasted. no, it won't be the same...but the world will not have to wonder what the greatest show ever would've been like. at least the set designs and all the extras. of course Madonna could never replace Michael, but i think this is a gift of their hearts. i'm sure refunds are available. this seems to be a one-time event in September? unless i'm misunderstanding the announcement. the people contributing are not capitalizing...it's there way of saying goodbye and giving him one last gift back...to see that his show goes on.
I have no interest in seeing other artists.

I don't think people have a problem with artists wanting to do a tribute concert to MJ, the problem is the article saying they want to replicate 'This Is It' which in my opinion is just plain wrong.
Agree. I mean it's plain wrong of course cause it wouldn't be as perfect as MJ would have wanted it to be.
I'd rather keep my ticket and watch the crew and team and huge screens of the rehearsals than see anyone else perform the TII show. Its not right, and I dont believe Michael would've wanted anyone else to headline the show other than himself.
Re: Jackson Tour to Become Tribute Concert

I think it's a nice gesture though, regardless. I don't think everyone will be there just for the money!!!
NO! They will be there trying to solidify there own music legacy....
It would probably be the biggest concert in music history and other singers know it. AEG just don't want to give the money back.
I say it's too soon.
In my opinion, the full show could be performed in one date in september.

Michael wanted to show us his vision, creativity and a special message with this performances.

The dancers should perform the whole show, and michaels rehearsal footage could be simultaneously on the screens.

We also should resepect the engagement of other artists. Their hearts are also broken!
This is something special - they are not focused on the money!

They want to bring us together...
Madonna is a terrible singer. Terrible! And she's a hag. She better not try and sing MJ's songs. No one should. This whole thing is a terrible idea and so unimportant right now.
IMO fan don't have to be brought together by other celebrities. Especially at a concert that was going to be put on by Michael Jackson. Yes other celebrities are hurting, but they can wait until enough time as past. And I think one would be naive to think that AEG isn't concerned about given back the money to the fans. $85 million is a lot of money to have to give back.
I Do. Not. want to see a replica of TII.

Show the rehearsals and leave it at that.

I do. not. want to see other people try to recreate what MJ intended. The TII show contained MJ's creativity NOT in the stage sets and stage antics that would have surrounded him...the TII show's creativity would have been in MICHAEL'S PERFORMANCE. Nothing else. The other stuff is just additional.

I dont' care if the rehearsal was half-azzed or what. It would still be a proper glimpse into what he invisioned.

I dont wanna see Madonna or JT or anyone try to fulfill the creativity MJ intended for the show.
Other performers did the 30th Anniversary show. This would be like that, but bigger, more passionate, and more symbolic of the vision michael almost had ready to show the world.

I for one want to keep positive about this.
id prefer an actual tribute show in the normal sense. but tbh i dont know if id even want that.*sigh*
ok do a tribute, fine.

But dont try to duplicated the TII set.

Do a separate tribute.
I think we should be open minded.
Michael would be more than happy, if we would see the show!

Madonna, Chris Brown, Will I Am, Elizabeth Taylor, and all the other artists would participate... Why not? We should celebrate it as a whole family!

The parts where Michael would perform Billie Jean, his moonwalk, special dance breaks, other songs, should be screened on the video boards.

They could split the show

1st part: Tribute from the artists
2nd part: The "original" show with all the dancers and band / crew ... and michael on the screens or 3d hologram in the middle of the stage...

They would do it nice!