Jackson mystery call

Also you can't perform CPR with both hands while making a phone call. Its not physically possible unless you have at least THREE arms!
the police hae to prove these timings as murray now says he found him at midday and just got the times mixed up. prob is how do u prove he found him at 11 and not 12 as he now claims?

Trace what was said in those calls.

Besides if he found him at midday the 911 was 21 minutes later - for me 21 minutes and 5 hours for a person not breathing before you do anything is the same thing.


Trace what was said in those calls.

Besides if he found him at midday the 911 was 21 minutes later - for me 21 minutes and 5 hours for a person not breathing before you do anything is the same thing.


Its not quite that easy. Phone calls are not recorded.

Sure its all very shady, BUT could he have had the phone rested between his ear and shoulder? I do that quite often when in a rush, but you would hope no-one would attempt to administer CPR and use a phone at the same time in this manner.
ace what was said in those calls.
which is impossible cause no one aint gonna be talking.

Besides if he found him at midday the 911 was 21 minutes later - for me 21 minutes and 5 hours for a person not breathing before you do anything is the same thing.

well one is obviously worst than the other.the last phonecall was made around 12.15 to i believe michael amir. and then u have the cover up thrown in aswell if u found him at 11 instead of 12. i just hope they can pin the claim of finding him at 11 on murray. even though i believe thats prob a lie from murray aswell and he found him much earlier hence the phonecalls to the lock up in texas
Sure its all very shady, BUT could he have had the phone rested between his ear and shoulder? I do that quite often when in a rush, but you would hope no-one would attempt to administer CPR and use a phone at the same time in this manner.
tbh that doesnt really matter because here are the senarios. murray says he found him at 11am in his statement. he then spends then next hour or so making several phonecalls to different ppl. didnt ring 911 till after those other phonecalls were made. theres no way he can claim he was doing cpr for an hour while making all these calls. so that goes out of the window.

second senario given by murray. he finds him just after 12 and u have the phonecall to amir which lasted about a minute. was murray ringing amir to say help? even though he didint reaise that amir wasnt in the house at that point. murray says he idint rign 911 cause didnt know the address. decides to run down stairs to get help.and security rings 911. murray isnt at any point imo doing cpr while on the phone.
i don't understand how he can say that he didn't know the address. how is it possible? he came there every day for several weeks and he didn't know the address? what, did they blindfold him on his way over there?
its not possible its just one of his many lies for not ringing 911. he needed an excuse for not ringing when he supposedly found him.murray problem is he has told some many lies that his lies are contridicting themselves.
You would have thought he would call 911 anyway in the hopes that he would remember the address OR that they could trace the line and send someone out.
Theres also the option of asking someone passing by, looking it up online OR simply checking to see if there is any mail around.
You would have thought he would call 911 anyway in the hopes that he would remember the address OR that they could trace the line and send someone out.
any normal person would. but when you are trying to cover things up and the person has already been dead hours there isnt much need for it.
1 hour and 21 minutes until the important call was made. 47 minutes of other calls before that. 1 HOUR AND 21 FUCKING MINUTES. (excuse my language)

for the last four months I have stayed away from anything to do with the investigation, beacuse I couldnt bare to see every little detail of the way someone I loved died... but im angry now, and I want to someone to pay.
Murray could've easily put his phone on "speaker phone" and talked to 911 while he was doing CPR, but he didn't bother to do that.

He also could've asked anyone in the house what the address was, but again, he didn't do that.

I think it's clear that he was making those phone calls while Michael was dying (or already dead) because he was either:

a.) being completely neglectful in monitoring his patient, therefore causing his death or making it too late to bring him back


b.) he was on the phone telling people to get files/records in order to destroy evidence against him, because he knew he caused Michael's death and he was trying to cover his ass.

Neither one of these is OKAY. He needs to be thrown in prison for a long, long time.
Did he make those phone calls BEFORE or AFTER he found Michael?

depends on which story murray is giving. hes said both. first he found him at 11am then made phonecalla till around 12. his second story is he found mj around or just after 12 so after he made the calls

which point its very odd that he stuck around!
it would have looked even worse if he left. at least with this hes trying to act like he found mj like that and tried to do something
Murray could've easily put his phone on "speaker phone" and talked to 911 while he was doing CPR, but he didn't bother to do that.

He also could've asked anyone in the house what the address was, but again, he didn't do that.

I think it's clear that he was making those phone calls while Michael was dying (or already dead) because he was either:

a.) being completely neglectful in monitoring his patient, therefore causing his death or making it too late to bring him back


b.) he was on the phone telling people to get files/records in order to destroy evidence against him, because he knew he caused Michael's death and he was trying to cover his ass.

Neither one of these is OKAY. He needs to be thrown in prison for a long, long time.

yeah. it seems to be one or the other.
Murray left him to die! he might've not intended to murder him but he left him to die. when you can still save someone's life when they were still clinging on to life and you don't do anything for them it's MURDER! this is second degree murder he killed Michael
My main concern and only hope is that everything Murray has said is a lie.
I hope the administering of alllll that medicine, dose by dose, alllll night and morning long is a lie.
I hope the faint heartbeat is a lie.
I hope the unconscious and coma stories are a lie.

What I hope (and so far seems most plausible) is that Michael came home from rehearsal and went to sleep (via Propofol) and just simply never woke up.
I hope whatever shady/criminal/fatal business went on happened while he rested peacefully and whatever was happening inside his body to cause this happened swiftly and silently.

I don't want to think about any of the alternatives.
Murray left him to die! he might've not intended to murder him but he left him to die. when you can still save someone's life when they were still clinging on to life and you don't do anything for them it's MURDER! this is second degree murder he killed Michael

I agree!

I hope whatever shady/criminal/fatal business went on happened while he rested peacefully and whatever was happening inside his body to cause this happened swiftly and silently. .....

when it's an accident or it's caused by negligernce, it's manslaughter BUT when u display consistent lack of care and disregard for someone and ur actions cause the death of another...ur conduct, before, during, and after teh commission of the crime show both mens rea and actus reus then it'll be a lot easier to indict and convict you of murder 2.
I didn't know that Ortega talked to Dr. Murder That day.
Dorian Holley, MJ's vocal coach said it here


[FONT=&quot]"Don't believe anything you hear, I just spoke to Michael's....Doctor[/FONT]".

I'm confused....

Me too. Why would Murry tell Ortega that Michael is fine? This is F*CK*D Up Man! I know the police need to find the root of things, but 4 MONTHS??? I mean C'mon!

at 9 am LA time , murray's assistants removed boxes from a storage Murray rented in Houston, the phone call was made before 9 am LA time to Houston , Harvey the @sshole claimed the assistants received a phone call from Murray or his assistant in Vegas at 7 am LA time .
Me too. Why would Murry tell Ortega that Michael is fine? This is F*CK*D Up Man! I know the police need to find the root of things, but 4 MONTHS??? I mean C'mon!
we need to know if the doctor is infact murray.could be one of many docs who were around mj.IF ortega is saying he spoke to murray on the morning of the 25th thats very important .but whether its ttrue who knows im sure something like that would have come out more
remember houston....he had two employees empty out a storage facility there and both girls had conflicting statements about what really happened.
we need to know if the doctor is infact murray.could be one of many docs who were around mj.IF ortega is saying he spoke to murray on the morning of the 25th thats very important .but whether its ttrue who knows im sure something like that would have come out more

I don't think Ortega called any doctor that morning . He did not mention that at all, every time they asked him about when he last spoke with mj he said 1 am that day . Ortega would have said he called to check on mj that morning and he talked with Murray . but no mention of that at all.

I'm sure Murray would not have told him MJ was ok after they moved mj to the hospital . that's when ortega knew mj was in trouble .

but if indeed Ortegah called murray that morning and murray said everything was ok and the autopsy stated that MJ was dead during that call, then murray is in more shit than before .
They should get the phone records of the calls made for that entire time and to who. What's up with the mystery call if the authorities can track people's movements nowadays virtually anywhere?
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I don't think Ortega called any doctor that morning . He did not mention that at all, every time they asked him about when he last spoke with mj he said 1 am that day . Ortega would have said he called to check on mj that morning and he talked with Murray . but no mention of that at all.

I'm sure Murray would not have told him MJ was ok after they moved mj to the hospital . that's when ortega knew mj was in trouble .

but if indeed Ortegah called murray that morning and murray said everything was ok and the autopsy stated that MJ was dead during that call, then murray is in more shit than before .

yeah i agree i dont think the call was made. its would have been brought up at some point b4

They should get the phone records of the calls made for that entire time and to who.
id presume they have.they just havnt been leaked to the media or given out in search warrant info