Jackson mystery call

you know what all the evidence necessary to convict murray were appropriately recovered . I'm only worried about the two empty pill bottles diazepam and lorazepam that were recovered by jeffers phillips and handed to the coroner investigator .

those two bottles would support the theory that murray tried to create an overdose scene , but I believe chernoff will question them . on the other hand he would want every bottle of meds in that court room to prove mj was an addict . but then also comes the 9 pill bottles pf temazepam he prescribed to mj . he will be in more trouble if that evidence was allowed in
it can be allowed in. if they did a hair strand analysis, it can show it wasn't in his system nor did he take it in the time frame of his death or maybe even at all.

klien is the one who showed murray how to use the propofol
Klien himself did not administer propofol at his clinic to mj , remember when mj used it for some procedure , they went to another clinic where another doctor provided it and klien performed the procedure . that doctor's record were seized also.

as for the two pill bottles ,I reread the search warrant , they were recovered by the detectives from the bathroom on 26th of june . the 12 bottles of temazepam were handed by jeffers phillips .

they would not be admissible because mUrray would say the family or someone else planted them , or there were pills left but someone tampered with the evidence ...etc . there is noway the detectives could prove these meds were not touched or tampered with .

By Mike Parker

POLICE investigating the death of Michael Jackson believe a phone call made minutes after the singer’s heart stopped beating could hold a vital clue.

They say Dr Conrad Murray made three calls during the 47 minutes between Jackson’s cardiac arrest on June 25 and a call to summon an ambulance.

He told detectives he had been trying to resuscitate Jackson but mobile phone records have revealed he also found time to call his lawyer’s office and Jackson’s dermatologist Dr Arnold Klein.

The third was to a number police have been unable to trace, leading them to believe the owner was using a pay-as-you-go phone bought for cash.

A senior Los Angeles police source told the Sunday Express: “We are extremely anxious to trace this person. He or she could hold key evidence to a homicide investigation.

“It could also be possible they will face charges if he or she is found to have withheld important information.”

Some Jackson family members remain convinced that the Thriller star was the victim of a murder conspiracy and the person Dr Murray called went to great lengths to cover their tracks.

Jackson’s elder sister La Toya, 53, claimed in an American television interview: “There was a definite plot to kill Michael.

“I believe a number of people, to whom he was worth more dead than alive, were acting together.”

A source close to the family added: “This view is held by Michael’s parents as well as his other sisters and brothers. At the end, he was surrounded by some very creepy characters who, without doubt, did not have his best interests at heart. This was a calculated murder and a lot of facts are yet to emerge.”

Dr Murray, 55, has admitted to police that he administered the fatal dose of anaesthetic Propofol to Jackson but his lawyer Edward Chernoff has insisted: “He was not the only physician to prescribe or administer this drug.”

At 11:18am he called his Las Vegas office for 32 minutes

at 11:49am he called another Las Vegas phone for 3 minutes

at 11:51am he phoned somebody in Houston for 11 minutes.

at 12:05 pm he called MJ's assistant.

at 12: 21 pm paramedics were called

That cant be more clear, this was murder

Houston call was to get rid of the evidence.
Not only that one, evry single call has his purpose to clear what he did

But CPR is not done on a bed.

CPR orders the person to drag the person to a firm surface, aka, the floor.

And a "cardiologist" not knowing CPR procedures is like a chef not knowing how to boil an egg.
Never, you cant expeet that CPR would endup well, now the excuse they give is the bed was very frim??? come on??? how more openly cam Murray LIE??? he's lying and its shameful, no bed for firm it is can be be replaced for the floor even a 8 year old knows it...

you know what all the evidence necessary to convict murray were appropriately recovered . I'm only worried about the two empty pill bottles diazepam and lorazepam that were recovered by jeffers phillips and handed to the coroner investigator .

those two bottles would support the theory that murray tried to create an overdose scene , but I believe chernoff will question them . on the other hand he would want every bottle of meds in that court room to prove mj was an addict . but then also comes the 9 pill bottles pf temazepam he prescribed to mj . he will be in more trouble if that evidence was allowed in
You have a point, real strong point

it can be allowed in. if they did a hair strand analysis, it can show it wasn't in his system nor did he take it in the time frame of his death or maybe even at all.

klien is the one who showed murray how to use the propofol
God, Klein was the one who introduced Michael to all that anesthesia world, Klein its disgusting
I hate klien more than anyone else here, but let's be realistic here , when klien needed propofol to perform a procedure at his office , Klien took mj to a nearby clinic where an anaesthetist was present and performed the procedure while the other administered propofol . I don't believe he showed Murray anything regarding propofol . that man is Evil but not stupid . Klien's has a big problem now with the DEA because of his self prescribing . sooner or later he will pay .
well he was doing CPR at that time , and on bed . well, chernoff Murray's attorney has a very compelling explanation as to why he performed CPR on bed , he put his hand under mj's back . so we have a hand under mj's back and a hand doing CPR but he was also on the phone for 47 minutes . go figure .

Has he got 3 hands or something? :p
Yes, I remember reading this. There were two calls made to Murray's office in Houston around 6:30 pacific time where Murray ordered his assistants to remove the boxes. I fear Michael may have been already gone by this time.

paramedics arrived at about half past noon, this would imply mj was dead for at least six hours by then. is it feasible to assume mj was dead for so long with murray standing a chance to fool both paramedics and the coroner about tod?

something else: murray claimed mj had still a pulse at about 11am when he came back from the restroom. according to the theory that mj was already dead at 6:30am he would have been dead since more than five hours by then. -- if murray felt he'd be able to fool the coroner for five hours, why not fool him for six hours? why not claim he came back from a restroom break at about noon and found mj not breathing? that would have made his life alot easier bc then he wouldnt need to explain away the phone calls be made between 11 and 12 oclock.
paramedics arrived at about half past noon, this would imply mj was dead for at least six hours by then. is it feasible to assume mj was dead for so long with murray standing a chance to fool both paramedics and the coroner about tod?

something else: murray claimed mj had still a pulse at about 11am when he came back from the restroom. according to the theory that mj was already dead at 6:30am he would have been dead since more than five hours by then. -- if murray felt he'd be able to fool the coroner for five hours, why not fool him for six hours? why not claim he came back from a restroom break at about noon and found mj not breathing? that would have made his life alot easier bc then he wouldnt need to explain away the phone calls be made between 11 and 12 oclock.

the paramedics said MJ was far long gone when they arrived and although murray asked them to keep working on him they knew everything was over because "he was FAR LONG GONE " that what the chief said on CNN . they usually come get the patient and head back immediately to hosital but Murray INSISTED they work on him at his house and refused to allow them to remove him . they kept working on him for 42 minutes at his house and then finally murray allowed them to remove him .
why not claim he came back from a restroom break at about noon and found mj not breathing? that would have made his life alot easier bc then he wouldnt need to explain away the phone calls be made between 11 and 12 oclock.

that what Chernoff is saying now that the phone calls were before he went to the restroom and before he found mj's with weak pulse .
I pray the truth will prevail. The sad thing about it all. Michael will be put on trial once again. We the fans cannot retreat on this we have to fight for him now. They are going to make him look like an around the clock addict.
Well, blame no one but his family who in their attempt to get his money portrayed him as an out of his mind junkie that had never listened to them .
This is the Daily Express - a tabloid. Tabloids are no longer allowed on MJJC. Only TMZ.
if murray is never punished for this, he has already ruined his life. he will be hated wherever he goes, and its gonna eat at him till he cant take it anymore.
ha sneddon has no career. ten kids w/ a craptastic pension in SANTA BARBARA...good living my ass

the arvizos...well karma is a big bitch...and the chandlers? dysfunction junction. dad assaulted son, could've killed him. mom is botoxed vial of sadness doesn't see her son, no relationship w/ daughter...and well, can't even cry cuz u know...the botox
MURRAY is the BLAME FOR THIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. If Murray was stupid enough to listen to Klein, that is MUrray stupidity. He is a doctor and know the rules of medicine. end of story.
At 11:18am he called his Las Vegas office for 32 minutes

at 11:49am he called another Las Vegas phone for 3 minutes

at 11:51am he phoned somebody in Houston for 11 minutes.

at 12:05 pm he called MJ's assistant.

at 12: 21 pm paramedics were called

how do you know that it is true??? IS this according to news articles, right????
Can we trust them????? we don't know if they provide us with the exact time....
Everything is according to media... It's difficult to believe in them!
MURRAY is the BLAME FOR THIS AT THE END OF THE DAY. If Murray was stupid enough to listen to Klein, that is MUrray stupidity. He is a doctor and know the rules of medicine. end of story.

yeahh I agree with you..I think the same.. BUT there are also other sources that assure different points of view. for instance: this is not it campaign and family for instance....
BUT yeah I hate MURRAY.. He forget every single rule that day.. and THE KING OF POP IS GONE! :((((((((((
ha sneddon has no career. ten kids w/ a craptastic pension in SANTA BARBARA...good living my ass

the arvizos...well karma is a big bitch...and the chandlers? dysfunction junction. dad assaulted son, could've killed him. mom is botoxed vial of sadness doesn't see her son, no relationship w/ daughter...and well, can't even cry cuz u know...the botox

they are all breathing. sneddon retired
yeahh I agree with you..I think the same.. BUT there are also other sources that assure different points of view. for instance: this is not it campaign and family for instance....
BUT yeah I hate MURRAY.. He forget every single rule that day.. and THE KING OF POP IS GONE! :((((((((((
I believe people like Klein, Steven Hoffin, and others doctors have used this drug on Michael; however, Murray used it OUTSIDE of a hospital and for the wrong porpose, for that, all of the blame falls on MUrray. I do not care if MJ asked for it (Michael is no doctor and he does NOT know medicine), Murray is the doctor and should have been a doctor but he did not because he wanted money and now look, Murray has lost everything. When will people learn.
I believe people like Klein, Steven Hoffin, and others doctors have used this drug on Michael; however, Murray used it OUTSIDE of a hospital and for the wrong porpose, for that, all of the blame falls on MUrray. I do not care if MJ asked for it (Michael is no doctor and he does NOT know medicine), Murray is the doctor and should have been a doctor but he did not because he wanted money and now look, Murray has lost everything. When will people learn.

YEAHHH TERREL... I think the same..... I agree with you. you are right!!!! yeahhh

BY tHE WAY, Do you know if the timeline of calls is true?????
ha sneddon has no career. ten kids w/ a craptastic pension in SANTA BARBARA...good living my ass

the arvizos...well karma is a big bitch...and the chandlers? dysfunction junction. dad assaulted son, could've killed him. mom is botoxed vial of sadness doesn't see her son, no relationship w/ daughter...and well, can't even cry cuz u know...the botox

I LOVE your posts ! So true, and still you manage to say very sad rhings in a funny way.
Aug. 26, 2009


Cops: Doc on Phone While MJ Not Breathing
After Dr. Conrad Murray Found Jackson Unconscious, He Called Office, Stayed on Phone for Half Hour, Police Say

Video link:

(CBS) More details about what happened in the final hours of Michael Jackson's life are surfacing, especially what occurred during the critical 81 minute gap between when Los Angeles police say his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, found Jackson not breathing to when he finally called 911.

Police say that, after Murray found Jackson unconscious, he called his office and stayed on the phone for a full half-hour, "Early Show" national correspondent Hattie Kauffman reported on the broadcast Wednesday.

A police affadavit says Murray found Jackson not breathing at 11 a.m. the day the singer died. But the 911 call wasn't made until 12:21 p.m. And now, cell phone records show Murray made 47 minutes worth of other calls.

At 11:18 a.m., Murray made a 32-minute call to his office in Las Vegas. At 11:49 a.m., he called another Las Vegas phone number for three minutes. And at 11:51 a.m., he called Houston for 11 minutes. Then at 12:12 p.m., he called a Jackson associate for one minute.

Kauffman reported the police affidavit shows these calls happened while Jackson was unconscious in his bed and Murray was performing CPR.

Legal experts say that, if Murray is charged with a crime, it might not just be just for administering dangerous drugs, but also for not reacting quickly enough to a dying patient.

CBS News legal analyst Lisa Bloom said, "I think any reasonable person would expect Dr. Murray to administer CPR and call 911 immediately. ... This is proof of reckless conduct. That's exactly what law enforcement needs for a manslaughter charge."

Still, Las Vegas defense attorney Robert Langford cautions,there could be an explanation for the long phone call. Langford said, "Was he talking to another physician? Trying to find out if there was some other drug he could adminster to revive him? I mean we don't know. ... It's really premature to say that that shows some criminal intent."

Kauffman reported Murray's Las Vegas office has been closed for some time recently and Murray himself remains in his home, keeping a low profile.

© MMIX, CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Thanks for the article. I do believe it to be true. ALL those calls were made to get rid of evidence and cover Murray's neglectful behind! But I can't wrap my head around a "conspiracy" to murder Michael, as LaToya has suggested, because Murray would've had to of agreed to take the fall, thus ruining his life, which I can't see anyone agreeing to.
At 11:18am he called his Las Vegas office for 32 minutes

at 11:49am he called another Las Vegas phone for 3 minutes

at 11:51am he phoned somebody in Houston for 11 minutes.

at 12:05 pm he called MJ's assistant.

at 12: 21 pm paramedics were called

I didn't know that Ortega talked to Dr. Murder That day.
Dorian Holley, MJ's vocal coach said it here


[FONT=&quot]"Don't believe anything you hear, I just spoke to Michael's....Doctor[/FONT]".

I'm confused....
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The timing of those calls tell a lot imo. The argument that he could be calling a colleague for medical advice doens't fly one bit with me. I don't care how much advice you seek, if someone's friggin dying you call 911 first! A toddler can tell you that...

As far as the lapd goes, all I can say is DO SOMETHING!
It doesn't matter who he was talking to because he should have call 911 immediately. I don't get how he didn't do that and waited so long when Michael could have been saved. And still nothing being charged against this guy.
Why isn't he in jail yet??????????????????????????????????

I don't get it.......... Do they need a video to do something??????

A police affadavit says Murray found Jackson not breathing at 11 a.m.

At 11:18 a.m., Murray made a 32-minute call to his office in Las Vegas. At 11:49 a.m., he called another Las Vegas phone number for three minutes. And at 11:51 a.m., he called Houston for 11 minutes. Then at 12:12 p.m., he called a Jackson associate for one minute.

The police affidavit shows these calls happened while Jackson was unconscious in his bed and Murray was performing CPR.

....You can't not breathe for 18 - 72 minutes and still be "unconscious"...

Am I missing something?